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Interrogation scene

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Reveesion aes o 21:28, 9 Januar 2013 bi Synthebot (Collogue | contribs) (r2.7.3) (robot Remuivin: pl:Przesłuchanie (BDSM))
A blonde lass stairtin her wirk day.

A interrogation scene is a form o BDSM roleplay in whilk the participants act oot the pairts o torturer an veectim. As in real life torture chambers throughoot the warld, the "torturer" uises threats, humiliation an pheesical pain tae extract whaever wittins he/she believes the "veectim" possesses. The gemme is ower ance the victim haes brakken an divulged the secret. The length an severity o the scene will vary accordin tae the temperament o the players. Dedicatit players attempt tae replicate the atmosphere o a real torture session an, as in real life, the "victim" can expect tae be stripped naked, tied up, mocked an abused.

Popular methods o play in interrogation scenes include tickle torture, where the victim will be tied up an tickled continuously athoot relief (particularly in auries that ar quite sensitive; such as the belly, unnerarms, feet, toes, nipples, labia, an clitoris) till the victim submits an reveals the information.

Ane form o torture is orgasm control or erotic sexual denial, where the submissive victim is sexually stimulatit tae the brink o orgasm bi the torturer. The torturer may then reduce the stimulation an keep the victim in a state o extendit arousal for a lang period o time. Bi varyin the pace o the stimulation, the victim may be forced tae unnergo cycles o "up" an "doun" arousal bi the torturer. When satisfied wi the experience, the victim may divulge the secret in order tae be brought tae the desired orgasm bi the torturer. The interrogation mey be continued past the orgasm, particularly if the victim orgasms athoot divulgin the secret. Generally, the clitoris becomes vera sensitive efter orgasm, an continued stimulation may manifest mair as an extreme ticklin sensation. This can become quite uncomfortable for the female victim, or perhaps even painful, providing her wi an incentive tae comply wi her torturer's demands.

In at least ane legal case, interrogation fantasies hae been raised as a defense tae a civil lawsuit.[1]

