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श्रीलङ्काया प्रशासनिक विभाजन

विकिपिडिया नं
श्रीलङ्काया प्रान्त

प्रशासकीय रूपय् श्रीलंका ९ प्रन्तय् विभक्त दु। थ्व ९ प्रान्तय् सकल २५ जिल्ला दु। थ्व जिल्लाया तहत मण्डलीय सचिवालय दु व इमिगु घटक इकाईयात ग्राम सेवक खण्ड धाइ।

प्रान्त राजधानी जिल्ला
मध्यम क्याण्डी क्याण्डी, मातले, नुवर एलिय
उतुरु मेद अनुराधपुर अनुराधपुर, पोलोन्नारुव
उतुरु जाफना जाफना, किलिनोच्चि, मन्नार , वावुनिया, मुलैतिवु
नेगेनहिर त्रिंकोन्माली अम्पार, बट्टिकलोआ , त्रिंकोन्माली
वयँब कुरुनेगल कुरुनेगल, पुत्तलम
दकुणु गाल्ल गाल्ल, हम्बन्तोट, मातर
ऊव बदुल्ल बदुल्ल, मोनरागल
सबरगमुव रतनपुर, श्रीलङ्का, रतनपुर केगल्ल, रतनपुर
बस्नाहिर कोलम्बो कोलम्बो, गम्पहा, कलुतर



सन् २००१स जनगणना कथं श्रीलङ्काया जिल्लातेगु जनसंख्या थ्व कथं दु

ल्या नां मानकिपा प्रान्त राजधानी मू नगरय भूमि (किमि) जल (किमि) सकल क्षेत्रफल जनसंख्या जनघनत्व (प्रति वर्ग किमि)
१६ अम्पार Area map of Ampara District, located along the east by south and south east coast and projecting into the interior of the country at the northern border, in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka नॅगॆनहिर प्रान्त अम्पार अम्पार ४२२२ १९३ ४४१५ ५९२,९९७ १५३
२० अनुराधपुर Area map of Anuradhapura District, located somewhat to the north of the centre of the country, in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka उतुरु मॅद प्रान्त अनुराधपुर नव नगर अनुराधपुर नव नगर ६६६४ ५१५ ७१७९ ७४५,६९३ १२८
२२ बदुल्ल Area map of Badulla District which has its northern border near the centre of the country and extends to the south, located in the Uva Province of Sri Lanka ऊव प्रान्त बदुल्ल बदुल्ल २८२७ ३४ २८६१ ७७९,९८३ २८७
१५ मडकलपुव Area map of Batticaloa District, located along the east by north coast, in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka नॅगॆनहिर प्रान्त मडकलपुव मडकलपुव २६१० २४४ २८५४ ४८६,४४७ * २०१
कोलम्बो Area map of Colombo District, roughly rectangular in shape and extending inwards from the west south west coast in the Western Province of Sri Lanka बस्नाहिर प्रान्त कोलम्बो कोलम्बो ६७६ २३ ६९९ २,२५१,२७४ ३४१७
गाल्ल Area map of Galle District, converging inwards from the south west coast, in the Southern Province of Sri Lanka दकुणु प्रान्त गाल्ल गाल्ल १६१७ ३५ १६५२ ९९०,४८७ ६६५
गम्पह Area map of Gampaha District, extending inwards from the west by south west coast in a rough square shape, in the Western Province of Sri Lanka बस्नाहिर प्रान्त गम्पह मीगमुव १३४१ ४६ १३८७ २,०६३,६८४ १७११
हम्बन्तोट Area map of Hambantota District, lying along the coast from south to south east, in the Southern Province of Sri Lanka दकुणु प्रान्त हम्बन्तॊट हम्बन्तॊट २४९६ ११३ २६०९ ५२६,४१४ २३९
१० जाफना Area map of Jaffna District, in the peninsula to the north, in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka उतुरु प्रान्त यापनय यापनय ९२९ ९६ १०२५ ४९०,६२१ * ६२८
कळुतर Area map of Kalutara District, extending inwards from the south west by west coast, in the Western Province of Sri Lanka बस्नाहिर प्रान्त कळुतर पानदुर १५७६ २२ १५९८ १,०६६,२३९ ७७२
महनुवर (क्यान्दि) Area map of Kandy District, at the centre of the country with its south western boundary extending to the south, in the Central Province of Sri Lanka मध्यम प्रान्त महनुवर महनुवर १९१७ २३ १९४० १,२७९,०२८ ७१५
२५ कॅगल्ल Area map of Kegalle District, roughly oval in shape is located to the south east of the centre of the country, in the Sabaragamuwa Province of Sri Lanka सबरगमुव प्रान्त कॅगल्ल कॅगल्ल १६८५ १६९३ ७८५,५२४ ४९७
११ किलिनॊच्चि Area map of Kilinochchi District, along the northern coast of the mainland and south of the Jaffna peninsula, in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka उतुरु प्रान्त किलिनॊच्चिय किलिनॊच्चिय १२०५ ७४ १२७९ १२७,२६३ * ९४
१८ कुरुणॅगल Area map of Kurunegala District, to the west of the centre of the country with its northern border extending towards the north west, in the North Western Province of Sri Lanka वयँब प्रान्त कुरुणॅगल कुरुणॅगल ४६२४ १९२ ४८१६ १,४६०,२१५ ३४८
१२ मन्नारम Area map of Mannar District, along the north western coast with eastern border extending towards the interior, also including a large island roughly oval in shape, in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka उतुरु प्रान्त मन्नारम मन्नारम १८८० ११६ १९९६ १५१,५७७ * ५३
मातले Area map of Matale District, located immediately north of the middle of the country, roughly the shape of a letter "C" and located in the Central Province of Sri Lanka मध्यम प्रान्त मातले मातले १९५२ ४१ १९९३ ४४१,३२८ २४७
मातर Area map of Matara District, roughly rectangular in shape and extending inwards from the southern coast, in the Southern Province of Sri Lanka दकुणु प्रान्त मातर मातर १२७० १३ १२८३ ७६१,३७० ६३७
२३ मॊणरागल Area map of Moneragala District, located east of the centre of the country, has its south eat border extending towards the west, in the Uva Province of Sri Lanka ऊव प्रान्त मॊणरागल मॊणरागल ५५०८ १३१ ५६३९ ३९७,३७५ ८१
१४ मुलतिव् Area map of Mullaitivu District, extending to the west from the north by east coast in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka उतुरु प्रान्त मुलतिव् मुलतिव् २४१५ २०२ २६१७ १२१,६६७ * ३८
नुवरऎळिय Area map of Nuwara Eliya District, located immediately south of the middle of the country and running roughly south west to north east, in the Central Province of Sri Lanka मध्यम प्रान्त नुवरऎळिय नुवरऎळिय १७०६ ३५ १७४१ ७०३,६१० ४१४
२१ पॊळॊन्नरुव Area map of Polonnaruwa District, roughly square in shape, located at the middle from north east of the centre of the country and south west of the north eastern coast, in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka उतुरु मॅद प्रान्त पॊळॊन्नरुव कदुरुवॆल ३०७७ २१६ ३२९३ ३५८,९८४ १३१
१९ पुत्तलम Area map of Puttalam District, lying along the western coast, in the North Western Province of Sri Lanka वयँब प्रान्त पुत्तलम हलावत २८८२ १९० ३०७२ ७०९,६७७ २६४
२४ रत्नपुर Area map of Ratnapura District, some distance from the south western coast with its western and southern borders converging towards the north west, in the Sabaragamuwa Province of Sri Lanka सबरगमुव प्रान्त रत्नपुर रत्नपुर ३२३६ ३९ ३२७५ १,०१५,८०७ ३३४
१७ त्रिकुणामलय Area map of Trincomalee District, along the north eastern coast with its south western border extending inwards, in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka नॅगॆनहिर प्रान्त त्रिकुणामलय त्रिकुणामलय २५२९ १९८ २७२७ ३४०,१५८ * १५०
१३ ववुनियाव Area map of Vavuniya District, located in the middle of the northern half of the country, running roughly in a south west—north east direction, in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka उतुरु प्रान्त ववुनियाव ववुनियाव १८६१ १०६ १९६७ १४९,८३५ * ९२



