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Universal Declaration o Human Richts

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The Universal Declaration o Human Richts (UDHR) is a declaration adoptit by the General Assembly o the Unitit Nations (10 December 1948 at Palais de Chaillot, Paris). The Guinness Book of Records describes the UDHR as the "Maist Translate Document"[1] in the warld. The Declaration cam aboot direct frae the experience o the Seicont Warld War an represents the first global expression o richts that aw bodies is inherently enteetelt. It conseests o 30 airticles that haes been elaboratit in follaein internaitional treaties, regional human richts instruments, naitional consteetutions an laws.

The UDHR wis pitten ower intae Scots for tae merk the 60t anniversar o the settin furth o the document.

Human richts setten oot in the Declaration

The richts setten oot by the declaration. (Taen direct frae Amnesty International's offeecial Scots translate[2])

Airticle 1
Aw sowels is born free and equal in dignity and richts
Airticle 2
Awbody, makkin nae distinctions whitsaever, is entitelt til aw the richts and freedoms furthset in this Declaration
Airticle 3
Awbody hes the richt tae life, liberty and bield
Airticle 4
Nane sall be hauden in thirldom or under thoums. Thirldom and trade in thirlt folk sall be clean forbid in aw its kinds
Airticle 5
Nane sall be pit tae torture or thole cruel, inhuman or bemeanin haunlin or punishment
Airticle 6
Awbody hes the richt in ilka place tae be kent as a body afore the law
Airticle 7
Aw are equal afore the law and entitelt wi nae fauts or favours tae the exact same bield o the law
Airticle 8
Awbody hes the richt tae wyce legal remeid gin their richts isna respectit
Airticle 9
Nane maun thole wulsome arrest, detention nor exile
Airticle 10
Awbody chairged wi a crime is entitelt, ilkane exactly the same, tae fair ba’s in a public hearin by an independent and uncoggled tribunal
Airticle 11
Awbody hes the richt tae be thocht innocent til pruved guilty accordin tae law
Airticle 12
Nane maun thole wulsome dackers on their privacy, faimily, hame or communings, nor assauts on their renoun
Airticle 13
Awbody hes the richt tae traivel freely and bide inwith the mairches o ony state, and the richt tae win oot frae and back intil their countrie
Airticle 14
Awbody hes the richt tae seek and tae enjoy in ither countries asylum frae persecution
Airticle 15
Awbody hes the richt tae be of a nation
Airticle 16
Men and wemen that’s come of eild hes the richt tae wed and stert a faimily, wi free and ful consent and wi ilkane the exact same richts in or efter mairriage
Airticle 17
Awbody hes the richt tae haud guids and gear
Airticle 18
Awbody hes the richt tae freedom o thocht, conscience and religioun
Airticle 19
Awbody hes the richt tae freedom o opinioun and expression, and tae seek, get and gie wittings and conceits throu ony medium heedless o frontiers
Airticle 20
Awbody hes the richt tae freely forgether and associate wi lown intents
Airticle 21
Awbody hes the richt tae tak a haun in the governance o their countrie. The wull o the people expressed throu elections sall be the grunds for the authority o government
Airticle 22
Awbody, as a body in society, hes the richt tae win til theirsels the social, cultural and economic richts that maun be haen for their dignity
Airticle 23
Awbody hes the richt tae daily darg, tae free choice o wark, tae fair and equal pey, and tae mak and jyne trades unions
Airticle 24
Awbody hes the richt tae saucht and leisure
Airticle 25
Awbody hes the richt til a standart o life fit for their guid health and heal, especially mithers and bairns
Airticle 26
Awbody hes the richt tae learnin, includin free compulsory primary scuil
Airticle 27
Awbody hes the richt freely tae tak a pairt in the cultural life o the commonty, tae brook and enjoy the airts and the guid that comes o advances in science, and tae hae their ain moral and material interests for their ain creative wark weel-hained
Airticle 28
Awbody maun hae a social and international order whaur aw thir richts and freedoms is weel-haint
Airticle 29
Awbody hes duties tae the commonty: the state can ainly pit branks on a body’s richts tae mak respect for the richts and freedoms o ithers siccar
Airticle 30
Nae governments, groups or lane bodies can mank ony o thir richts and freedoms.

Fremmit airtins

  1. "Universal Declaration of Human Rights Contact Page". Unhchr.ch. Retrieved 10 December 2008.
  2. http://www.amnesty.org.uk/uploads/documents/doc_19047.pdf