
Expert search
Muriel Asseburg

Ph.D. in Political Science, Senior Fellow, Middle East and Africa Division, German Institute for International and Security Affairs / Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP)

Wolfgang Zellner

PhD. in Political Science, Deputy Director of the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH) and Head of the IFSH’s Centre
for OSCE Research (CORE)

Olga Gulina

PhD in Law, PhD of Potsdam University

Yulia Yamineva

PhD University of Cambridge, Researcher, Centre for Energy, Climate and Environmental Law, University of Eastern Finland; consultant at the International Institute for Sustainable Development

Elena Suponina

PhD in Philosophy, Adviser to the director of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies, Asia and Middle East specialist

Irina Romanova

Candidate of History, Assistant Professor, Oriental Political Studies Dept. Institute for African and Asian Studies Moscow State University

Sergey Basov

PhD in Pedagogy, Head of Methodic Department at Russian National Library, Board Member of Russian Library Association

Tobby Simon

President, Synergia Foundation

Natalia Bolshova

PhD in Political Science, EU and CE policy department of the Institute of European Studies at MGIMO University

Vladimir Filippov

President of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, RIAC member.

Nadezhda Kudeyarova

PhD in History, Leading Researcher at RAS Institute for Latin American Studies

Mehdi Sanaei

Ph.D. in Political Science, Founder, The Institute for Iran-Eurasia Studies (IRAS), Associate Professor at University of Tehran; Iranian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary; Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Igor Matveev

Ph.D. in History, Full State Counsellor of the Russian Federation, 3rd class; expert on Syria, Eastern Mediterranean and the Gulf

Boris Martynov

Doctor of Political Science, Deputy Director of the RAS Institute of Latin America

Svetoslav Stoyanov

Expert on Development Assistace

Tatiana Zonova

Doctor of Political Science, Professor of the Diplomacy Department of the MGIMO University

Mikhail Butusov

Doctor of physics and mathematics, Expert in scientific research commercialization

Andrey Devyatkov

PhD in History, senior research fellow, Center for Post-Soviet Studies, Institute of Economics, RAS; associate professor, Department of Regional Issues in Global Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Giovanni Biava

Independent Analysts, Energy consultant, eXelen srl

Evgeniya Drozhashchikh

Russian International Affairs Council Expert, Member of Space Generation Advisory Council

Evgeny Korendyasov

PhD, Head of Center for Russian-African Relations Studies at RAS Institute for African Studies

Kulani Wijayabahu

Transitional – Senior Lecturer, Department of International Relations, University of Colombo (Sri Lanka)

Maria Morgunova

Department of Strategic Management of Fuel and Energy Sector, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas

Leokadia Drobizheva

Doctor of History, Head of the Research Center of International Relations, RAS Institute of Sociology

Natalya Markushina

Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor at the Department of World Politics, Faculty of International Relations, Director of World Politics Master’s Program, St. Petersburg State University

Irina Abramova

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr.Sc. (Econ.), Professor, Director of the RAS Institute for African Studies, RIAC Member

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