Global perspective Human stories

UN and Africa

OCHA/Franck Kuwonu

UN and Africa: focus on Sahel and South Sudan

"Time running out” to stop terrorism’s spread across the Sahel

Time is “running out” to find and implement solutions to the spread of terrorist groups and their extremist ideology across Africa’s Sahel region. That’s according to El Ghassim Wane, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, briefing the Security Council on Tuesday. He was outlining preparations for the deployment of a new Sahel Joint Force, by the governments of the so-called G-5: Mali, Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad.

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UN and Africa: focus on CAR children, SEED awards and hunger across East Africa

Children increasingly bear brunt of CAR violence amid mass displacement

Horrific and deadly acts of violence against babies and children have been reported in the Central African Republic (CAR), where fighting has forced tens of thousands of people from their homes in recent months. The warning follows months of renewed conflict involving armed groups in the mineral-rich state, which has seen decades of instability after declaring independence in 1960. Daniel Johnson has more.
