Drought Monitoring Products
Current Drought Monitor:
The US Drought Monitor website is a wonderful
resource for drought information.
IEM Relevant Autoplots Apps
The "IEM Autoplot" applications are dynamically generated plots that also
offer the raw data behind the plot as well.
- Gridded Precip Estimates/Departures (#84)
- Station Precip Estimates/Departures (#97)
- Station Trailing Days Timeseries (#142)
- US Drought Monitor Time Duration Maps (#194)
- Drought Blends [CPC]
Soil Moisture Status:
Ground Water Status:
Water Year (October 1 - Today)
The "Water Year" is typically defined to start on October 1rst and represents the time when new water received goes to help the next year's growing season.
Precipitation Departures:
Generate More Plots Like this
Rainfall Status:
- This month's rainfall [CPC]
- This month's rainfall anomaly [CPC]
- Interactive Maps of Departures
Recommended Excellent website providing summaries of precip and US Drought Monitor status. - Standardized Precipitation Index [WRCC]
- Evaporative Demand Drought Index (EDDI)
- Global Integrated Drought Monitoring and Prediction System
- PNA trends [CDC]
Websites referenced:
Please contact us if you have links you would like added on this page.