
IMDb member since December 2018
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A Very Royal Scandal

Excellent fictionalisation
Obviously huge chunks of this docudrama are fictionalised as it portrays what was going on behind the scenes leading up to, during and after the controversial BBC interview with Prince Andrew. We see a lot of Andrew's family and Royal advisors and Emily Maitlis' family and colleagues at the BBC (By the way, I think this is far better dramatisation than the recent version starring Billie Piper which was told through the eyes of a BBC researcher.) Michael Sheen must be one of, if not the best character actors of his time. He does not particularly resemble some of the characters he portrays but with excellent input from wardrobe and make up and his ability to deliver lines with the mannerisms of these people he is utterly convincing in the part. It is thus the case with his portrayal of Prince Andrew. Ruth Wilson is very good to in the role of Emily Maitlis.

I think it was an appropriate we do not see any of the Royal family other than Andrew's immediate family portrayed on screen. Mummy and Charles speak to Andrew over the phone and we do not see or hear them. We do have a lot of fictionalised dialogue between Andrew, his daughters and ex-wife Fergie. And some rather cringing scenes with Andrew's staff especially Amanda Thirsk played by Joanna Scanlon. This we should take with a pinch of salt and not as a historical account. We can assume that Emily Maitlis is happy with the depiction of her input into the interview and family life as she was plugging the drama on GMB the day before it dropped on Amazon Prime.

I binge watched all 3 episodes because it is such a good dramatisation not because I wanted to know how it ended.


Fizzled out
I really enjoyed the first series and was looking forward to the second series with great anticipation. But I am left underwhelmed. The cast of actors is phenomenal but the script and plot let them down. There is so much in the plot that is just not believable. A long lost daughter that allows herself to be sucked into a world of serious criminal activity and revenge without so much as a bat of an eyelid. A vulnerable young girl left by a social worker to live in a house occupied by a drugs gang. The same small girl capable of stabbing a strong man with gardening shears and getting away with it.. The plot fizzled out and I am not quite sure that all the loose ends were tied up. Perhaps another series?


Really dull
I suppose there is not much a writer can do when the storyline is about a dull girl locked in an isolated farmhouse with a guy. Both speaking in monotone voices with expressionless faces. The only character showing any emotion and animation in an all too brief appearance was Robert Glenister as Piers Morgan. I am writing this as I watch episode 2 with the intention of not watching any more. The background music is not that good either. To be honest I found myself not caring one way or another if this girl is released or not and I feel bad about that because it claims to be based on a true story.

Douglas Is Cancelled

Episodes 3 and 4 are better
Unlike most dramas on TV these days the storyline does not fizzle out at the end. Rather the opposite it gets better. I very nearly gave up after watching the first two episodes as the actors seemed to be overacting and delivering their lines in a shouty irritating way, especially Alex Kingston as Sheila (Douglas' wife). And in fact I found it rather boring.

However, episodes 3 and 4 I would describe as compelling viewing and the overacting seemed to calm down. Very powerful depiction of how careful one has to be using social media. So that is why overall I have scored it a 5.

A story worth telling but it could have been done better.

Baby Reindeer

Are we all watching the same show?
I am about 4 episodes in and checked on here to see if I was watching the show that all the hype is about. Apparently so. I don't get it though. Perhaps it is because it is a true story and written by the stalker's victim himself; but he is just not likeable and I don't care less whether or not he is being harassed by a woman? In some ways he appears to have brought it on himself and he acknowledges that (to his credit). A writer of fiction would perhaps of made the main character more likeable and a completely innocent victim. Not sure if I will plough on with the rest of the series to see if it gets any better.

Red Eye

Ibruprofen must be mighty powerful
The title of my review refers to a guy who is stabbed, staples himself together with hotel stapler, gets punched in the would on numerous occasions, has his dressing ripped off, stitches himself together again then has a police woman rooting around in the wound with her fingers. All the while just popping ibruprofen. Maybe the multiple double gin and tonics he as a prisoner was allowed to drink helped too.

So if we ignore it's far fetched. And can bear to watch a Shih Tzu being fatally poisoned. (You can see that coming a mile off in the plot if you want to close your eyes. ). Red Eye is addictive viewing. By the way I did not know dogs can travel in the cabin in the UK - but hey this plot does not let minor detail get in the way of a good story. I might be sound negative but actually I binge watched all 6 episodes and really enjoyed it.

The Cuckoo

More Channel 5 Dross Drama
I should have known better than to watch yet another of these Channel 5 dramas that pan out over 4 nights. They are dross. Waste of money to make and waste of time to watch. Given this 3 stars because I did (against my better judgement) stick with it to the end. Even though by episode 3 I found myself liking Jill Halfpenny's character far more than the miserable sulking ungrateful daughter, Alice. I think that is down to the script which is very flimsy in terms of both plot and insight into the family dynamics. The plot is also full of holes. The ending is impossible. Do the writers really think viewers buy this?


Not as good as the hype suggests
I was eagerly waiting to view this film. The remarkable resemblance of the lead actors to Emily Maitlis and Prince Andrew lead me to believe the rest of the production would be as excellent as the make up and wardrobe department. However, I had not heard of the character Sam McCallister portrayed by Billie Piper and did not expect the main content of the film to be about a pouting blonde in oversized sunglasses carrying a variety of designer handbags. Fair dos if this young lady was the reason the BBC secured the interview but there was no depth to any of the characters. Overall the production seems to be focussed on showing women in a good light and casting shade on men. Rather boring.

Love Rat

Dreadful. More holes in plot than a sieve.
Should read 0 star. The script and plot is so bad I find it very hard to believe any money was wasted on filming it. Any cast could not make this into a credible storyline. The story is completely implausible. The lines are corny and cheesy and bordering on spoof-like because the whole production is so bad. Sally Lindsey is believable when it comes to casting a frumpy, grumpy granny from somewhere like Stockport. But not as one that then turns into a super sleuth action woman. Her acting is wooden and along the lines of the equally dreadful Madame Blanc series. I guess the cast and crew got a nice trip out to Cyprus but if I were any of them I would not want my involvement with Love Rat appearing on my CV.


Powerful reminder of Covid
This drama is excellent. The writing is superb and it is evident that the script was penned by Medics at the front line during Covid. It is all too easy to forget the horrors that front line NHS saw and the sacrifices that they made to care for Covid patients. I am inspired to read the book that this drama series is based on. There are only 3 episodes in the series but each one is a powerful reminder of the pandemic and how it impacted on families and the health professionals who cared for them. The side of HMG and NHS England is told through news reel clips and that makes the drama all the more powerful.

Too Good to be True

Too Bad To View
Like many drama series these days the ending seems more about the production team having run out of time rather than the writer having a credible ending to his or her plot. Why have 3 and a half episodes out of 4 leading up to a rushed damp squib of an ending? How it ends should at least be explored somewhat or perhaps a 2nd series is in the pipeline? If so, do not bother. In the 3 episodes that lead up to the finale there are many plot holes but once one knows the end there are even more. Take the advice from my title and go and watch something more interesting like the proverbial paint drying.

The Colour Room

Feels like half a story
Would have liked to see more about Clarice's family life and friendships amongst the women who worked in the potteries. Apparently she came from a big family but we only saw her mother and sister. There was a very half hearted attempt to suggest romance between Cliff and Colley Storer. In fact they married. It was interesting to see how Cliff was inspired by colours and shapes and the processes behind producing fine china. The demographics for the potteries in the 1920s was not represented correctly there were too many ethnic minorities. A historical docudrama should try and reflect the period not modern day demographics.

One Day

Better than the book, better than the film.
Certainly better than the film starring Anne Hathaway. And if it can be possible to be better than the book it is adapted from -then this miniseries is. Somehow this adaptation.does justice to the.beautiful writing of David Nicholls through the script and the delivery of dialogue from the lead actors Ambika Mod and Leo Woodall with an equally talented supporting cast.including Eleanor Tomlinson and Joely Richardson. The first couple of episodes are slow and the casting of Emma as a girl of Asian origin is a deviation to get used to. However, around episode 4 the story has gained momentum and Ambika owns the part of Emma. I had to binge watch the whole series and it left me emotionally exhausted. One of the best, if not the best drama I have enjoyed this century.

Pride and Prejudice

Remakes are far far better
Remakes of this film of the book are far far better. This one is almost unwatchable in the 21st century. The costumes are ludicrous and look like something out of a circus. I do not think there was a time in English history that ladies wore hats like that. The dresses belong in some sort of American Wild West era certainly not in Regency England. And is this how Hollywood thought that some English speak ? Mrs Bennett sounds like an unleashed Judy puppet. The actresses playing the Bennett girls are about 20 years to old in some cases. One star for the casting of Mr Darcy that's all. Watch a later version not this one.

After the Flood

Watchable but not great
I thought the first episode was very promising as the flood scenes were very realistic indicating it might be a drama series that had cost a lot to make and so would be very good. I also like Philip Glenister and Lorraine Ashworth as actors. The first episode and these two actors account for my 4 star rating. Thereafter the series becomes a typical ITV drama, promising start to reel viewers in leading to a damp squib of an ending. It's also quite obvious that many police dramas are written these days with a female officer/detective showing her male colleagues up to be incompetent. That formula is wearing a bit thin. I can't comment too much on the plot (other than as many holes as a culender.) without giving away spoilers. Overall watchable but do not expect Happy Valley.

Intimate Relations

Nothing funny about this at all
Totally not what I expected. I watched it expecting to see Julie Walters in a comedic role, parts she plays with excellence. Not in the least bit funny. On the contrary rather a disturbing film. The subject matter would not be portrayed like it was if today's standards were applied. Interesting from the point of view that the setting in the. 1950s came across as very authentic. Wardrobe did a good job with costumes. Also interesting to see a young Amanda Holden and Les Dennis in the cast. Overall it is little more than a made for TV film that covers a disturbing subject matter in a somewhat inappropriate way.

False Positive

What was Brosnan thinking?
Whatever was Brosnan thinking when he took on this script? Can not have been anything beyond dollar signs. If you are reading this before you have started to watch, take my advice and do not bother. I wish I had read a few reviews before I wasted my time. The ending is bizarre in an unfathomable way. I think they just ran out of tape or stupid ideas and called it a day. The pregnant lady, Lucia/Lucy, does not know if or when she is hallucinating. Guess what? Neither do we as the audience. Therefore impossible to follow the story. Even the parts which I am guessing were meant to be normal are cringeworthy. Dreadful.


Given that Elvis and Priscilla were an iconic couple I expected that the actors playing them would look like them. I do not recall Elvis towering over Pricilla which is how this film depicts them. It makes the film unwatchable as never mind being a 14 year old high school girl, it makes the actress playing Priscilla look as if she is still at primary school. The disparity in height goes a long way to ruin the film. However, mis-casting aside, the film is so so slow and boring. I do not even recognise the character of Elvis in this film. If the point is to present their story from Priscilla's perspective, some effort should have gone in to making it interesting. I found it a version not worth telling.

Love Actually

Perfect Christmas Film
Absolutely perfect film to watch at Christmas. Covers about 8 separate stories with love as the central theme around Christmas. Some scenes are poignant some are hilarious and some wonderfully romantic. The wonderful romance involves Colin Firth playing a character (with a nod to Mr Darcy's pool scene). The poignancy is largely brought to us by a masterclass in acting from Emma Thompson as a betrayed wife. Bill Nighy also plays a poignant character as an aging rock star. The lead story that brings the feel good factor is the romance between Hugh Grant and Martine McCutcheon somewhat unbelievable but hugely uplifting. All of this against a Christmassy music soundtrack and with A list actors in supporting roles. A film every humbug should watch.


Below average in every aspect
I had greater expectations of this film given the combined talent of the cast. There are some very good actors in it but I suppose if the plot is no good there is nothing much they can do to elevate to watchable. Quick frankly it is barely watchable. Some really bizarre events occur that are neither funny nor scary. Just bewildering as for most of the film there is seemingly no real story or plot just interactions between some rather superficial characters. None of the characters including the leads are likeable. The plot is explained at the end but to be honest it's not worth watching to find out.

Leave the World Behind

Modern Day B Movie (awful)
This film is truly bad in every way. It's like one of those really amateurish B movies that used to be made in the 1950s. Whatever was Julia Roberts thinking of when she signed up for this one? Must be the end of her career? Kevin Bacon is heavily disguised and only in the film briefly (he has the right idea). The script is cringeworthy. The Plot is full of holes. One of those films where one is watching only to see if it can get any better and what it is all about. The ending is a big disappointment more questions than answers. Really do not waste your time. I can not think of one positive thing to say the one star is one star too many.

Pride & Prejudice

My new favourite film
I have only just watched this version in 2023. I avoided watching it because I thought there could only ever be one Mr Darcy. I am of the age that swooned over Colin Firth diving into that pond. How wrong I was.

This version is a pure delight from beginning to end. Lavish in a way that depicts the times. Beautiful costumes and houses. Stunning countryside.

Crammed with excellent actors that were familiar or became more familiar in later years. Loved 'Vera' as Mrs Bennett. And Kelly Reilly's performance as Caroline Bingley a far cry from her Beth Dutton

Donald Sutherland was perfectly cast as Mr Bennett. Rosamund Pike is believable as the beautiful Jane.

My notion that there is only one Mr Darcy is totally blown away. The chemistry between Kiera Knightly and Matthew Macfadyen is almost palpable. It's a beautiful love story told very well.

It will not belong before I watch it again.


I am a big fan of Brad Pitt this is why I stuck with the film until the end. He can play convincing romantic parts. Who can forget Tristan in Legends of Th Fall? He's not right for this one though. Perhaps he was too old for the role as he seemed to have a lot of make up on and filtered camera work. The story is not complicated it's easy to follow which is a good thing. And it's full of suspense in the second half. I think the party scene in London was unnecessary it added nothing to the story and was a bit grubby. Out of keeping with Max and Marianne's lifestyle. Can't help but wonder who would have known if Max had not initiated operation blue dye?


Really it's about Cannon
Started watching this mini series with high expectations since I think Issacs is an actor worthy of playing Cary Grant. Cary Grant being a most remarkable actor with a very interesting life. However it is the script that is not worthy of telling the story of Grant's life. Inaccuracies in his early life which are unnecessary. The real story is fascinating so why the changes? Then I felt that Dyan Cannon seemed to be the focus of the story rather than Grant himself. I had not noticed the credits until episode 3, the mini series is based on Cannon's book. That explains the absurd imbalance of how much she features in the script. So I stopped watching before the end. I would like to see a film about his life but this one is very poor indeed.


Compelling viewing
I have always had a soft spot for David Beckham and this documentary series reminds me why and shows me he is even nicer than I thought he was. And he far more interesting and complex than even I gave him credit for. Both David and Victoria gave me the impression they were speaking from their hearts. That they were not trying to impress or show off and that they love each other and their children very much. I was interested in any match David played in so it was a real treat to see his football career highlights and when he was in the doldrums. I highly recommend this mini series. It is just the right length each of the 4 episodes captures significant events and phases in his life.

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