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SkildringMonocot dicot seed.svg
English: The diagram above compares and contrasts a generalized dicot seed (1) to a generalized monocot seed (2).There are five major parts of a dicot seed. A. Seed coat: the seed coat protects the embryo. B. Cotyledon: the cotyledon stores food; there are two cotyledons in dicot seeds. C. Hilum: the hilum is the point of attachment to its seed vessel. D. Plumule: the plumule is the shoot of the seed where the leaves will first appear. E. Radicle: the radicle is the root of the seed. In the monocot seed there are also five major parts. A. Seed coat: the seed coat protects the seed. B. Cotyledon: the cotyledon is the leaf of the seed; there is only one cotyledon in monocot seeds. D. Plumule: the plumule of the monocot seed is the shoot of the seed. E. Radicle: the radicle of the seed is the root of the seed. F. Endosperm: the endosperm is the food supply for the seed; the dicot seeds contain endosperms in some of the mature seeds.
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