This is Art+Feminism's application for an annual plan grant of $250,000 for 12 months, for a grant period from 1 September 2019 to 31 August 2020. This will be a year of transition for the organization, as they work to put a new staffing structure and a new governance structure in place in order to make their work sustainable in the long term. This plan will not focus on growth in programmatic outcomes, as the team has in previous years, but they will be maintaining their current achievements while they lay a strong organizational foundation for the future.
- Annual plan: Art+Feminism_User_Group/Planning/AnnualPlan2019-2020
- Strategic plan: Art+Feminism_User_Group/Planning/StrategicPlan2019-2020
- Staffing plan: Art+Feminism_User_Group/Planning/Staffing2019
- Budget: