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Transform your retail apps

Retailers today face pressure to modernize their systems and deliver highly responsive and personalized digital shopping experiences like never before. Redis Enterprise provides the capabilities needed to transform customer journeys with high throughput at sub-millisecond latency, data structures to power real-time retail applications, and high availability in any scenario.

Retail is more competitive than ever

With the rise of e-commerce giants and more companies selling directly to consumers through digital channels, retail is more competitive than it’s ever been. More than half of all customer shopping journeys now include some kind of digital channel, and e-commerce now represents 14.7% of all U.S. retail sales in the 4th quarter of 2022 per the US Dept of Commerce.

Customers now expect a responsive, seamless, and personalized experience across all channels

E-commerce and digitalization shifted consumer expectations and have pushed some well known brands to bankruptcy and closures, due to struggling physical stores, massive debt, and inefficient operations.

Covid-19 pandemic compounded these issues and accelerated the fall of several retailers, who couldn’t pivot to online sales fast enough.  Now with inflation and macroeconomic pressures, shoppers are limiting spending on essential goods and services, so the need for responsive omnichannel customer experiences is vital to be competitive.

Retailers must fundamentally transform their data layer to deliver the shopping experiences customers want

Staying relevant in the eyes of today’s consumers is a never-ending battle to keep prices low, store pages available, inventory updated, and experiences personalized—while also making sure that every part of the customer journey happens in real timeMicroservices and cloud migration are part of modernizing retail and eCommerce systems built on legacy databases.

Featured customers

Modern retailers rely on Redis Enterprise to deliver engaging customer experiences and responsive, resilient applications that consistently perform at any scale.

“Search and Query has allowed us to make the online shopping experience for our customers absolutely seamless. Aggregate searches bring faster, more accurate results so that a customer finds exactly what they need right away.”

Ferry Wijaya
VP Engineering, Lemonilo

Power your retail app in real time

Product catalog, order history, and cart searches

Powering searches with Redis Enterprise lets customers quickly and accurately search through online catalogs, purchase history, and shopping carts without the need for applications to maintain and scale a massive global index of results.

Personalization, promotions, and recommendations

Manage user sessions with Redis Enterprise to ensure a seamless and personalized journey across different e-commerce platforms. For deeper insight into your customers’ habits and preferences, Redis Enterprise enables you to serve features to your AI and machine-learning models for real-time inferencing and analysis.

Real-time inventory

Real-time Available to Promise (ATP) and local store search for in-store pickup require inventory data that’s consistently updated across all channels. Active-Active Redis Enterprise databases and integrated CDC capability enable stores to stay in sync with enterprise systems without the complexity of message brokers or manual data reconciliation.

Caching recent views

Caching is often the easiest way for online retailers to deliver instant shopping experiences with minimal resources and overhead. Redis Enterprise provides a highly available cache with expiration and eviction policies to efficiently manage cache objects, global distribution with Active-Active replication, and virtually unlimited scale.

Product features

Build responsive and highly available retail apps

Redis Enterprise as a cache for retail applications

Retail applications need to be fast and responsive with minimal resources and overhead. Redis Enterprise can act as a highly available cache to ensure your retail applications can deliver on the promise of real-time experience in any scenario.

Search and Query for product catalog, order history, and cart searches

When customers are looking for items to purchase, searches need to be fast and accurate. Search and Query is a fast search engine in Redis that enables you to query recently indexed Redis data to answer any complex question, with instant indexing for new data and search queries that run at least 4x faster than traditional search databases.

Event sourcing with Redis Streams

Redis Enterprise can act as an event store and message broker with Redis Streams supporting microservice applications that need to manage a large amount of transactions or inventory updates in real time in event driven architectures.

Linear scale and five-nines availability during peak demand

To help retailers meet peak demand, Redis Enterprise provides performance that scales linearly with zero downtime. Redis Enterprise databases also provide high availability in any scenario with diskless replication, instant failure detection, and single-digit-second failover cross racks, zones, and geographies.

Drive personalization & user engagement

Multiple data structures and models

Redis Enterprise provides multiple models that let you choose the data model best suited for your application’s performance and data-access requirements. Loadable modules such as Search, JSON, and TimeSeries enable Redis Enterprise to work as a search engine, time-series database, document store, and more—all in a single data platform.

User profile and session store

Redis Enterprise can act as a highly available store for user profile and session data to provide customers with a seamless transition between retail channels, save shopping carts for later purchases, or present personalized recommendations and offers.

Online feature store for AI/ML models

AI is being used to fundamentally transform every facet of retail and eCommerce applications, from interactive chat, personalized outreach, recommendation engines, and fraud detection to digital biometrics that can be used to create customized experiences for visitors to physical stores. Redis Enterprise enables you to serve features to ML models for online inference with sub millisecond response latency, keeping up with instant transactions or real-time applications and ensuring great customer experience. Feature stores let engineers reuse ML features across data discovery, training, production, and other phases of the data science lifecycle.

Modernize real-time inventory & supply-chain systems

Search and Query for inventory searches

When customers are looking for items to purchase, searches need to be fast and accurate. Search and Query is a fast search engine in Redis that lets you query recently indexed Redis data to answer any complex question, with instant indexing for new data and search queries that run at least 4x faster than traditional search databases.


Leveraging Redis Enterprise’s Active-Active database replication with conflict-free resolution allows retailers to ensure consistent bilateral updates between their in-store and enterprise databases, without compromising availability or latency for users in the event of failures.

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