
Revision as of 22:04, 5 October 2023 by PLbot (talk | contribs) (upd)

Merge candidates in dewiki and dewikiversity based on same sitelink name.

Found 4 merge candiates, excluding 1 candidates from the list of knowlingly non-duplicates leads to 3 remaining candidates.

Update: 2023-10-05 22:04 (UTC)

Merge candidates

  1. Q116973873 (de:Instruktionsdesign) and Q667334 (v:de:Instruktionsdesign)
  2. Q8521258 (de:Kategorie:Homotopietheorie) and Q105569136 (v:de:Kategorie:Homotopietheorie)
  3. Q116943184 (de:Spracherkennung) and Q189436 (v:de:Spracherkennung)