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Career and Technical Education in the United States Spotlight
Updated May 2024 from the Report on Condition of Education 2024

Among 2013 public high school graduates ever enrolled in postsecondary education by June 2021, a higher percentage of high school career and technical education (CTE) concentrators than nonconcentrators had received an associate’s degree as their highest postsecondary degree (14 vs. 9 percent). Conversely, a lower percentage of CTE concentrators than nonconcentrators had received a bachelor’s or higher degree as their highest postsecondary degree (48 vs. 54 percent). Learn more

2024 Data Releases

  • Public School Teachers of CTE
    1. Table 209.50: Percentage of public school teachers of grades 9 through 12, by field of main teaching assignment and selected demographic and educational characteristics: School year 2020-21
    2. Table 210.50: Percentage of public and private elementary and secondary schools hiring for at least one open teaching position, and among schools with at least one opening schoolwide, percentage hiring in various subject-matter fields, by selected school characteristics: School years 2011-12, 2015-16, and 2020-21
    3. Table 210.60: Among public and private elementary and secondary schools that were hiring for at least one open teaching position in a specific field, percentage that found it very difficult or were not able to fill the opening, by subject-matter field of opening and selected school characteristics: School years 2011-12, 2015-16, and 2020-21
  • CTE Coursetaking
    1. Table 225.25: Percentage of public and private high school graduates who earned at least one Carnegie credit in selected career/technical education courses in high school, by selected student and school characteristics: 2019
    2. Table 326.60: Number of 2013 public high school graduates and percentage ever enrolled in postsecondary education by June 2016 or June 2021, and selected postsecondary outcomes among 2013 public high school graduates ever enrolled in postsecondary education by June 2021, by high school career and technical education (CTE) concentrator status
    3. Table 326.65: Among 2013 public high school graduates ever enrolled in postsecondary education by June 2021, percentage of high school career and technical education (CTE) concentrators who earned postsecondary degrees/certificates and whose highest postsecondary degree/certificate was in the same field or a different field as their high school CTE concentration, by field of CTE concentration during high school and highest postsecondary degree/certificate earned: 2021

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