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Troja (baund)

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Troja is an Kosovar Albanie hivy metal baund which wis foondit bi Bujar Berisha (vocals), Florent Bajrami (guitar), Violand Shabani (drums) an Agron Ejupi (bass) in 1990 in Pristina, the caipital o Kosovo.

Baund history

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The baund wis foondit in 1990. Afore thay recorded thair first album cried People the baund produced thair first sangs Ekzistenca (Existence) an Për Bekin (For Peki) at Enis Presheva studio. The recording stairtit in 1997 but the album wis sold 5 years later in 2003. In 2009 thay produced thair seicont studio album Amaneti - I Clown It. In the time frae 1991 tae 1997 the baund wis awardit for the best rock baund at Boom Festival in 1994. The video People wis awardit for the best Albanien rock video in 2003 an best camera direction. 2007 thay wur participants at "SubKultura Urbane", Live at Reception Room in Pristina, Kosovo. 2009 thay recordit a new video cried Amaneti i Clown-it which is awairdit for the best video at Tap Fest in Tirana, Albanie, an aa the winner o the Best video.

  • 1994 = Best Rock baund
  • 2003 = Muisic video People: Best Albanian rock video an best camera direction
  • 2009 = best Albanian rock video for Amaneti
  • 1993 = Concert in theater - DODONA - 1993- Concert in Mitrovica
  • 1993 = Rock Fest - Peja
  • 1993 = Rock Fest - Skopje
  • 1994 = Boom Festival - 1st place ( nicht o the rock muisic )
  • 1995 = Recording sangs - Ekzistenca -, - Për Bekin - Mitrovica -.
  • 1997 = Shaw Fest.
  • 1997 = ODA baund concert (Casablanca).
  • 1997 = Recording twa sangs in Peja.
  • 2002 = First Album recorded - PEOPLE -.
  • 2003 = First Video, sang cried wi the same name - PEOPLE -.
  • 2003 = Winner o the Best Camera - Muisic Video Awaird -Pristina.
  • 2003 = Winner o the best Directing on "Netët e Video Klipit Shqiptar - Tirana Albania.
  • 2004 = Participant on TOP FEST -Tirana - Albania with the song called " Jena Na".
  • 2006 = TROJA's big concert - wi 2500 fowk!.
  • 2007 = Video o the sang cried " Nuk Po Muj Ma ".
  • 2007 = Openin for the BTR baund frae Bulgary in Prizren.
  • 2007 = SubKultura Urbane, Live in Reception Room.
  • 2009 = New Album ( Amaneti I Clown-it & the Video ).
  • 2009 - TROJA - Amaneti i Clown-it " Winner of the Best Group, Best Rock & the Public Price, on Video Muisic Award in Pristina - Kosovo.


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  • People (full-length 2003)
  • Amaneti - I "Clown" It (full-length 2009)
  • Fowk (2003)
  • Jena Na (2006)
  • Nuk Po Muj Ma (2007)
  • Amaneti i Clown-it (2009)
  • Mbretnesha kohe (2010)


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Fremmit airtins

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