Conversations about kindness start here

We know little kids can have big questions about differences and similarities they notice in their world. Here are examples of questions you may hear and how you could respond using a simple, three-step, research-based framework: Acknowledge & Observe, Explain and Celebrate!

Overview & Breakdown
  • We’re here to help you navigate these conversations while leaning into their curiosity, as a way to teach them about the beauty of diversity and leading with kindness always. The framework to tackle these topics is rooted in child development research & best practice, helping you guide conversations with your child in a way that makes sense to them.

    From toddlers to big kids, questions come in all shapes and sizes. Use this simple three-part framework to help you customize these important conversations with kiddos that sometimes we all need a little help with answering. First, we’ll acknowledge & make observations, then explain and lastly celebrate! Keep in mind, there is no right or wrong way to talk about this with your children, and each family may address these questions differently. Feel free to use these suggestions to help get you started!

Why is their skin different from mine?
  • Acknowledge & Observe: "You noticed their skin color. Yes, people have different skin colors. Isn’t it interesting how everyone is unique? Different skin colors come from our families and where our ancestors are from. Within the same family, there can also be differences in skin tones.”

    Explain: "People have different skin colors because of a thing called melanin. Some people have more melanin, and some have less. Melanin helps protect our skin from the sun.”

    Celebrate: "Isn’t it amazing how everyone’s skin color is unique? It makes our world more interesting.”

Why is that person in a wheelchair?
  • Acknowledge & Observe: "You noticed the wheelchair. Yes, some people use wheelchairs to help them move around. It’s great that there are tools like wheelchairs to help everyone get around and do what they love."

    Explain: "Some people use wheelchairs because their body needs extra help to move. They might have an injury or a condition they were born with that makes walking hard or not possible."

    Celebrate: "They use a wheelchair to get around and do fun things, just like you do! It’s wonderful for everyone to have tools to do what they need and want."

Why do they talk differently than we do?
  • Acknowledge & Observe: "You noticed how they speak. Yes, people have different ways of talking. Some people might speak another language or use a different way to communicate because of where they grew up or how they learned."

    Explain: "People speak in different ways because they come from different places or have learned to talk differently. Some people might also use sign language or other tools to communicate. Speaking different languages is part of what makes the world so wonderful and unique!"

    Celebrate: "Isn’t it great how everyone has their own way of speaking? It makes conversations so interesting. Different languages and ways of talking can teach us new things."

Why does that person look different?
  • Acknowledge & Observe: "You noticed how they look. Yes, everyone has unique parts of their body that make us all different and special. These differences can be things like the shape of our eyes, the color of our hair, or the way we smile."

    Explain: "Everyone has unique features like the color of their eyes or the shape of their nose. These differences make each person special.”

    Celebrate: "Our unique looks make each of us special and add beauty to the world. Different features show how diverse and beautiful people are.”

Why can't they see/hear/talk like we do?
  • Acknowledge & Observe: "You noticed they see/hear/talk differently. Yes, some people’s bodies work in different ways. This might mean they need tools or ways to help them see, hear, or talk."

    Explain: "Some people have bodies that work differently, so they might not see, hear, or talk like us. They use the senses and abilities they have to understand and interact with the world, and sometimes use tools like hearing aids or Braille too."

    Celebrate: "The different ways people experience the world show how amazing and adaptable people are. It’s incredible how people find different ways to connect and communicate."

Why does my friend's family look different from mine?
  • Acknowledge & Observe: “You noticed that people have different types of families, that’s true! Some families have a mom and a dad, some have two moms or two dads, and that's just a few of the many ways families can look."

    Explain: "Families come in all shapes and sizes. Some families might have two moms or two dads, just one parent, stepparents or grandparents that take care of them. What’s important is that families love and care for each other. Your friend’s family is just one of the many ways families can be."

    Celebrate: "Isn’t it wonderful how families can be so different? I just love it! It makes our world happier and more loving. Your friend’s family shows that love is what makes a family strong."

Easy Toy Room Tips
  • When stocking your toy room, choose a variety of Little People® figures, both familiar and unfamiliar to your little one. This can spark conversations on your own terms, helping you feel more prepared for these important talks.

    Children's books offer a wide range of topics and characters that your child can relate to. They’re a fantastic way to address different subjects before questions even arise, making those conversations easier and more natural. Check out our books below to start the conversation.

Simple Ways to Customize & Keep Talking
  • Keep talking & encourage questions! Be ready to continue the conversation as your child grows and begins to notice more about the world. Bringing things up casually through daily discussions helps to keep the dialogue open and comfortable. Remember: Acknowledge & Observe, Explain & Celebrate to keep things simple for yourself and easy to remember when you’re in the moment!

    While using this framework, remember that it can be applied across many questions your child might have! Feel free to customize it for their age range. A response for a toddler might be a little less complex than a response for a 4-5 year old, because meeting them where they are developmentally is what counts when it comes to understanding complex topics for little ones.

Play Tips

Tips to make it easier to talk about differences and promote kindness and inclusion.

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Daily Affirmations

Learn about daily affirmations and mantras that help promote positive thinking.

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Our Beautiful World Reading Companion

A guide for caregivers to foster curious conversation about what kids see in the book.

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Let’s Sing

Listen and sing along to original music about being kind and empathetic.

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Let’s Read

Read the digital versions of our books.

Everyone, Everywhere
Our Beautiful World

Let’s Watch

Watch episodes to help kids recognize & celebrate differences.

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