
IMDb member since December 2018
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Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

A game I didn't expect to surprise me
Thought it be like Nation treasure which it was for a little bit and then zombies appeared and it surprised me in a bad way because I was all for getting the treasure but when this game switched to resident evil took me out of the game. But apart from that the story was okay and I mostly had a good time but this first installment of this uncharted franchise hasn't made me want to keep on playing the other games. If I do hopefully I see why uncharted is so popular but keep an eye out to see if i do a review for uncharted 2. It was a good game but that's it 7/10.

Red Dead Redemption II

A Legendary Classic
Red Dead Redemption 2 has such a beautiful story with interesting characters that I just fell in love with. The missions are fun,the graphics are fantastic and it deserves more than just a 10 so my official rating is 20/10.

Avengers: Endgame

End of an ERA
All I can say is that everything that you want to happen happens but there is also things that I didn't expect to happen but all good things. Simply this is a fitting end to the saga 10/10!!!!

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Awesome RPG
This game is brilliant. The gameplay,the story and the graphics make kingdom come deliverance one of the best RPG I have ever played. The only things that are bad about this game is the bugs that I have in countered and the end of story as I just wanted to keep on playing through Henry's story then wait for a sequel. So with the good and the bad mixed together this game is an 8/10.


Nearly perfect
Season one was a 10/10 I really enjoyed the twists and turns that I got to see while watching the first season. Season 2 on the other hand felt rushed and only has two episodes that I can remember. Not to say the other episodes were not good but compared to the first season they were just a let down. I do recommend season 1 there is joy to be had by watching the first season but season 2 I can only recommend one episode and that's episode 8 which is brilliant and deserves a 10/10. Overall I give Westworld an 8/10.

The Christmas Chronicles

Best Christmas film of 2018!!!
Kurt Russell portrayal of Santa is the best since the Santa clause movies. This movie is entertaining and the whole family will love it. I just wanted to see a bit more of Kurt Russell Santa in the movie overall 9/10.


Without a gripping plot and not a lot to do than just keep killing aliens this game gets boring pretty quick. You might find some fun while playing with friends while teaming up to take down a boss but there are better games to play and enjoy than this one. Overall 6/10.

Assassin's Creed: Origins

Best game since Black Flag
I loved this game it was everything I wanted and more. I still perfer brotherhood as I find the plot stronger but overall it's a must play game that is a very high 9/10.

Sister Act

Great family entertainment
This is a really great family film that will entertain the whole family 9/10.

Thor: Ragnarok

Popcorn movie
Grab some popcorn and u will survive this movie. Without something to eat u might as well be drunk because out of all the MCU movies this is the worst. It's not a bad movie but it's just painfully average. 5/10.

Star Wars: Battlefront

The graphics and the gameplay make this game but everything else is lacking content. There is some fun to be had but the more you play it the more repetitive it gets and eventually it just gets boring. Compared to the original battlefront this game is just a disappointment and that's why its a 6/10. Its not bad game but it should of been a lot better than it was.

The Flash

Above average
The first and second season were great but after that the show goes downhill. It's not bad but it is no longer great and overall its just a 6/10.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

The worst superhero film I have ever watched in my life. This film was boring and at no point was I entertained. Don't watch this film stick to the original Superman films and any other Batman movie because this film is trash. Overall 2/10.

Wolfenstein: The New Order

This game is awesome. Story, gameplay and graphics are all good I just want the boss battles to better but apart from that it's a 9/10.


Kill or be killed
If u just love to shoot things then this is the game for u. If ur looking for a good interesting story however then look elsewhere as this game is purely just made to shoot and kill things just for the fun of it. Overall 7/10.

Battlefield V

I don't know how they messed this game up. All that had to do was improve on the negatives of battlefield one and this game would of been perfect. Instead they produce the worst FPS I have ever played just plain awful.

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

If ur an assassin's Creed fan or just want to be a pirate then this is the game for you.

Assassin's Creed: Revelations

A beautiful end to Ezio's Tale
This game was great send off to the Master Assassin and should be a game that every Assassin Creed fan should play.

Assassin's Creed: Lineage

A nice watch
Watching this was a nice way to go deeper into the lore of assassin's creed but its not perfect and has it's flaws which is why it is a six out of ten

Assassin's Creed

Below average
This could of been a great movie but instead it turns out to be a flop. Fans of the games should NOT watch this movie and should continue playing the games as that will be a better use of their time.


The best DCEU film yet!!!
When watching this film I was amazed by how the film looked and I was very entertained. I enjoyed this film more than Wonder Women which I would give a seven but Aquaman well deservers an eight and is awesome film that I recommended watching.

Vader: A Star Wars Theory Fan Series: Shards of the Past
Episode 1, Season 1

Must watch!!!!!
Everything in this first episode was amazing except for one thing. The emperor. The acting, the make up and the voice all need improving that is why my rating is a nine and not a ten. Overall it is a fan film that every star wars fan should see and I am looking forward to the next episode which hopefully will be a ten out of ten.

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