Wikidata:WikiProject Botany



Wikidata WikiProjects : Biology, Taxonomy, Ecology, Anatomy, Medicine, Food.

Other Wikimedia botany projects : WikiProject Plants (Q10823481).


Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
flower colorP2827Itembiological pigment, color in nature and flower: colour of flowers of a plant species, hybrid or cultivarJasminum officinale <flower color> white-
inflorescenceP3739Iteminflorescence: placement of flowers on the stem of a flower plantMyosotis scorpioides <inflorescence> helicoid cyme-
fruit colorP11220Itemfruit color: color of the fruit of a plant species, hybrid, or cultivarViburnum dentatum <fruit color> black-
has fruit typeP4000Itemtype of fruit: morphology of the fruit of this taxon, as defined in botanyRubus subg. Rubus <has fruit type> polydrupe-
foliage typeP10906Itemfoliage: type of foliage characteristic of a plant, e.g. deciduous, semi-deciduous, semi-evergreen, or evergreenAbies pinsapo <foliage type> evergreen plant-
is pollinated byP1703Itempollination: how pollen from the male anthers is transferred to the female stigma of a flowerEriogonum latifolium <is pollinated by> Halictidaeis pollinator of
visited byP11801Itemplant visitor: organisms attracted by this plant taxon and reported to visit itZabelia tyaihyoni <visited by> butterfly-
hardiness of plantP8193Itemhardiness: recommended hardiness zone for plant, ability of plant to survive adverse growing conditionsRosa 'Souvenir de la Malmaison' <hardiness of plant> 6-
habitatP2974Itemhabitat: the natural environment in which an organism lives, or the physical environment that surrounds a species populationHelicobacter pylori 26695 <habitat> stomachtaxon found at location
endemic toP183Itemendemism and endemic species: sole location or habitat type where the taxon livesTournefortia acuminata <endemic to> Réunion-
colorP462Itemcolor: color of subjectcharcoal <color> black-
smells ofP5872Itemodor: what an item is said to smell likeHabanita <smells of> vanilla-
hostP2975Itemhost organism: an organism harboring another organism or organisms on or in itselfHelicobacter pylori 26695 <host> Homo sapiens-
natural reservoir ofP1606Itemnatural reservoir: pathogen of which this species is a long-term hostPteropodidae <natural reservoir of> Ebolavirushas natural reservoir

plant (Q756)

botany (Q441)

Subclasses of inflorescences fr | en

Horticulture and gardening


Examples of databases


These databases contains data about horticulture and gardening. We could see which data or properties can be used in Wikidata.

Name Comments Licence Cons
Plants For A Future CC BY-NC-SA 1.0 Only in english, not CC0
Practical Plants Collaboratively edited encyclopedia and database CC BY SA and CC BY NC SA (fork of the PFAF database) Only in english, not CC0
Ooreka ? Only in french, licence ?
PLANTS from United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. The Conservation Plant Characteristics Data Definitions may be of particular interest for developing properties below Dataset available under Creative Commons Zero. The data catalog entry lists the format as "web page"
Gardener Plant Toolbox by North Carolina State University Extension, records on 4,700 plants that grow in and around North Carolina, USA ?


Database Property name Wikimedia list of items Example of items Comments
PFAF Edible rating/uses Category:Edible plants (Q7224176)
PFAF Medicinal rating/uses Category:Medicinal plants (Q8891990), Therapeutic classes, french pharmacological classes)
PFAF Other uses Category:Domesticated plants (Q7226609)
PFAF Special uses Category:Domesticated plants (Q7226609) Nitrogen fixer, ground cover...
PFAF Edible parts flower (Q506), bark (Q184453), fruit (Q1364), leaf (Q33971), manna (Q241156), nectar (Q171934), oil (Q42962), pollen (Q79932), root (Q41500), plant sap (Q76626), seed (Q40763), seedpod, plant stem (Q134267)
PFAF Habit
PFAF Deciduous/Evergreen evergreen plant (Q190489) / deciduous plant (Q1131316)
PFAF Height
PFAF Width
PFAF Hardiness USDA
PFAF Growth rate
PFAF Shade
PFAF Moisture
PFAF Tolerates pollution
PFAF Frost tender
PFAF Flowering times and types different according to the climate
PFAF Flower type hermaphrodite (Q303479), monoecious, dioecy (Q148681), self-fertile
PFAF Pollinators is pollinated by (P1703)
Ooreka Plant type ornamental plant (Q199182)
Ooreka Flower color
Ooreka TODO...

Companion plants


The goal is to link every plant that has an positive or negative effect to each other and to be able to create a graph with Wikidata Graph Builder.

List of companion plants : english wikipedia, french wikipedia.

Properties that could be proposed (but should be more defined first) in order to easily add the list of companion plants:

Name Description Inverse Opposite Comment
helps helps an other plant to grow helped by avoid ?
helped by helped to grow by an other plant (or animal ?) helps avoid ?
attracts attracts an specific animal repels / distracts
repels / distracts repels / distracts an animal attracts Which name is more appropriate ? repels or distracts ?
avoid avoid a plant to grow (or the inverse ? see the table) helps ? Should we add the property "avoided by" ?



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