General Catalogue of Variable Stars
astronomical catalogue of variable stars
- V* Catalogue
GCVS (English)
0 references
V* (English)
0 references
GCVS (German)
0 references
V* (German)
0 references
0 references
Wikipedia(19 entries)
- afwiki General Catalogue of Variable Stars
- arwiki فهرس النجوم المتغيرة العام
- astwiki General Catalogue of Variable Stars
- cawiki Catàleg General d'Estrelles Variables
- dewiki General Catalogue of Variable Stars
- enwiki General Catalogue of Variable Stars
- eswiki General Catalogue of Variable Stars
- fawiki کاتالوگ عمومی ستارگان متغیر
- frwiki General Catalogue of Variable Stars
- itwiki General Catalogue of Variable Stars
- jawiki 変光星総合カタログ
- lbwiki General Catalogue of Variable Stars
- nlwiki General Catalogue of Variable Stars
- ptwiki General Catalogue of Variable Stars
- rowiki General Catalogue of Variable Stars
- ruwiki Общий каталог переменных звёзд
- trwiki Değişen Yıldızlar Genel Kataloğu
- ukwiki Загальний каталог змінних зір
- zhwiki 變星總表