Rechargeable battery

type of electrical battery which can be charged, discharged into a load, and recharged many times; device that stores energy

A rechargeable battery, also called a storage battery, is a kind of battery that can be restored to full charge by the use of electrical energy. It is also called a secondary cell. A battery that is not rechargeable is called a primary cell or disposable battery. Like other batteries, rechargeable batteries can be recycled.

Compared with disposable batteries, rechargeable batteries have many advantages. They can be reused many times before being discarded. They make less pollution because of this. Using them can cost less money, because people have to buy batteries less often.

Rechargeable batteries also have disadvantages. Each one costs more to manufacture and has more toxic chemicals than disposable batteries.

Rechargeable batteries can be used for many mobile machines such as MP3 players and flashlights. Almost all mobile phones and laptop computers use them. They are also be used in car batteries.

Types of rechargeable batteries