Chaunga (group of people) apa kureva kuungana kwevanhu seboka rimwe.
- Ringira, ndinozokuita kuti ubare, ndikuwanze; ndinozokuita chiunga chevanhu: ‘I am going to make you fruitful and increase your numbers. I will make you a community of peoples, (Genesis 48:4 Bhaibheri reChiNdau.
Mitauro yeBantu
- VaSwahili vanoti kiungo (1. something serving to connect or join; 2. connection, joint, coupling etc. 3. Elec - connection, switch, contact; 4. joint articulation).
- Digo vanoti kuungana (to come together to form a group, to join with one another). Digo neChewa vanoti unga (to join, to unite).
- Chewa vanoti kuunganicha (to unite). Chewa vanoti kuunga bwalo (to assemble a court).
- Barotse vanoti liunga kana maunga (n. group of people, company) kureva chaunga. Kimbundu vanoti kionga (n. assembly; congress; conference).