Voting procedure for EU citizens residing in Italy

To be able to exercise their right to vote for members of the European Parliament from Italy, European Union citizens residing in Italy must apply to the mayor of their municipality of residence, if they have not already done so for previous European elections, to be included in the special additional list in that municipality for voting in European elections. The application must be sent ‘by the 90th day before the date set for election, at the latest’, i.e. by 11 March 2024.

The application form is published on this Department’s website, Eligendo, as an annex to Circular No 13/2024, ‘Exercising the right of European Union citizens residing in Italy to vote in elections for members of the European Parliament from Italy’ (Annex B).

Voting procedure for Italian citizens residing or temporarily staying in other EU countries for study or work purposes, at polling stations set up in those countries

Italian citizens registered on the lists of Italian voters residing in the EU and voters temporarily living in another EU country for study or work purposes, as well as family members who are registered to vote and live with them, may vote at polling stations specifically set up for that purpose in other EU Member States.

To do so, voters living in another EU country for the above reasons, and any family members living with them, must send a special request to the relevant consulate, addressed to the mayor of the municipality on whose electoral roll they are registered, by 21 March 2024 (the 80th day before the last day of the period set for holding the European elections, i.e. 9 June 2024).

You can find further information on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and on the websites of the consulates

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