
IMDb member since March 2006
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    18 years


Dead Wrong

i agree with everything the above writer said
The plot was predictable in it's entirety. There was nothing the above writer mentioned that made me see it in a different light. I have to admit though to thoroughly enjoying it - not because I was expecting anything out of it, as the writer said, you could tell what kind of film it was simply through watching the first 2 minutes. No, I'm just an avid Britt fan and enjoy anything she's in even if it's a load of codswallop. I wonder really, whether most of the people involved wouldn't agree but know that if they turned the role down someone else would take it. It's their job after all and I didn't spot any household names other that Britt who would be worried about their reputations!

Taking Control

an excellent self defence video for everybody.
This videotape is one that every woman (and man for that matter)should have. And you should review it regularly. Done correctly there is every chance that using these tactics could spare you a serious attack. The beauty of this tape is that it shows you don't have to be a black belt in order to get the better of somebody much taller and stronger than yourself. After all, who would attack somebody who looked likely to be able to overpower them? The tape shows several ways to combat an attack from all angles, pointing out how much of the attackers body is open to counter attack at any given time. The viewer is also given a lesson on how to leave your embarrassment and squeamishness at the door when it comes to defending yourself. We are taught to cry 'back off!!' when we sense somebody is in our personal space. We are shown that if we are being attacked, we have to fight back and if that means sticking your fingers in his eyes or going straight for the groin, then so be it. You could be fighting for your life. I recommend you get a copy somehow and study it. I have given a a copy to all my sisters and watch my own regularly. And just for the record, Ms De Paul looks stunning in a leotard. Something for the boys!

Britt Fit

an inspirational sight for women of 'a certain age'
OK, so it's years old, but what the hey, Britt is ageless. Britt makes being 'of a certain age' the thing to be. If there were an instructor like her at my local gym, I'd go daily!!! She takes the sport side, which is such a turn off, out of exercising, and puts the glamour in. Exercising the Britt way is more a celebration of womanhood in all it's sexy glory. I don't want to see a sporty woman who lives for the gym looking sinewy and tough and just like they're about to join in any rough and tumble game going, I want to see a glamour puss making a work out(and her body)look sexy. I work out because I want to continue feeling great and vibrant, and not because I live for the inside of a gym. There must be more women around who think like me. There is a place for the for the exercise-for-the-sake-of-it sport lovers, and there is plenty of opportunity to go down that path. It's good to see that there is something out there for those of us who prefer the lipstick/leotard combo!!!!

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