The purpose of this Notice is to protect your personal data, through its legitimate, controlled and informed treatment, in order to guarantee your privacy, as well as your right to informational self-determination.

Buen Manejo del Campo, S.A. de C.V., (hereinafter ““) with fiscal address at Puebla 124, Colonia Roma Norte, Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc, Postal Code 06700, Mexico City, will be responsible for collecting your personal data, as well as for its use and protection.

As responsible, is obliged to comply with the principles of legality, consent, information, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility protected by the Law; for this reason it is committed to keep strict confidentiality of your personal data, as well as to carry out reasonable efforts to maintain the administrative, technical and physical security m e a s u r e s to protect them against any damage, loss, alteration, access or unauthorized processing.

PURPOSE FOR THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA. does not require, in principle, that you provide Personal Data, however, in order to provide you with a better service or communication, it will be necessary that you voluntarily provide some of your Personal Data through a contact form, which may include name, email, address, telephone number, document identification number, date of birth, billing information. These personal data are provided voluntarily by you when requesting information through the website, or by any other means.

The personal data provided or that may be provided by our customers, suppliers, interested persons, the general public, their legal representatives and / or personnel authorized by them, will be used, among other things, to: contact you and provide you with more detailed information about our products or services; provide the requested services or products; enter into contracts or commercial transactions; inform about changes or new services or products that are related to those already purchased; follow up on any problems that have arisen with respect to orders and/or delivery of products or the provision of contracted services; comply with contracted obligations; evaluate the quality of the service we provide, and for statistical and marketing purposes.

For the aforementioned purposes, and in terms of the provisions of article 10, section IV of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, it is not necessary to obtain the consent of our customers or suppliers, for the processing of their personal data when the purpose is to fulfill obligations arising from a legal relationship between the owner and the responsible party.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, your data is protected by this Privacy Notice and you may exercise your rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition in relation to your personal data.


Any person who accesses or remains in our offices located at Puebla 124, Colonia Roma Norte, Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc, Postal Code 06700, Mexico City, may be videotaped by our security cameras. The images and sounds captured by the video surveillance cameras are considered personal data and are only used for security purposes of the people who visit us.

Similarly, we make voice recordings of incoming and outgoing telephone calls made to our offices through the telephone +52 (55) 52 1186-17, which are made for statistical purposes, evaluation of service quality, in compliance with internal policies. 

These recordings are made for statistical purposes, to evaluate the quality of service, in compliance with internal policies.

The video recordings and voice recordings are safeguarded and restricted to the persons in charge of their operation and management, who are responsible for the safekeeping of such data, ensuring that they are not used for purposes other than those indicated above, keeping them strictly confidential from third parties who are not authorized to access such information.


Since is committed to provide you with services and products, it is necessary to transmit some of your data to our collaborators in order to provide the services to which we are committed.

For such purposes, and based on article 37, section IV and VII of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, it is not necessary to obtain the consent of our customers or suppliers for the transfer of their data, when the transfer is necessary by virtue of a contract entered into or to be entered into in the interest of the owner, by the controller and a third party, and when the transfer is necessary for the maintenance or fulfillment of a legal relationship between the controller and the owner.

However, your data are guarded and handled taking care that they do not have a use different from the one previously mentioned, keeping the due confidentiality of the same before third parties that do not have any power to access such information, for this purpose we have additionally signed confidentiality commitments with our collaborators to protect your data.


You have the right to access, rectify and cancel your personal data, as well as to oppose the processing of such data or revoke the consent you have given us for such purpose, by sending a written request to [email protected] or directly to our address located at Puebla 124, Colonia Roma Norte, Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc, Postal Code 06700, Mexico City.

In compliance with Article 29 of the Law, such request must contain (i) your name and address or other means of communicating the response to your request; (ii) the documents proving your identity or, if applicable, the legal representation of the person making the request; (iii) the documents proving your identity or, if applicable, the legal representation of the person making the request; (iv) the documents proving your identity or, if applicable, the legal representation of the person making the request.

The response to your request will be communicated to you within twenty working days from the date it was received, which may be extended to twenty more days in the cases established by Law; in order to carry out the measures adopted to comply with your request, which will be carried out within fifteen working days following the date on which the response is communicated.

For the cancellation or opposition to the handling of your data related to the breach of contractual obligations, will be obliged to eliminate said information once a period of seventy-two months has elapsed, counted from the calendar date in which the mentioned breach occurs, as established in the last paragraph of article 11 of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties.


By providing any type of information, including Personal Data, through’s websites or by other means, you expressly: (i) accept the conditions contained in this Privacy Notice; (ii) agree that the information provided by you may be stored, used and, in general, treated for the purposes indicated, including for commercial and promotional purposes, (iii) grant authorization to obtain, compile, store, share, communicate, transmit and use such information in any manner or form, in accordance with the conditions set forth herein.


The interpretation and application of this Privacy Notice shall be governed by the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, and other applicable laws and regulatory and administrative provisions.

Last updated September 2023.