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Digest of Education Statistics
2020 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 233.69a. Number and percentage of public schools providing diagnostic mental health assessments and treatment to students and, among schools providing these services, percentage providing them at school and outside of school, by selected school characteristics: 2017-18
[Standard errors appear in parentheses]
School characteristic Diagnostic mental health assessments to evaluate students for mental health disorders Treatment to students for mental health disorders
Number of
schools providing these assessments
Percent of schools providing these assessments Among schools providing these assessments, percent providing them at school and outside of school1 Number of schools providing treatment Percent of schools
providing treatment
Among schools providing treatment, percent providing it at school and outside of school1
At school only Outside of school only Both at school and outside of school At school only Outside of school only Both at school and outside of school
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Total 42,200   (1,000) 51.2   (1.20) 32.2   (1.50) 11.8   (1.00) 52.4   (1.73) 31,500   (870) 38.3   (1.09) 33.0   (2.15) 9.7   (1.48) 54.7   (2.10)
Traditional or charter status                                                            
Traditional public school 39,400   (1,010) 51.1   (1.23) 31.9   (1.54) 12.5   (1.07) 52.5   (1.82) 29,800   (830) 38.5   (1.10) 32.6   (1.99) 9.9   (1.55) 55.2   (1.97)
Charter school 2,700   (330) 54.2   (5.39) 36.9   (6.73)   (†) 51.9   (6.44) 1,800   (340) 34.9   (5.84) 39.6   (8.98)   (†) 45.2   (9.64)
School level2                                                            
Primary 23,500   (980) 48.7   (2.02) 33.5   (2.64) 11.6   (1.82) 50.9   (3.02) 17,800   (900) 36.9   (1.90) 34.3   (3.08) 10.5   (2.24) 52.4   (3.20)
Middle 8,400   (260) 55.7   (1.68) 29.3   (1.94) 11.6   (1.66) 58.0   (2.51) 5,900   (260) 39.1   (1.72) 29.9   (2.25) 8.5   (1.54) 60.3   (2.64)
High school 7,700   (220) 60.8   (1.77) 30.3   (1.70) 10.2   (1.52) 57.7   (1.95) 5,600   (210) 44.5   (1.68) 33.0   (2.80) 5.1   (1.07) 60.0   (2.61)
Combined 2,600   (330) 41.2   (4.84) 36.1   (7.85) 19.4 ! (6.29) 33.1   (7.01) 2,200   (350) 34.6   (5.59) 30.5 ! (9.48) 18.7 ! (7.68) 44.9   (9.22)
Enrollment size                                                            
Less than 300 7,300   (570) 43.2   (3.44) 28.9   (5.21) 15.4   (4.09) 49.8   (5.09) 5,800   (540) 34.5   (3.32) 41.5   (6.94) 16.2 ! (5.71) 40.1   (6.44)
300 to 499 12,200   (630) 49.0   (2.54) 32.7   (3.00) 10.4   (2.07) 53.7   (3.97) 10,000   (630) 40.3   (2.55) 31.7   (3.13) 7.3   (1.87) 58.4   (3.36)
500 to 999 17,000   (630) 53.7   (1.98) 33.9   (2.11) 13.1   (1.64) 50.0   (2.43) 11,800   (560) 37.2   (1.76) 31.2   (3.17) 9.0   (2.00) 56.5   (3.44)
1,000 or more 5,700   (180) 64.0   (2.09) 30.5   (1.90) 6.6   (1.51) 60.2   (2.18) 3,900   (190) 44.0   (2.13) 29.1   (3.05) 8.2   (2.36) 61.2   (3.28)
City 13,100   (470) 58.4   (2.13) 32.9   (2.38) 8.4   (1.76) 53.9   (2.84) 9,400   (420) 41.7   (1.89) 35.5   (4.17) 8.0 ! (2.46) 53.1   (3.97)
Suburban 14,400   (680) 52.9   (2.37) 32.3   (2.44) 8.9   (1.57) 56.6   (2.94) 9,700   (670) 35.7   (2.43) 30.2   (2.91) 9.6 ! (2.97) 57.6   (4.11)
Town 4,900   (390) 46.3   (3.70) 28.6   (4.92) 18.5   (4.10) 49.8   (4.47) 4,300   (370) 40.5   (3.48) 26.6   (4.06) 6.9 ! (3.01) 64.9   (4.27)
Rural 9,700   (510) 44.3   (2.31) 33.0   (3.97) 17.5   (2.60) 45.6   (3.58) 8,200   (540) 37.1   (2.48) 36.8   (4.82) 13.3   (3.20) 47.7   (5.02)
Northeast 8,500   (640) 59.4   (3.12) 24.1   (3.45) 14.5   (2.73) 58.4   (4.14) 6,200   (620) 43.2   (3.45) 36.2   (6.25) 5.9 ! (2.20) 57.5   (5.85)
Midwest 8,300   (620) 42.3   (2.33) 31.3   (3.85) 12.5   (2.60) 53.1   (4.06) 7,700   (650) 39.6   (2.15) 31.4   (4.86) 6.6   (1.82) 57.1   (4.55)
South 14,900   (730) 50.9   (2.25) 35.0   (2.63) 12.0   (1.96) 49.0   (3.06) 10,900   (670) 37.2   (2.12) 29.9   (2.85) 13.3   (2.66) 53.9   (3.43)
West 10,600   (730) 54.9   (2.95) 35.6   (3.63) 9.0 ! (2.72) 52.0   (3.69) 6,700   (580) 35.0   (2.34) 36.8   (4.41) 10.9 ! (3.76) 50.6   (4.52)
Percent minority enrollment3                                                            
0 to 25 percent 12,900   (640) 43.3   (1.88) 28.3   (3.18) 14.6   (2.15) 54.7   (2.95) 11,100   (570) 37.2   (1.75) 32.8   (3.55) 8.2   (1.91) 56.8   (3.60)
26 to 50 percent 9,300   (580) 51.8   (2.55) 32.0   (3.28) 17.4   (3.09) 48.2   (3.53) 7,100   (570) 39.6   (2.67) 30.7   (4.23) 11.2   (3.00) 56.3   (4.10)
51 to 75 percent 7,200   (600) 57.9   (3.85) 41.5   (4.73) 5.6 ! (1.68) 46.8   (4.67) 4,600   (480) 37.0   (3.27) 37.7   (6.00) 7.1 ! (2.73) 51.1   (6.04)
76 to 100 percent 12,700   (780) 57.8   (2.95) 31.1   (2.91) 8.5   (2.09) 56.4   (3.10) 8,700   (520) 39.4   (2.03) 32.7   (4.20) 11.8   (3.18) 52.5   (4.09)
Percent of students eligible for
     free or reduced-price lunch
0 to 25 percent 7,500   (530) 50.3   (2.57) 35.5   (3.62) 10.8   (2.38) 50.9   (3.53) 5,000   (430) 33.6   (2.63) 44.0   (4.83) 4.4 ! (1.88) 51.1   (4.14)
26 to 50 percent 9,000   (560) 46.1   (2.58) 34.3   (3.40) 13.3   (2.41) 49.2   (3.54) 6,900   (480) 35.0   (2.17) 37.3   (4.22) 8.9 ! (2.93) 50.9   (4.57)
51 to 75 percent 9,600   (710) 46.6   (2.71) 30.0   (3.14) 12.2   (1.95) 56.1   (3.58) 8,000   (570) 39.0   (2.34) 29.6   (3.42) 8.3   (2.22) 57.7   (3.58)
76 to 100 percent 16,000   (900) 59.1   (2.94) 30.9   (2.88) 11.3   (2.27) 52.8   (3.01) 11,600   (620) 42.8   (1.82) 28.0   (4.00) 13.4   (3.01) 56.4   (3.69)
†Not applicable.
!Interpret data with caution. The coefficient of variation (CV) for this estimate is between 30 and 50 percent.
‡Reporting standards not met. Either there are too few cases for a reliable estimate or the coefficient of variation (CV) is 50 percent or greater.
1 Percentages do not sum to 100 percent because some schools reported providing assessments or treatment but did not specify the location at which these services were provided.
2 Primary schools are defined as schools in which the lowest grade is not higher than grade 3 and the highest grade is not higher than grade 8. Middle schools are defined as schools in which the lowest grade is not lower than grade 4 and the highest grade is not higher than grade 9. High schools are defined as schools in which the lowest grade is not lower than grade 9. Combined schools include all other combinations of grades, including K-12 schools.
3 Percent combined enrollment of Black, Hispanic, Asian, Pacific Islander, and American Indian/Alaska Native students, and students of Two or more races.
NOTE: A diagnostic mental health assessment is an evaluation conducted by a mental health professional that identifies whether an individual has one or more mental health diagnoses. Treatment is a clinical intervention--which may include psychotherapy, medication, and/or counseling--addressed at lessening or eliminating the symptoms of a mental health disorder. Schools were instructed to include only services provided by a licensed mental health professional employed or contracted by the school. Licensed mental health professionals include psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric/mental health nurse practitioners, psychiatric/mental health nurses, clinical social workers, and professional counselors. Responses were provided by the principal or the person most knowledgeable about school crime and policies to provide a safe environment.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2017-18 School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS), 2018. (This table was prepared August 2019.)

2020 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest