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Norwegian University of Science and Technology

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Journal Article
Separation and Purification Technology
Published: 01 February 2025 in Separation and Purification Technology

Dividing wall columns are state-of the art distillation arrangements performing three separation tasks within one unit. Compared to using two conventional columns in series this saves both capital costs and energy but on the other hand it brings a higher risk of malfunction. This simulation study analyses what can go wrong during the operation of dividing wall columns. The emphasis is on the operation of the prefractionator section, that is, on the choice on the liquid and vapor splits, which is crucial for the overall performance. The resulting two-way flows between the prefractionator and main column gives a broader feasible operating range than in a conventional column arrangement. This can lead to peculiar behavior, including circulation of components around the dividing wall. This paper identifies 15 non-optimal operating regions for the prefractionator with specific internal flow patterns, characteristic temperature and composition profiles for the separation of a fairly ideal mixture of benzene, toluene and p-xylene. From these results it is possible to identify and hopefully rectify wrong choices for the liquid and vapor splits in a dividing wall column.

ACS Style

Lena-Marie Ränger; Ivar J. Halvorsen; Thomas Grützner; Sigurd Skogestad. What can go wrong in a dividing wall column and how to detect it. Separation and Purification Technology 2025, 354 .

AMA Style

Lena-Marie Ränger, Ivar J. Halvorsen, Thomas Grützner, Sigurd Skogestad. What can go wrong in a dividing wall column and how to detect it. Separation and Purification Technology. 2025; 354 ():.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Lena-Marie Ränger; Ivar J. Halvorsen; Thomas Grützner; Sigurd Skogestad. 2025. "What can go wrong in a dividing wall column and how to detect it." Separation and Purification Technology 354, no. : .

Journal Article
Food Control
Published: 01 January 2025 in Food Control
ACS Style

K.S. Shanthini; Jobin Francis; Sudhish N. George; Sony George; Binu M. Devassy. Early bruise detection, classification and prediction in strawberry using Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging. Food Control 2025, 167 .

AMA Style

K.S. Shanthini, Jobin Francis, Sudhish N. George, Sony George, Binu M. Devassy. Early bruise detection, classification and prediction in strawberry using Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging. Food Control. 2025; 167 ():.

Chicago/Turabian Style

K.S. Shanthini; Jobin Francis; Sudhish N. George; Sony George; Binu M. Devassy. 2025. "Early bruise detection, classification and prediction in strawberry using Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging." Food Control 167, no. : .

Journal Article
Catalysis Today
Published: 01 January 2025 in Catalysis Today
ACS Style

Petter Tingelstad; Robert L. Peters; Samuel K. Regli; Albert Miró I Rovira; Kishore Rajendran; De Chen. Conversion of acetic acid over metal oxide catalysts: An in-situ DRIFTS and reaction pathways study. Catalysis Today 2025, 443 .

AMA Style

Petter Tingelstad, Robert L. Peters, Samuel K. Regli, Albert Miró I Rovira, Kishore Rajendran, De Chen. Conversion of acetic acid over metal oxide catalysts: An in-situ DRIFTS and reaction pathways study. Catalysis Today. 2025; 443 ():.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Petter Tingelstad; Robert L. Peters; Samuel K. Regli; Albert Miró I Rovira; Kishore Rajendran; De Chen. 2025. "Conversion of acetic acid over metal oxide catalysts: An in-situ DRIFTS and reaction pathways study." Catalysis Today 443, no. : .

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Project Goal: To strengthen the capacity of the University of Dar es salaam to provide high quality education, research and outreach in the field of environmental risk and extremes that meet labour market demands, supports sustainable national socio-economic development and achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.

Starting Date: 20 September 2021

Current Stage: Data collection