In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Bibliography of Lubomír Doležel:1954–2016
  • František A. Podhajský (bio) and Bohumil Fořt (bio)

this is A bibliographical record of all Doležel’s works published in books and periodicals. Though the primary focus is on the English and Czech versions of his texts, it also includes translations into other languages. In this respect, however, due to practical limitations, the bibliography remains incomplete. The items are sequenced chronologically. If several works appeared in a single year, they are ordered according to the following rubric: monographs, editions, essays in collective volumes, essays in conference proceedings, essays in journals, dictionary entries, reviews, interviews.

We utilized the following four bibliographical sources:

  1. a. “Soupis prcí Lubomír Doležel,” Česká litertur 45 (1997): 649–62;

  2. b. David Gorman, “Luomír Doležel: A Checklist of Pulications in English, 1966–1998,” Style 32 (1998): 680–90;

  3. c. Ondřej Sládek, “Lubomír Doležel,” an entry in an eletroni ditionary Slovník české literatury po roe 1945 []; and

  4. d. the Czech Literary Bibliography research infrastructure []. [End Page 231]

Our bibliography follows Gorman’s style of marking with a bullet those of Doležel’s essays that appeared in volumes he edited or coedited. Unverified items are marked with an asterisk. And even though we strove to eliminate as many of such bibliographical foibles as possible a few instances still remain.

František A. Podhajský

František A. Podhajský is a bibliographer at the Institute of Czech Literature of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and a founding member of the Brno Narratological Circle. He is the editor of Julek Fučík—věčně živý! [Julius Fučík forever!] (2010) and Fikce Jaroslava Haška [Jaroslav Hašek’s fictions] (2016). He can be reached at [email protected].

Bohumil Fořt

Bohumil Fořt is an associate professor at Masaryk University (Brno) and a senior researcher at the Czech Academy of Sciences (Prague). He is the author of five monographs (including An Introduction to Fictional Worlds Theory, 2016) and forty articles. His fields of interest are: literary theory, narratology, and fictional worlds theory. He can be reached at [email protected].


Lubomír Doležel and František Váhala. Kapitoly z české mluvnice a slohu [Chapters on Czech grammar and style]. Prague: Novinářský studijní ústav, 1954.
“K obecné problematice jazykového stylu” [On some general problems of style in language]. Slovo a slovesnost 15 (1954): 97–105.
“Významný sovětský příspěvek k lexikografické teorii i praxi” [An important Soviet contribution to the lexicographic theory and practice]. Slovo a slovesnost 15 (1954): 183–5. Commentary on Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov’s essay in the journal Voprosy iazykoznaniia (1953, No. 1).


František Daneš, Lubomír Doležel, Karel Hausenblas, and František Váhala. Kapitoly z praktické stylistiky [Chapters on practical stylistics]. Prague: Orbis, 1955. Revised ed.: 1957.
“Rozbor uměleckého stylu” [Analyzing literary style]. Slovo a slovesnost 16 (1955): 90–6.
“K stylistické a normativní charakteristice ve slovníku spisovného jazyka” [On the stylistic and normative characteristics in the dictionary of standard language]. Naše řeč 38 (1955): 12–21.
“Spisovná norma z hlediska potřeb společnosti” [The standard-language norm from the social-needs point of view]. Slovenská reč 20 (1955): 199–205.
“K jazyku a stylu románu K. F. Sedláčka Závod ve stínu” [On the language and style of K. F. Sedláček’s novel Závod ve stínu]. Květen 1 (1955–1956): 23, 52–4.
“K postavení bohatěji rozvitého přívlastku” [On the status of compound modifier]. Naše řeč 38 (1955): 58–60.
“K postavení složitých přívlastkových výrazů” [About the status of complex modifier constructions]. Bulletin Novinářského studijního ústavu 2 (1955): 185–6.
“Náhrada přívlastkových výrazů větou vztažnou” [Substituting modifier constructions with relative clauses]. Bulletin Novinářského studijního ústavu 2 (1955): 234–5...

