
Stockholm, Sweden 541 778 följare

Om oss

AFRY is a European leader in engineering, design, and advisory services, with a global reach. We accelerate the transition towards a sustainable society. We are 19,000 devoted experts in infrastructure, industry, energy and digitalisation, creating sustainable solutions for generations to come.

Fler än 10 001 anställda
Stockholm, Sweden
Publikt aktiebolag
Sustainability, Design, Future Cities, Industrial, Digitalisation, Buildings, Architecture, Connected Products, Energy, Mobility, Infrastructure, Transportation, Process Industries, Automation, IT Solutions, Food and Pharma, Automotive, Consulting, Hydro, AI, Clean Energy och Management Consulting


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  • Visa organisationssidan för AFRY, grafik

    541 778 följare

    We’re proud to share that AFRY has been ranked as the 10th most attractive employer in the Nordics according to engineering students. This recognition underscores our commitment to offer a workplace where we encourage you to develop while making a positive impact on society. Join us to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable future. #makingfuture

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  • Visa organisationssidan för AFRY, grafik

    541 778 följare

    🌲 Forests' substitution potential, sustainable forestry and fibre-based products can drive cross-industrial decarbonisation and accelerate the pathway to net zero. FAM AB commissioned AFRY Management Consulting to explore the "substitution effect" in a recently published report, "Substitution potential and climate impact in the EU forest value chain". The substitution effect demonstrates how wood fibre-based products can effectively replace fossil-based alternatives, leading to a substantial reduction in emissions. Recognising the substitution effect is essential for meeting EU emission reduction targets. However, to fully acknowledge the climate benefits of forests, EU policies should recognise the substitution benefit accordingly. While the current focus is on carbon sinks, forests and wood-based products have untapped potential as sustainable alternatives. Our analysis also emphasises the importance of actively managed forests in carbon sequestration and the role of bioenergy in sustainable energy transitions across the EU. Report key insights: ✅ Forest products currently provide a climate benefit equivalent to the emissions of 50 million EU citizens. ✅ Leveraging forests' substitution potential is necessary to effectively address climate challenges. ✅ By 2050, the substitution effect could offset up to 561 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent, substantially reducing EU emissions. ✅ Active and sustainable forest management enhances forest growth, increasing carbon sinks that mitigate climate change. Tailored approaches are necessary to fully realise these benefits within the EU. Adopting new perspectives, committing to sustainable forest management and leveraging forests' substitution potential is essential for addressing the climate crisis. This approach supports the EU's climate goals through active, sustainable and effective forest management and the integration of bioenergy into the energy system. For more details, please contact Saara Söderberg, Sami Pastila, Salla-Mari Järvinen, and Tiina Pajula and read the full report: #makingfuture #bioindustry #sustainability #decarbonisation #forests

    How can forests contribute to climate benefits?

    How can forests contribute to climate benefits?

  • Visa organisationssidan för AFRY, grafik

    541 778 följare

    Vielä ehdit ilmoittautua AFRYn järjestämään energia-alan seminaariin tänään ja huomenna! Energia-ala on uuden kynnyksellä, kun monet innovatiiviset hankkeet etenevät päästöttömän energiantuotannon kasvattamiseksi. Miten energiajärjestelmän hajautuessa ja monimutkaistuessa nivotaan yhteen energiajärjestelmän tietoturva, toimiva energiamarkkinamalli, vakaa sähköverkko ja erilaiset uudet energiantuotantotavat ja varastointi? Näihin aiheisiin pureudutaan AFRYn järjestämässä Energia-ala uuden aikakauden kynnyksellä -tapahtumassa, joka on omistettu energia-alan asiantuntijoiden kohtaamiselle ja viimeisimpien innovaatioiden ja kehityskulkujen jakamiselle. Tapahtuma pidetään 🕰️ keskiviikkona 11.9.2024 klo 9.30-15.30 📍 hotelli Scandic Grand Centralissa, os. Vilhonkatu 13, 00100 Helsinki Vierailevina puhujana ovat WithSecuren Mikko Hypponen, työ- ja elinkeinoministeriön Petteri Kuuva sekä Kemijoki Oy:n Kari Pehkonen. Vierailevien puhujien katsausten ja näkemysten lisäksi luvassa on myös AFRYn asiantuntijoiden puheenvuoroja. Ilmoittaudu mukaan: #makingfuture #energiamurros #vihreäsiirtymä #energiajärjestelmä #energiamarkkina

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  • Visa organisationssidan för AFRY, grafik

    541 778 följare

    How is agile project management transforming R&D? Learn from Niclas Karlsson, Project Manager at AFRY's Product and Software Engineering, as he shares insights on how agile methodologies drive innovation and adaptability in R&D. "Close client collaboration is key; it ensures our solutions meet end-user needs with flexibility and can pivot as necessary to meet evolving demands.” Niclas highlights how tools like the Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) system streamline processes, often surpassing customer expectations, and how short work cycles speed up time-to-market. Discover AFRY's unique managed agile teams and their role in delivering successful project outcomes. Read the full interview: #makingfuture

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  • AFRY omdelade detta

    Visa organisationssidan för AFRY, grafik

    541 778 följare

    Hoje é o Dia do Estagiário! Na AFRY, valorizamos a contribuição única que cada estagiário traz para a nossa equipe. Seja por meio de novas perspectivas ou pela energia e criatividade que injetam no nosso dia a dia, nossos estagiários desempenham um papel crucial no nosso sucesso. Nosso Programa de Estágio é um espaço onde a diversidade é celebrada e todos têm a oportunidade de aprender, crescer e contribuir de maneira significativa. Estamos orgulhosos de apoiar e desenvolver os líderes de amanhã. A todos os nossos estagiários, passados e presentes, um enorme obrigado por fazerem parte da nossa jornada! 🌟 E para aqueles ansiosos por uma oportunidade, fiquem atentos! Estamos preparando o Programa de Estágio 2025 com muito cuidado e em breve teremos novidades. #DiaDoEstagiário #EstágioAFRY #Futuro #Diversidade #Carreira #Inovação

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  • Visa organisationssidan för AFRY, grafik

    541 778 följare

    🌟 Exciting News! 🌟 We are thrilled to announce that AFRY has been shortlisted for the IJGlobal ESG Technical Adviser award! 🎉 At AFRY, we are dedicated to delivering comprehensive Environmental and Social (E&S) services throughout the entire lifecycle of energy projects. From pre-feasibility studies to E&S impact assessments, we ensure every project meets and exceeds E&S standards. 🌍💚 Our teams' expertise in multilateral lenders’ requirements around the world ensures sustainable and responsible development. Thank you to the jury for being shortlisted – we can’t wait for October to see who wins.

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