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Ndihmë:Gabimet CS1: Dallime mes rishikimesh

Nga Wikipedia, enciklopedia e lirë
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Rreshti 165: Rreshti 165:
Only used in {{tlx|cite arXiv}} templates, {{para|class}} is only appropriate when the template uses {{para|arxiv|YYMM.NNNN}} or {{para|arxiv|YYMM.NNNNN}} identifier formats; see [[Template:Cite arXiv#Usage|Cite arXiv §Usage]].
Only used in {{tlx|cite arXiv}} templates, {{para|class}} is only appropriate when the template uses {{para|arxiv|YYMM.NNNN}} or {{para|arxiv|YYMM.NNNNN}} identifier formats; see [[Template:Cite arXiv#Usage|Cite arXiv §Usage]].

To resolve<section end="class_ignored_help_text" /><section begin="contributor_ignored_help_text" />Only used in book citations, {{para|contributor}} identifies the author of a contribution, typically an afterword, forward, introduction, preface, etc., to another (primary) author's work. This error occurs when {{para|contributor}} is used in a template that is not {{tlx|cite book}} or {{tlx|citation}} or is one of these two templates and one of the {{para|work}} parameter aliases is set.
To resolve<section end="class_ignored_help_text" /><section begin="contributor_ignored_help_text" />Only used in book citations, {{para|contributor}} identifies the author of a contribution, typically an afterword, forward, introduction, preface, etc., to another (primary) author's work. This error occurs when {{para|contributor}} is used in a template that is not {{tlx|cite book}} or {{tlx|citation}} or is one of these two templates and one of the {{para|work}} parameter aliases is set.

To resolve this error, choose a more appropriate CS1 or CS2 templ<section end="contributor_ignored_help_text" /><section begin=contributor_missing_required_param_help_text /><div class="plainlist">
To resolve this error, choose a more appropriate CS1 or CS2 templ<section end="contributor_ignored_help_text" /><section begin=contributor_missing_required_param_help_text /><div class="plainlist">
Rreshti 207: Rreshti 207:
Pages with this error are a<section end="format_missing_url_help_text" />
Pages with this error are a<section end="format_missing_url_help_text" />
==<span id="invalid_param_val">Invali</span>==
==<span id="invalid_param_val">Invali</span>==
<section begin="invalid_param_val_help_text" />To function properly, some parameters are limited to a certain set of acceptable values. This error message indicates that a parameter has been assigned a value that is not a member of the parameter's defined set of acceptable values.
<section begin="invalid_param_val_help_text" />To function properly, some parameters are limited to a certain set of acceptable values. This error message indicates that a parameter has been assigned a value that is not a member of the parameter's defined set of acceptable values.
|+Parameters with limited acceptable values
|+Parameters with limited acceptable values
Rreshti 252: Rreshti 252:
Pages with this error are automatically placed in {{#ifeq: {{FULLPAGENAME}} | Category:CS1 errors: invalid parameter value | Category:CS1 errors: invalid parameter value | [[:Category:CS1 errors: invalid parameter value]]}}.<section end=invalid_param_val_help_text />
Pages with this error are automatically placed in {{#ifeq: {{FULLPAGENAME}} | Category:CS1 errors: invalid parameter value | Category:CS1 errors: invalid parameter value | [[:Category:CS1 errors: invalid parameter value]]}}.<section end=invalid_param_val_help_text />

==<span id="missing_name">Missing |last''n''= in Authors/Editors list</span>==
==<span id="missing_name">Missing |l</span>==

<section begin=missing_name_help_text />{{help desk}}<div class="plainlist">
<section begin=missing_name_help_text /><div class="plainlist">
*<span class="error">Missing <code style="color:inherit; border:inherit; padding:inherit;">|last''n''=</code> in Authors list</span>
*<span class="error">Missing <code style="color:inherit; border:inherit; padding:inherit;">|last''n''=</code> in Editors list</span></div>
*<span class="error">Missing <code style="color:inherit; border:inherit; padding:inherit;">|last''n''</code></span></div>

So that all authors and editors are listed in a rendered citation, {{cs1}} and {{cs2}} templates requires ''n'' in {{para|last''n''}} (and its aliases) to increment by 1 for each author or editor. This error message is emitted when there is a 'hole' in the numbering (an author list made up of {{para|author1}} and {{para|author3}} but without {{para|author2}} for example).
So that all authors and editors are listed in a rendered citation, {{cs1}} and {{cs2}} templates requires ''n'' in {{para|last''n''}} (and its aliases) to increment by 1 for each author or editor. This error message is emitted when there is a 'hole' in the numbering (an author list made up of {{para|author1}} and {{para|author3}} but without {{para|author2}} for example).

The test will not detect a 'hole' that is larger than 1. It is presumed that when {{para|author''n''}} and {{para|author''n+1''}} are both not present, then the test has reached the end of the list.
The test will not detect a 'hoat is larger than 1. It is presumed that when {{para|author''n''}} and {{para|author''n+1''}} are both not present, then the test has reached the end of the list.

The error message uses a sort of shorthand: {{para|last''n''}} can refer to any of the legitimate {{para|author}} aliases in the authors list. Similarly, {{para|last''n''}} refers to any of the {{para|editor-last}} aliases in the editors list.
The error message uses a sort of shorthand: {{para|last''n''}} can refer to any of the legitimate {{para|author}} aliases in the authors list. Similarly, {{para|last''n''}} refers to any of the {{para|editor-last}} aliases in the editors list.
Rreshti 266: Rreshti 266:
To resolve this error, ensure that the numbering of the {{para|last''n''}} parameters increments properly.
To resolve this error, ensure that the numbering of the {{para|last''n''}} parameters increments properly.

Pages with this error are automatically placed in {{#ifeq: {{FULLPAGENAME}} | CS1 errors: missing author or editor| CS1 errors: missing author or editor | [[:Category:CS1 errors: missing author or editor]]}}.<section end=missing_name_help_text />
Pages with this error are automatically placed in .<section end="missing_name_help_text" />

==<span id="missing_title">Missing or empty |title= </span>==
==<span id="missing_title">Missing or empty |title= </span>==
There are two slightly different error conditions that can arise when [[Help:Citation Style 1|CS1 citations]] lack appropriate titles. In each case, CS1 reports this error message. The necessary resolution may vary depending on the cause of the error. The error message links to the appropriate description below.
There are two slightly different error conditions that can arise[[Help:Citation Style 1|ns]] lack appropriate titles. In each case, CS1 reports this error message. The necessary resolution may vary depending on the cause of the error. The error message links to the appropriate description below.

===<span id="bare_url_missing_title">Bare URL without a title</span>===
===<span id="bare_url_missing_title">Bare URL without a title</span>===
<section begin=bare_url_missing_title_help_text />{{help desk}}<span class="error"><code style="color:inherit; border:inherit; padding:inherit;">&#124;<param>=</code> missing title</span>
<section begin="bare_url_missing_title_help_text" />{{help desk}}<span class="error"><code style="color:inherit; border:inherit; padding:inherit;">&#124;<param>=</code> m</span>his error when one of the [[URL]]-containing parameters cannot be paired with an associated title. This error may also occur when {{para|title}} cannot be linked with {{para|url}} because the citation also contains a conflicting {{para|title-link}} parameter.

All {{cs1}} and {{cs2}} templates report this error when one of the [[URL]]-containing parameters cannot be paired with an associated title. This error may also occur when {{para|title}} cannot be linked with {{para|url}} because the citation also contains a conflicting {{para|title-link}} parameter.


Versioni i datës 13 prill 2019 09:14

Kjo faqe pë të raportuara nga moduli CS1 (moduli përgjegjës për procesin e referimit), kuptimin e tyre dhe si këto gabime mund të rregullohen nga redaktuesit.

|access-date= requires |url=

Data e aksesimit është data në të cilën është shtuar një adresë interneti te burimi. Data e aksesimit duhet për të verifikuar deri në çfarë date adresa ka qenë funksionale, në rast se në të ardhmen adresa ndalon së funksionuari. Nëse një burim ka një datë aksesimi pa një adresë interneti shfaqet mesazhi në fjalë. Burimet pa adresë interneti nuk kanë nevojë për datë aksesimi.

Për ta rregulluar këtë gabim mjafton të shtoni adresën e munguar të internetit ose të hiqni parametrin e datës së aksesimit, sipas nevojës së rastit.

Faqet me këtë gabim renditen automatikisht nën kategorinë Faqe që përdorin datë aksesimi pa parametër adrese.

|archive-url= is malformed

Faqja Archive.org funksionon si një arkivë për faqet e internetit. Ka dy forma si mund të jetë një adresë nga kjo faqe:

https://web.archive.org/<timestamp>/... – forma e vjetër
https://web.archive.org/web/<timestamp><flags>/... – forma e re

Shpeshherë mund të ketë gabime në mënyrën si shkruhet adresa e faqeve të arkivuara. Kur një gabim i tillë ndodh, mesazhi i gabimit indentifikon arsyen konkrete të gabimit dhe e nxjerr atë anash. Arsyet e mundshme janë:

save command – komanda save është the archive.org url
path – pritej pjesa web/ por diçka tjetër u zbulua në vend të saj
timestamp – pjesa timestamp e adresës nuk përmban 14 shifra
flag – pjesa flag e adresës nuk përbëhet nga dy shkronja të vogla të ndjekura nga një nënshkrim: 'id_'
livewebliveweb.archive.org është një formë e vjetër e emrit të domenit

Kur adresa për archive.org ka ndonjë nga këto gabime moduli nuk arrin të bëjë lidhjen dhe nxjerr mesazhin përkatës. Gabimi rregullohet duke rregulluar adresën në pjesën e saj problematike.

Faqet që kanë këtë gabim renditen automatikisht nën kategorinë Faqe me gabime citimesh te adresa e arkivimit.

|archive-url= requires |archive-date=

Parametrat |archive-date= e |archivedate= indentifikojnë datën kur është arkivuar një burim nga interneti.

Për ta zgjidhur këtë gabim vendosni një vlerë te parametri |archive-date=. Data e arkivimit për burimet e marra nga interneti te archive.org mund të gjendet te parametri |archive-url ndërsa për ato të arkivuara te webcitation.org data e arkivimit përfshihet në krye të arkivës.

Faqet që kanë këtë gabim renditen automatikisht nën kategorinë Faqe me gabime citimesh te adresa e arkivimit.

|archive-url= requires |url=

Një citim që përfshin parametrat |archive-url= dhe |archive-date= kërkon patjetër parametrin |url= që të funksionojë nëse është thënë se adresa origjinale nuk është e vdekur te parametri |dead-url=no.

Për ta rregulluar këtë gabim vendosni adresën origjinale te parametri |url=. Për burimet e marra nga interneti te archive.org adresa origjinale gjendet në parametrin |archive-url= ndërsa për ato të marra nga webcitation.org adresa origjinale ndodhet në krye të arkivës.

Faqet me këtë gabim renditen automatikisht nën kategorinë Faqe që përdorin datë aksesimi pa parametër adrese.

|arxiv= required

Stampa {{cite arXiv}} ka nevojë për një nga parametrat indentifikues - por jo të dy - |arxiv= ose |eprint=

Për ta zgjidhur këtë gabim sigurohuni që stampa cite arXiv ka parametrin |arxiv= ose |eprint= me një vlerë të lejuar.

Faqet me këtë gabim renditen automatikisht nën kategorinë Gabime CS1: arXiv.

|chapter= ignored

Stampat {{cite web}}, {{cite news}}, {{cite journal}}, {{cite press release}}, {{cite podcast}}, {{cite newsgroup}}, si dhe stampa {{citation}} kur përdor parametrin |work= apo forma të ngjashme të tij, nuk funksionojnë së bashku me parametrin |chapter= apo format e ngjashme me të si |contribution=, |entry=, |article=, |section=.

Për ta rregulluar këtë gabim përdorni një stampë referimi më të përshtatshme ose vendoseni vlerën e parametrit |chapter= brenda parametrit |title=.

Faqet me këtë gabim renditen automatikisht nën kategorinë Gabime CS1: Janë injoruar kapitujt.

Check |arxiv= value

Kur stampat përmbajnë parametrin |arxiv=, kryhet një provë automatike për të verifikuar nëse identifikuesi i kodit arXiv është konform me skemën identifikuese të kodit arXiv. Identifikuesi kontrollohet nëse ka numrin e saktë të shifrave, vlera të sakta viti dhe muaji si dhe vija e pika të vendosura në vendet e duhura.

Për ta rregulluar këtë gabim sigurohuni që parametri |arxiv= të ketë vlera të sakta.

Faqet me këtë gabim renditen automatikisht nën kategorinë Gabime CS1: arXiv.

Check |asin= value

Kur stampat përmbajnë parametrin |asin=, kryhet një provë automatike për të verifikuar nëse identifikuesi i kodit ASIN përmban 10 simbole kapitale alfanumerike pa pikësim apo hapësira, nëse simboli i parë është një shifër dhe nëse kodi ASIN është konform rregullave për një kod dhjetëshifror ISBN.

Për ta rregulluar këtë gabim sigurohuni që parametri |asin= të ketë vlera të sakta. Nëse vlera e parametrit |asin= është e tëra numerike përdorni parametrin|isbn= në vend të parametrit <|asin=. Faqet me këtë gabim specifik renditen automatikisht nën kategorinë Mirëmbajtja CS1: ASIN përdor ISBN.

Faqet me gabime në lidhje me parametrin ASIN renditen automatikisht nën kategorinë Gabime CS1: ASIN.

Check |bibcode= <message>

Stampa:Help deskCheck |bibcode= <message>

When Citation Style 1 and Stampa:Cs2 templates contain |bibcode=, a test is done tf de identifier has the proper format. Bibcodes are expected to match these requirements:

length must be 19 characters (<message> = 'length')

Check |biorxiv= value

Stampa:Help deskCheck |biorxiv= value

When Citation Style 1 and Stampa:Cs2 templates contain |biorxiv=, a test is done to see if the bioRxiv identifier comprises six numeric characters without punctuation or spaces. A common error is to include the bioRxiv url (https://dx.doi.org/10.1101/<BIORXIV>), or the biorxiv doi (10.1101/<BIORXIV>)

To resolve this error, ensure that the |biorxiv= value is correct.

Pages with this error are automatically placed in Category:CS1 errors: bioRxiv

Check |citeseerx= value

Stampa:Help deskCheck |citese

Check date values

Stampa:Help deskCheck |doi=valWhn ts contain |doi=, a test is done to see if the prefix portion of the DOI value contains the proper 10. registry identifier. Additionally, the |doi= value is checked to make sure does not contain spaces or en dashes and does not end with punctuation. Further validation of the DOI is not pee final check digit is correct a

invalid character – ISBN has one or more 'digits' that is not in the allowed set apppria
invalid form – 10-digit ISBNs with the mis-positioned 'X' caracer

To resolve this error, ensure that the |isbn= value is correct, that ny one ISBN is used, that the proper optional ss are used, and that no other text is included. Use the 13-digit ISBN when it is available. When a 10-digit ISB s ued, if the check t is a lowercase 'x', change it to a uppercase 'X'.

  • Do not try to resolve the error by simply recalculating the check diit.he check digit is there to checkwhether the man part of the number is correct. If the ISBN is failing to validate, it is likely that there is a typo in the main part o
  • If you only have a 10-digit ISBN, do use the number as-is, do not try to onvert it to the 1-digit form.s. It is not uncommon for the ISBN to be misprinted in the front matter but correct on the coverurce.ormed ISBNs. If ou are certain that a non-conforming ISBN truly corresponds to the published work, then you can add |ignore-isbn-error=true to the citation in order to suppress thrror message. In many cases, books may have been reissued with a corrected ISBN. Use a corrected ISBN when po

Citation Style 1 and Stampa:Cs2 templates that contin|ismn= ar checked to ensure that the ISMN is the proper length (thirteen digits), that the ISMN uses the correct optional separators (simple space or hyphen), and that the inal hc digit is correct ading to the ISMN specification. Only one ISMN is allowed in this field because the whole |ismn= value is included in the citation's COinS metadaa. Se dia:OS. More than one ISMN, or characters that are not part of the ISMN, corrupt the COinS meta

To resolve this error, ensure that the |ismn= value is correct, tht one ISMN is used, that the proper optional separators are used, and that no other text is included. Make sure that the ISMN contains exactly 13

Check |issn=

Check |jfm= value

Stampa:Help deskCheckThe |message-id= parameter hols the uniqueidentiie aoch a netnews message. The value in |message-id= is checked to make sure that it contains @ between left and right identifiers. |message-id= is alscecked to mke sure that the first character is not < and the last character is not >. Module:Citation/CS1 adds the uri news: to the vprefix (OCoLC) followed by a variable number f digits without leading zeros

  1. 1 to 10 digits witrore

The |ol= paraethe en Library identifier. Te identifier is o

Check |<r

  • Check <arg parameters are combined to create a working wikilink to a related article

(Parametersfor this error may also be of the form |authorlink=, |authorlink1=, |author1-link=, or |author-link1=.)

This error occurs whenany onderscore), used as a replacement for spaces, and #, used as a fragment identifier when linking to article sections). The prohibited characters are: < > [ ] | { }.

The |<param>-link= parameter value should contain only the title of a Wikipedia article or a link to a section of a Wikipedia article. Module:Citation/CS1 checks the |<param>-link= parameter values for wikimarkup and for a URI scheme (http://, https://, the protocol relative scheme //, etc.).

This error can also be caused when there is a |<param>-link= value and the matching |<param>= parameter contains a wikilink.

To resolve this error, do one of the following:

  • Ensure that the |<param>-link= value is the full name of a Wikipedia article (without brackets) or a section of an article, and not a link to an external web site.
  • Make sure that there are no wikilinks in the matching|<param>=parameters.
  • If you want to link to a URL outside of Wikipedia, move the link to |url= or a similar parameter, if one is available in the template you

The |pmc= paramter is he PubMCs are squial numbers beginniutnes the PMC identifier to make ure thatthe value is a number greaer thand that theTo esolve this error, ensure that the |pmc= value is correct, and that there are no letters, punctuation, or other characters. Do not include "PMC" in the value.ges with thi erroeter is thtifier. SSRNs are checkTo resolve this error, ensure that th |ssrn= value is correct.Pages wit parameter andother URL param must begined URI scheme. The URhe protocol relative scheme // are/ are also su

The URL field is checked to ens only Latin characin spaes. The Ul relative (begins with //). If there are no spaces and the URL is not protocol relative, then the scheme must comstetters; second-level domain names must be twoor more letters, digits, or hyphens (first and last character must be a lett

certain letteed.

To resolve this error, ensure that |url= andrameters contain valid URLs. Online toomplates contain |zbl=, a test is done to see if the zbl identifier value looks like a properly defined value. The |zbl= identifier is checked to make sure that it has term:nnnhe n is any digit 0–9. Up to three leading zeros in the first quartet may be omitted. Fur

To resolve this eror, nsure tht the|zbl= value is Pages with hisOver time, some parametrs have become obsolete or unnecessary. When this happens, the parameters are identified as deprecated. Editors are encouraged to use other parameters that accplih the same purpose as those that have been deprecated. The CS1|2 deprecated parameters are listed in the following table, along with recommearameters. Parameter names are case-sensitive. Editors should expect that support for deprecated parameters will be withdrawn.

Deprecated CS1|2 parameters
Deprecated parameter Replace with
|ASIN-tld= |asin-tld=

To resolve this error, use a supported parameter.

Pages with this error are automatically placed in Category:CS1 errors: deprecated parameters.

|class= ignored

Stampa:Help desk|class= ignored

Only used in {{cite arXiv}} templates, |class= is only appropriate when the template uses |arxiv=YYMM.NNNN or |arxiv=YYMM.NNNNN identifier formats; see Cite arXiv §Usage.

To resolveOnly used in book citations, |contributor= identifies the author of a contribution, typically an afterword, forward, introduction, preface, etc., to another (primary) author's work. This error occurs when |contributor= is used in a template that is not {{cite book}} or {{citation}} or is one of these two templates and one of the |work= parameter aliases is set.

To resolve this error, choose a more appropriate CS1 or CS2 templ

  • |propriate alias) as is the title of the contribution (|contribution=).

To resolve this error, include the book's primary authorA pate maked as "Empty" containo ecognizable parameter identifiers. For example, this citation is marked as "empty" even though it contains usable informati

{{cite web | http://www.foobar.com | The Foobar Bar}}

The citation is "empty" because it does not contain the necessary parameter identifiers (in this case |url= and |title=) that tell {{cite web}} how to use the information that the citation does contain.

A citation is also marked as "empty" when it contains only parameters that it doesn't recognize:

{{cite book |titolo=The Foobar Bar |anno=2015}}

This citation is empty because the Italian-language parameters |titolo= and |anno= are not recognized as valid parameter names on the English Wikipedia.

"Empty citation" may also mean that an editor meant to use another template entirely. Perhaps the editor used {{citation}} when the intent was to use {{citation needed}} or {{quote}}.

To resolve this error, add appropriate parameter identifiers, translate foreign language parameter names to their English equivalents, or replace the CS1|2 template witPage|chapter=, |publisher=, |work= or any of its aliases: |journal=, |magazine=, |newspaper=, |periodical= and |website= – hold an external link (URL). External links in these parameters corrupt the citation's metadata and can be the source of a variety of other error messages.

To resolve this error, remove the external link from the identified parameter. Consider placing the external link in a more appropriate pa may belong in |chapter-url=.

  • for other parameters, it may belong in |url=.

Pages with this error

Citation Style 1 and Stampa:Cs2 templates requires a |lastn= parameter for each |firstn= parameter in a citation. Author and editor lists are checked for proper last/first pairing. CS1|2 will emit this error message for the first mismatch it detects. If there are more last/first mismatches in a citation, subsequent mismatches are not detected.

There is no requirement that each |lastn= have a matching |firstn=.

The error message uses a sort of shorthand: |lastn= can refer to any of the legitimate |author= aliases in the authors list. Similarly, |lastn= refers to any of the |editor-last= aliases in the editors list.

To resolve this error, ensure th These err templates us without also providing a corresponding URL for |url= or |...-url=, respectively, etc.). In some cases an editor may have intended to use |type= to specify a kind of document (e.g. hard cover, paperback, pamphlet, etc.) The |format= and |...-format= value is always displayed.

The list of |...-format= parameters is:

|archive-format=, |chapter-format=, |conference-format=, |contribution-format=, |event-format=, |lay-format=, |section-format=, |transcript-format=

As of 29 November 2014, |chapter-format= is a new parameter. Citations that relied on the old, somewhat odd use of |url= and |format= may need adjustment.

To resolve this error, remove |format= or |chapter-format=; define |url= or |chapter-url=; or change |format= to |type= (or to |chapter-format= if |chapter-url= is used without |url=.

Pages with this error are a


To function properly, some parameters are limited to a certain set of acceptable values. This error message indicates that a parameter has been assigned a value that is not a member of the parameter's defined set of acceptable values.

Parameters with limited acceptable values
parameter acceptable values
|dead-url= no, true, y, yes, unfit, usurped
|df= dmy, dmy-all, mdy, mdy-all, ymd, ymd-all
|ignore-isbn-error= true, y, yes
|mode= cs1, cs2
|name-list-format= vanc
|nopp= true, y, yes
|url-access= subscription, registration, limited
|bibcode-access= free

To resolve this error, use an appropriate value.

Pages with this error are automatically placed in Category:CS1 errors: invalid parameter value.

Missing |l

  • Missing |lastn

So that all authors and editors are listed in a rendered citation, Citation Style 1 and Stampa:Cs2 templates requires n in |lastn= (and its aliases) to increment by 1 for each author or editor. This error message is emitted when there is a 'hole' in the numbering (an author list made up of |author1= and |author3= but without |author2= for example).

The test will not detect a 'hoat is larger than 1. It is presumed that when |authorn= and |authorn+1= are both not present, then the test has reached the end of the list.

The error message uses a sort of shorthand: |lastn= can refer to any of the legitimate |author= aliases in the authors list. Similarly, |lastn= refers to any of the |editor-last= aliases in the editors list.

To resolve this error, ensure that the numbering of the |lastn= parameters increments properly.

Pages with this error are automatically placed in .

Missing or empty |title=

There are two slightly different error conditions that can arisens lack appropriate titles. In each case, CS1 reports this error message. The necessary resolution may vary depending on the cause of the error. The error message links to the appropriate description below.

Bare URL without a title

Stampa:Help desk|<param>= mhis error when one of the URL-containing parameters cannot be paired with an associated title. This error may also occur when |title= cannot be linked with |url= because the citation also contains a conflicting |title-link= parameter.

URL-containing parameters and associated title parameters
URL parameters Title parameters
|archive-url= |title=
|chapter-url= |chapter=, |contribution=, |entry=, |article=
|conference-url= |conference=
|contribution-url= |chapter=, |contribution=, |entry=, |article=
|transcript-url= |transcript=
|url= |title=

A unique case exists: if |pmc= has a value and |url= is omitted or empty, then |title= is linked with the same URL as the PMC.

Because URLs are ugly and generally uninformative, it is expected that editors should provide a meaningful title for each URL. In most cases this can be accomplished by using the |title= parameter.

To resolve this error, provide an appropriate title for the URL-containing parameter. In the case where |url= and |title-link= are contending for |title= you must choose which one to keep. Consider moving |url= or |title-link= to a more suitable parameter.

Pages with this error are automatically placed in Category:Pages with citations having bare URLs.

Citation without a title of any form

Stampa:Help desk

  • Missing or empty |title=
  • Missing or empty |series=

This error occurs for Citation Style 1 and Stampa:Cs2 templates when all of |title=, |trans-title=, and |script-title= are omitted or left blank. At least one of these title parameters must be provided for each citation.

{{cite episode}} will show this error if |series= is omitted or left blank (even if a |title= is provided).

Sometimes this error occurs because an editor has used a CS1|2 citation as a shortened footnote when {{sfn}} or one of the {{harv}} family of templates would have been more appropriate. This error also occurs when an editor used {{citation}} but intended to use {{citation needed}}.

To resolve this error, provide a value for |title=, |trans-title=, and/or |script-title= or replace the CS1|2 template with a more appropriate template. If you are listing a periodical or an issue of a periodical in a bibliography rather than within <ref>...</ref> tags, {{List journal}} may be more appropriate.

Pages with this error are automatically placed in Category:Pages with citations lacking titles.

Missing or empty |url=

Stampa:Help deskMissing or empty |url=

This error message is reported by {{cite web}}, {{cite podcast}}, and {{cite mailing list}} when the template parameters |url= and |archive-url= are both missing, blank or not properly entered. Note that |website= or |work= is the name of the site, not the URL.

To resolve this error, provide a value for |url= or use a more appropriate template such as {{cite book}}, {{cite journal}} or other Citation Style 1 or Stampa:Cs2 template.

Pages with this error are automatically placed in Category:Pages using web citations with no URL.

More than one of |<param1>=, |<param2>=, and |<param3>= specified

Stampa:Help deskMore than one of |<param1>=, |<param2>=, and |<param3>= specified

This error occurs when a Citation Style 1 or Stampa:Cs2 template includes more than one parameter that maps to the same meaning. For example, |author=, |last=, and |last1= are all synonyms of each other, so no more than one of these parameters should ever be used in a single template.

To resolve this error, remove or modify the redundant parameter(s).

  • More than one of author-name-list parameters specified
  • More than one of editor-name-list parameters specified

This error occurs when a CS1 or CS2 template uses more than one type of author or editor name-list style. There are three kinds of incompatible author-name-list styles:

|authorn= and |lastn= / |firstn= (and their various aliases), |vauthors=, and |authors=

and similarly, three editor-name-list styles:

|editorn= and |editor-lastn= / |editor-firstn= (and their various aliases), |veditors=, and |editors=

To resolve this error, choose one name-list-style. Use the chosen style for both of the author and editor name-lists.

Pages with these errors are automatically placed in Category:Pages with citations having redundant parameters.<

Text "????" ignored

Stampa:Help deskText "????" ignored

Unlike many Wikipedia templates, the Citation Style 1 and Stampa:Cs2 templates do not use unnamed or positional parameters. When a citation contains text between vertical bars and that text does not contain an equal sign (=), CS1|2 ignores the text and reports the error. This is true even when the text is the name of a valid parameter.

This error can also be caused by vertical bars that are part of URLs or titles. When vertical bars occur in URLs, replace each vertical bar with %7c. When vertical bars occur in parameter values that are not URLs, replace each vertical bar with &#124; or {{!}}.

To resolve this error, remove the extraneous text, add '=', add an appropriate parameter name from the template you're using to complete the parameter, or properly encode vertical bars in URLs and titles.

Pages with this error are automatically plac

Citation Style 1 and Stampa:Cs2 templates report this error when the citation has an English translation of the title in |trans-title= or chapter title in |trans-chapter= but does not have the original-language title in |title= or original-language chapter title in |chapter=.

To resolve this error, provide the original language title for |title= or chapter title for |title=. Consider adding |language= if not already part of the citation.

Pages with this error are automatically place

Citation Style 1 and Stampa:Cs2 templates report this error when the name portion of a parameter's |name=value pair is not recognized as a valid name. Typically, this is caused by spelling or capitalization errors.

With the old-style citation templates, it was possible to include information within the template that was simply ignored as unrecognized parameters. The Lua-based CS1|2 engine does not ignore unrecognized parameters. The purpose of the citation is to properly identify the source; not act as a repository of notes and ancillary information.

CS1|2 template parameters are lower case. CS1|2 will report this error when the parameter's name contains uppercase letters (Stampa:!xt) but the parameter's name is defined as lowercase (xxxx). The identifier parameters, like |isbn=, |pmc=, |doi=, etc., can be either lower case or upper case, but not of mixed case (|isbn= or |ISBN= but not Stampa:!xt). For common parameter misspellings, like |pubisher= instead of |publisher=, CS1|2 will suggest a valid parameter name.

To resolve this error, replace the erroneous parameter name with a correct one, possibly using the suggested name. Ensure that the parameter's name is correctly spelled and that there are no characters except spaces between the parameter's name and the leading vertical bar (|) or trailing equals sign (=). A list of valid parameters can be found by consulting Help:Citation Style 1 or visiting the description page of the specific template being used, such as {{cite web}}, {{cite book}}, {{cite journal}}, etc. er ing information associated with the unknown parameter into an appropriate parameter or to a section of the article's talk page for preservation.

Pages with thirror are automatically placed in Category:Pages with citations using unsupported parameters.

Unsupported parameter(s)

{{cite arXiv}} uses a limited subset of the common Citation Style 1 parameters. This error message is emitted when parameters not in the {{cite arXiv}} subset occur in a {{cite arXiv}} template.

To resolve this error, remove the unsupported parameters. See Template:Cite arXiv for the complete list of supported parameters.

Pages with this error are automatically placed in Category:CS1 errors: arXiv.

Stampa:Help deskURL–wikilink conflict

External links in a rendered citation are a combination of url-holding parameters, |url=, |chapter-url=, etc., with title-holding parameters, |title=, |chapter=, etc. Title-holding parameters may be wikilinked to another Wikipedia article but not when there is a matching url-holding parameter in the citation. When this condition occurs, the wikilink is suppressed, the wiki markup ignored, and the rendered citation links to the external site.

Some templates will also cause this error if they are part of a title-holding parameter. The error occurs when the template produces wikilinked content. For example, {{lang}} templates output a wikilinked category. Templates in url-holding parameters may also corrupt the citation's COinS metadata. As a general rule, avoid using templates in title-holding parameters unless you know that the template's effects are entirely visual ({{!}} and the like).

This type of error may also occur in identifier-based templates ({{cite doi}}, etc.). When this happens, the error message is shown in the article but the error is actually located in the identifier-based citation template.

To resolve this error, remove wikilinks from title-holding parameters that are intended to be externally linked or remove the external URL, which will allow the internal wikilinks to work as expected. If wikilink-producing

Vancouver style error

Stampa:Help deskVancouver style error

This error is reported for citations that use |name-list-format=vanc. Vancouver style restricts author or editor names to the Latin alphabet. For the purposes of this test, Module:Citation/CS1 defines the Latin alphabet as the letters defined in the Unicode Latin character sets:

C0 Controls and Basic Latin (0041–005A, 0061–007A)
C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement (00C0–00D6, 00D8–00F6, 00F8–00FF)
Latin Extended-A (0100–017F)
Latin Extended-B (0180–01BF, 01C4–024F)

This error is also reported when a corporate or institutional author is listed in |vauthors= without proper delimiters. Corporate authors should be listed this way:

|vauthors=First Surname FM, Surname AB, Stampa:GreenCorporate or institutional AuthorStampa:Green, Lastsurname XY

This error is also reported when more than two initials are used: in case of more than two initials, list only the first two.

While normally correct, sometimes the names listed on a PMID page contain errors when the author surname has a lowercase nobiliary particle. For example, Stampa:PMID lists Magnus von Knebel Doeberitz as Doeberitz Mv which is not correct. This author's name should be listed as |vauthors=von Knebel Doeberitz M.

Certain punctuation will be flagged as an error. For example, Unicode U+2019, right single quotation mark, causes an error because it is not a member of the Latin character sets identified above: |vauthors=VanStampa:Redt Veer M. Replace this character with the straight (or typewriter) apostrophe: |vauthors=VanStampa:Greent Veer M.

To resolve this error, Romanize author and editor names. Romanizing can result in two-letter initials, for example, the Greek letter 'Θ' Romanizes to 'Th'. When author names have this kind of initial, Module:Citation/CS1 can't know if this kind of initial is a typo or a legitimate Romanized character so it will emit the Vancouver error. To suppress the error after determining that the two-character initial is correct and not a typo, treat the name as if it were a corporate name by wrapping it in doubled parentheses: |vauthors=..., Tatarinov IuS, ...|vauthors=..., ((Tatarinov IuS)), ...

Similarly, Chinese hyphenated given names may appear in PubMed listings. For example: 'Wang Hsien-yu' may be listed on PubMed as 'Wang Hy' which will result in a Vancouver error. When this occurs, and upon verification that such names are correct, wrap them in doubled parentheses.

Pages with this error are automatically placed in Category:CS1 errors: Vancouver style.<

<char> character in |<

C0 control, U+
C1 control, U+0080–U+009F (XXX–APC)

To resolve invisible-character errors, remove or replace the identified character. Because these characters are mostly invisible, the error message identifies the character's position in the parameter value counted from the left. Space characters between the assignment operator (the '=' sign) and the parameter value are not counted.

<name> stripmarker in |<param>= at position n

Stripmarkers are special sequences of characters that MediaWiki inserts as a place-holder for certain xml-like tags. These tags include <gallery>...</gallery>, <math>...</math>, <nowiki>...</nowiki>, <pre>...</pre>, and <ref>...</ref>. The stripmarkers are replaced with content before the final page rendering. The module ignores math and nowiki stripmarkers.

To resolve stripmarker errors, remove or replace the identified tag. The error message identifies the stripmarker's position in the parameter value counted from the left. Space characters between the assignment operator (the '=' sign) and the parameter value are not counted.

Stripmarker errors can also be caused by unsupported additional text or templates in parameter values. Resolve the problem by moving the extraneous text outside of the citation template or by removing the extraneous text, as appropriate.

Pages with this error are automatically placed in Category:CS1 errors: invisible characters.

|<param>-access= requires |<param>=

Stampa:Help desk|<param>-access= requires |<param>=

This error is reported when an access level has been specified for some external link, but the corresponding required parameter is missing or empty. The parameter can be one of

access-level specifier required parameter
specifier required parameter
|url-access= |url=
|bibcode-access= |bibcode=
|doi-access= |doi=
|hdl-access= |hdl=
|jstor-access= |jsor=
|ol-access= |ol=
|osti-access= |osti=

To resolve this error, either provide a value for the parameter, or remove the access level specification.

Pages with this error are automatically placed in Category:CS1 errors: param-access.