Private Guided Tour of the British Museum - Tickets Included


Forget about big groups of strangers or running after a guide with a tight schedule leading a big group. Treat your family, your friends, your partner or just yourself with this PRIVATE tour. No strangers will be part of the group, only you and whoever is travelling with you. In two hours you will visit the most important artifacts and lesser know objects. In this private tour you will be able to learn about many different civilizations in the humanity's history at your own pace, without having to follow a large group. The guide will be friendly, professional and will customize the tour according to the group needs, for example in case of couples or families with kids adapting the approach. The British Museum is huge but in 2 hours you will have an overview of the most significant objects like, but not limited to, the Rosetta Stone, Ramses II, Double headed serpent, Parthenon Marbles, the Moai from Easter Island, Lewis Chessmen, the Waddesdon Bequest and the Assyrian Lamassu.

