
Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.

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Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.

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1 - 15 of 10064 publications
    Partially Interpretable Models with Guarantees on Coverage and Accuracy
    Nave Frost
    Zachary Lipton
    Michal Moshkovitz
    Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT) (2024)
    Preview abstract Simple, sufficient explanations furnished by short decision lists can be useful for guiding stakeholder actions. Unfortunately, this transparency can come at the expense of the higher accuracy enjoyed by black box methods, like deep nets. To date, practitioners typically either (i) insist on the simpler model, forsaking accuracy; or (ii) insist on maximizing accuracy, settling for post-hoc explanations of dubious faithfulness. In this paper, we propose a hybrid \emph{partially interpretable model} that represents a compromise between the two extremes. In our setup, each input is first processed by a decision list that can either execute a decision or abstain, handing off authority to the opaque model. The key to optimizing the decision list is to optimally trade off the accuracy of the composite system against coverage (the fraction of the population that receives explanations). We contribute a new principled algorithm for constructing partially interpretable decision lists, providing theoretical guarantees addressing both interpretability and accuracy. As an instance of our result, we prove that when the optimal decision list has length $k$, coverage $c$, and $b$ mistakes, our algorithm will generate a decision list that has length no greater than $4k$, coverage at least $c/2$, and makes at most $4b$ mistakes. Finally, we empirically validate the effectiveness of the new model. View details
    Using an LLM to Help With Code Understanding
    Daye Nam
    Vincent Hellendoorn
    Bogdan Vasilescu
    Brad A. Myers
    ICSE '24: Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (2024)
    Preview abstract Understanding code is challenging, especially when working in new and complex development environments. Code comments and documentation can help, but are typically scarce or hard to navigate. Large language models (LLMs) are revolutionizing the process of writing code. Can they do the same for helping understand it? In this study, we provide a first investigation of an LLM-based conversational UI built directly in the IDE that is geared towards code understanding. Our IDE plugin queries OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo model with four high-level requests without the user having to write explicit prompts: to explain a highlighted section of code, provide details of API calls used in the code, explain key domain-specific terms, and provide usage examples for an API. The plugin also allows for open-ended prompts, which are automatically contextualized to the LLM with the program being edited. We evaluate this system in a user study with 32 participants, which confirms that using our plugin can aid task completion more than web search. We additionally provide a thorough analysis of the ways developers use, and perceive the usefulness of, our system, among others finding that the usage and benefits differ between students and professionals. We conclude that in-IDE prompt-less interaction with LLMs is a promising future direction for tool builders. View details
    Preview abstract Interactions with Extended Reality Head Mounted Devices (XR HMDs) applications require precise, intuitive and efficient input methods. Current approaches either rely on power-intensive sensors, such as cameras for hand-tracking, or specialized hardware in the form of handheld controllers. As an alternative, past works have explored the use of devices already present with the user, in the form of smartphones and smartwatches as practical input solutions. However, this approach risks interaction overload---how can one determine whether the user’s interaction gestures on the watch-face or phone screen are directed toward control of the mobile device itself or the XR device? To this effect, we propose a novel framework for cross-device input routing and device arbitration by employing Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) within these devices. We validate our approach in a user study with six participants. By making use of the relative orientation between the headset and the target input device, we can estimate the intended device of interaction with 93.7% accuracy. Our method offers a seamless, energy-efficient alternative for input management in XR, enhancing user experience through natural and ergonomic interactions. View details
    Learning Thresholds with Latent Value and Censored Feedback
    Jiahao Zhang
    Tao Lin
    Weiqiang Zheng
    Xiaotie Deng
    ICLR (2024)
    Preview abstract In this paper, we investigate a problem of \emph{actively} learning threshold in latent space, where the \emph{unknown} reward $g(\gamma, v)$ depends on the proposed threshold $\gamma$ and latent value $v$ and it can be \emph{only} achieved if the threshold is lower than or equal to the \emph{unknown} latent value. This problem has broad applications in practical scenarios, e.g., reserve price optimization in online auctions, online task assignments in crowdsourcing, setting recruiting bars in hiring, etc. We first characterize the query complexity of learning a threshold with the expected reward at most $\eps$ smaller than the optimum and prove that the number of queries needed can be infinitely large even when $g(\gamma, v)$ is monotone with respect to both $\gamma$ and $v$. On the positive side, we provide a tight query complexity $\Tilde{\Theta}(1/\eps^3)$ when $g$ is monotone and the CDF of value distribution is Lipschitz. Moreover, we show a tight $\Tilde{\Theta}(1/\eps^3)$ query complexity can be achieved as long as $g$ satisfies one-sided Lipschitzness, which provides a complete characterization for this problem. Finally, we extend this model to an online learning setting and demonstrate a tight $\Theta(T^{2/3})$ regret bound using continuous-arm bandit techniques and the aforementioned query complexity results. View details
    Preview abstract There is a potential future where the content created by a human and an AI are indistinguishable. In this future, if you can’t tell the difference, does it matter? We conducted a 3 (Assigned creator: human, human with AI assistance, AI) by 4 (Context: news, travel, health, and jokes) mixed-design experiment where participants evaluated human-written content that was presented as created by a human, a human with AI assistance, or an AI. We found that participants felt more negatively about the content creator and were less satisfied when they thought AI was used, but assigned creator had no effect on content judgments. We also identified five interpretations for how participants thought AI use affected the content creation process. Our work suggests that informing users about AI use may not have the intended effect of helping consumers make content judgments and may instead damage the relationship between creators and followers. View details
    Take it, Leave it, or Fix it: Measuring Productivity and Trust in Human-AI Collaboration
    29th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI ’24), ACM, New York, NY, USA (2024)
    Preview abstract Although recent developments in generative AI have greatly enhanced the capabilities of conversational agents such as Google's Bard or OpenAI's ChatGPT, it's unclear whether the usage of these agents aids users across various contexts. To better understand how access to conversational AI affects productivity and trust, we conducted a mixed-methods, task-based user study, observing 76 software engineers (N=76) as they completed a programming exam with and without access to Bard. Effects on performance, efficiency, satisfaction, and trust vary depending on user expertise, question type (open-ended "solve" questions vs. definitive "search" questions), and measurement type (demonstrated vs. self-reported). Our findings include evidence of automation complacency, increased reliance on the AI over the course of the task, and increased performance for novices on “solve”-type questions when using the AI. We discuss common behaviors, design recommendations, and impact considerations to improve collaborations with conversational AI. View details
    A Versatile Diffusion Transformer with Mixture of Noise Levels for Audiovisual Generation
    Bradley Kim
    Alonso Martinez
    Yu-Chuan Su
    Agrim Gupta
    Lu Jiang
    Jacob Walker
    Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) (2024) (to appear)
    Preview abstract Training diffusion models for audiovisual sequences allows for a range of generation tasks by learning conditional distributions of various input-output combinations of the two modalities. Nevertheless, this strategy often requires training a separate model for each task which is expensive. Here, we propose a novel training approach to effectively learn arbitrary conditional distributions in the audiovisual space. Our key contribution lies in how we parameterize the diffusion timestep in the forward diffusion process. Instead of the standard fixed diffusion timestep, we propose applying variable diffusion timesteps across the temporal dimension and across modalities of the inputs. This formulation offers flexibility to introduce variable noise levels for various portions of the input, hence the term mixture of noise levels. We propose a transformer-based audiovisual latent diffusion model and show that it can be trained in a task-agnostic fashion using our approach to enable a variety of audiovisual generation tasks at inference time. Experiments demonstrate the versatility of our method in tackling cross-modal and multimodal interpolation tasks in the audiovisual space. Notably, our proposed approach surpasses baselines in generating temporally and perceptually consistent samples conditioned on the input. View details
    SQL Has Problems. We Can Fix Them: Pipe Syntax In SQL
    Shannon Bales
    Matthew Brown
    Jean-Daniel Browne
    Brandon Dolphin
    Romit Kudtarkar
    Andrey Litvinov
    Jingchi Ma
    John Morcos
    Michael Shen
    David Wilhite
    Xi Wu
    Lulan Yu
    Proc. VLDB Endow. (2024), pp. 4051-4063 (to appear)
    Preview abstract SQL has been extremely successful as the de facto standard language for working with data. Virtually all mainstream database-like systems use SQL as their primary query language. But SQL is an old language with significant design problems, making it difficult to learn, difficult to use, and difficult to extend. Many have observed these challenges with SQL, and proposed solutions involving new languages. New language adoption is a significant obstacle for users, and none of the potential replacements have been successful enough to displace SQL. In GoogleSQL, we’ve taken a different approach - solving SQL’s problems by extending SQL. Inspired by a pattern that works well in other modern data languages, we added piped data flow syntax to SQL. The results are transformative - SQL becomes a flexible language that’s easier to learn, use and extend, while still leveraging the existing SQL ecosystem and existing userbase. Improving SQL from within allows incrementally adopting new features, without migrations and without learning a new language, making this a more productive approach to improve on standard SQL. View details
    Preview abstract Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are responsible for a large proportion of premature deaths in low- and middle-income countries. Early CVD detection and intervention is critical in these populations, yet many existing CVD risk scores require a physical examination or lab measurements, which can be challenging in such health systems due to limited accessibility. We investigated the potential to use photoplethysmography (PPG), a sensing technology available on most smartphones that can potentially enable large-scale screening at low cost, for CVD risk prediction. We developed a deep learning PPG-based CVD risk score (DLS) to predict the probability of having major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE: non-fatal myocardial infarction, stroke, and cardiovascular death) within ten years, given only age, sex, smoking status and PPG as predictors. We compare the DLS with the office-based refit-WHO score, which adopts the shared predictors from WHO and Globorisk scores (age, sex, smoking status, height, weight and systolic blood pressure) but refitted on the UK Biobank (UKB) cohort. All models were trained on a development dataset (141,509 participants) and evaluated on a geographically separate test (54,856 participants) dataset, both from UKB. DLS’s C-statistic (71.1%, 95% CI 69.9–72.4) is non-inferior to office-based refit-WHO score (70.9%, 95% CI 69.7–72.2; non-inferiority margin of 2.5%, p<0.01) in the test dataset. The calibration of the DLS is satisfactory, with a 1.8% mean absolute calibration error. Adding DLS features to the office-based score increases the C-statistic by 1.0% (95% CI 0.6–1.4). DLS predicts ten-year MACE risk comparable with the office-based refit-WHO score. Interpretability analyses suggest that the DLS-extracted features are related to PPG waveform morphology and are independent of heart rate. Our study provides a proof-of-concept and suggests the potential of a PPG-based approach strategies for community-based primary prevention in resource-limited regions. View details
    Discovering Personalized Semantics for Soft Attributes in Recommender Systems using Concept Activation Vectors
    Christina Göpfert
    Alex Haig
    Ivan Vendrov
    Tyler Lu
    Hubert Pham
    Mohammad Ghavamzadeh
    ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems (2024)
    Preview abstract Interactive recommender systems have emerged as a promising paradigm to overcome the limitations of the primitive user feedback used by traditional recommender systems (e.g., clicks, item consumption, ratings). They allow users to express intent, preferences, constraints, and contexts in a richer fashion, often using natural language (including faceted search and dialogue). Yet more research is needed to find the most effective ways to use this feedback. One challenge is inferring a user's semantic intent from the open-ended terms or attributes often used to describe a desired item, and using it to refine recommendation results. Leveraging concept activation vectors (CAVs) (Kim, et al., 2018) a recently developed approach for model interpretability in machine learning, we develop a framework to learn a representation that captures the semantics of such attributes and connects them to user preferences and behaviors in recommender systems. One novel feature of our approach is its ability to distinguish objective and subjective attributes (both subjectivity of degree and of sense), and associate different senses of subjective attributes with different users. We demonstrate on both synthetic and real-world data sets that our CAV representation not only accurately interprets users' subjective semantics, but can also be used to improve recommendations through interactive item critiquing. View details
    Preview abstract Embeddings have become a pivotal means to represent complex, multi-faceted information about entities, concepts, and relationships in a condensed and useful format. Nevertheless, they often preclude direct interpretation. While downstream tasks make use of these compressed representations, meaningful interpretation usually requires visualization using dimensionality reduction or specialized machine learning interpretability methods. This paper addresses the challenge of making such embeddings more interpretable and broadly useful, by employing large language models (LLMs) to directly interact with embeddings -- transforming abstract vectors into understandable narratives. By injecting embeddings into LLMs, we enable querying and exploration of complex embedding data. We demonstrate our approach on a variety of diverse tasks, including: enhancing concept activation vectors (CAVs), communicating novel embedded entities, and decoding user preferences in recommender systems. Our work couples the immense information potential of embeddings with the interpretative power of LLMs. View details
    Preview abstract The federated learning paradigm has motivated the development of methods for aggregating multiple client updates into a global server model, without sharing client data. Many federated learning algorithms, including the canonical Federated Averaging (FedAvg), take a direct (possibly weighted) average of the client parameter updates, motivated by results in distributed optimization. In this work, we adopt a function space perspective and propose a new algorithm, FedFish, that aggregates local approximations to the functions learned by clients, using an estimate based on their Fisher information. We evaluate FedFish on realistic, large-scale cross-device benchmarks. While the performance of FedAvg can suffer as client models drift further apart, we demonstrate that FedFish is more robust to longer local training. Our evaluation across several settings in image and language benchmarks shows that FedFish outperforms FedAvg as local training epochs increase. Further, FedFish results in global networks that are more amenable to efficient personalization via local fine-tuning on the same or shifted data distributions. For instance, federated pretraining on the C4 dataset, followed by few-shot personalization on Stack Overflow, results in a 7% improvement in next-token prediction by FedFish over FedAvg. View details
    "We Need Structured Output": Towards User-centered Constraints on Large Language Model Output
    Michael Xieyang Liu
    Frederick Liu
    Alex Fiannaca
    Terry Koo
    In Extended Abstract in ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '24), ACM (2024), pp. 9 (to appear)
    Preview abstract Large language models can produce creative and diverse responses. However, to integrate them into current developer workflows, it is essential to constrain their outputs to follow specific formats or standards. In this work, we surveyed 51 experienced industry professionals to understand the range of scenarios and motivations driving the need for output constraints from a user-centered perspective. We identified 134 concrete use cases for constraints at two levels: low-level, which ensures the output adhere to a structured format and an appropriate length, and high-level, which requires the output to follow semantic and stylistic guidelines without hallucination. Critically, applying output constraints could not only streamline the currently repetitive process of developing, testing, and integrating LLM prompts for developers, but also enhance the user experience of LLM-powered features and applications. We conclude with a discussion on user preferences and needs towards articulating intended constraints for LLMs, alongside an initial design for a constraint prototyping tool. View details
    Drug Design on Quantum Computers
    Raffaele Santagati
    Alán Aspuru-Guzik
    Matthias Degroote
    Leticia Gonzalez
    Elica Kyoseva
    Nikolaj Moll
    Markus Oppel
    Robert Parrish
    Michael Streif
    Christofer Tautermann
    Horst Weiss
    Nathan Wiebe
    Clemens Utschig-Utschig
    Nature Physics (2024)
    Preview abstract The promised industrial applications of quantum computers often rest on their anticipated ability to perform accurate, efficient quantum chemical calculations. Computational drug discovery relies on accurate predictions of how candidate drugs interact with their targets in a cellular environment involving several thousands of atoms at finite temperatures. Although quantum computers are still far from being used as daily tools in the pharmaceutical industry, here we explore the challenges and opportunities of applying quantum computers to drug design. We discuss where these could transform industrial research and identify the substantial further developments needed to reach this goal. View details
    Preview abstract Vortex is an exabyte scale structured storage system built for streaming and batch analytics. It supports high-throughput batch and stream ingestion. For the user, it supports both batch-oriented and stream-based processing on the ingested data. View details