Rosa Mendes: diferenças entre revisões

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*'''[[Ohio Valley Wrestling]]'''
**[[OVW Women's Championship]] (1 vez)<ref name="OVW women's">{{cite web|url=|title=Ohio Valley Wrestling Womens' Title History|date=2007-09-19|last=Westcott|first=Brian|accessdate=2008-05-25|publisher=Solie's Title Histories}}</ref>
*'''[[Florida Championship Wrestling]]'''
**[[Queen of FCW]] (1 vez)
*'''[[Pro Wrestling Illustrated]]'''
:*PWI a colocou como '''#43''' das 50 melhores wrestlers duarnte a PWI Female 50 de 2008.<ref>{{cite web|url=|accessdate=2008-09-19|date=2008-09-18||title=The PWI Female 50 Rankings: Who Is The Top Women's Wrestler In The World?}}</ref>