Reviews (56)

  • The concept was good, but it really wasn't executed very well. It fell flat and empty.

    The acting was great. The set and camera were all excellent, but there seemed to be something missing.

    I was waiting for the thriller moment and it never reayseemed to get there.

    Style over substance for sure. It felt like a watered down Stepford wives and yet not anything like the Stepford wives.

    I was really quite bored throughout. I only enjoyed the sets and brilliant colour scheme. I have so many questions, and yet I really don't need the answers because I'll never watch it again. It had a lot of potential and just never really got there.
  • Incredibly written with a perfect blend of comedy, suspense, mystery and thriller moments. Unpredictable, original with a fantastic cast. Hoping for a Season 2!!!!
  • Wow, why so many negative reviews?

    Creative, original, great cast. I read several of the negative reviews, and I don't agree with any of them. Some didn't like the series because there were too many corridors. Hilarious.

    I didn't like most of the supporting characters in the beginning, but the natural flow of character development worked really well.

    It's a bit of a slow burn; however, the pace fit. A second season would be great.

    Excellent work all around! Bravo!
  • Complex, original, brilliant and compelling with a great cast. Bravo!!!!

    The mystery held on right until the end. So much talent from the sets, lighting, writing. There wasn't one thing I didn't like.
  • A fan of the 90's show, or perhaps it was relevant for the era??

    3 episodes in and not one laugh or chuckle. Mundane, juvenile with useless excessive raunch.
  • This American remake just doesn't cut it or come close. The comedy element just doesn't translate well at all, leaving it completely and utterly not funny.

    Best to watch the original BBC's This Country, which is excellently casted.
  • The first episode appeared smart and fit the era and then it fell apart in each episode thereafter. I was expecting so much more with such a great talented cast.

    The acting is good, but the delivery is not entertaining in any capacity. Yawn!
  • Seriously, the 8-10 star ratings??? So fake and scripted.

    It started off ok, but quickly became predictable before the first quarter of the movie. I feel like I have seen another version of this same movie before. The cast was decent especially when Drew Van Acker gets indecent. "sizzle"

    It's watchable, but the predictability of it all, made it a boring made for TV or some latenight lifetime channel flick. There was plenty of opportune moments to create some cool twists and intensity - but it felt quite lazy, lets get it over and done with kind of feel.
  • My goodness, there are a lot of bitter grumpy reviewers out there, or all just Karen's . . . There are a plethora of actual really terrible movies out there, and this is indeed far from terrible.

    Anyways, its a slow burn with stunning views. While I haven't lived in the Arctic, I have lived in a small village in the majestic mountains. In the winter there is an odd stillness and quiet which this film really captured.

    I appreciate that it wasn't predictable and the mystery continued. It was well produced and beautifully filmed.
  • Script is ok, but . . . The valid obvious, which is super reasonable is not delivered with credibility. Then the 'smudge' scene - makes it uber lame and super cheap. Then the story dialogue gets even more weak - but I get it at the same time - horrible delivery. And then super ultra tacky, and not even good tacky. At the same time, the intention is so there - and not sure how or what it would take to authentically unveil the talent that seems stifled. The dream thing at about the 12 minute mark was redonkulously horrible, and then shifts downwards to bad cheese and I think I am falling asleep now.
  • All performances were excellent. I was so into it I had forgotten I was watching a movie until the end credits. Really well written and edited.

    I'm not a big drama genre fan at all - but this was well worth the watch.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The story concept is good, but the delivery and execution is horrible. The only redeeming thing about the movie is Nick Preston's acting, especially since he didn't really have much to work with. I am sure we will see great things from him in future works. That being said Erie's character and personality has no flow and is all over the place. That could have been amped up much more. Perhaps an indicator to alcoholism, which could have come up later after an argument with Kit and a drunken binge at the bar, where he would meet up with the dishevelled Rusty. That would have made more sense with the messy button shirt.

    There were a lot of problems from continuity, the beer drinking in the bar, the rocking chair outside - which was not even weathered. The guitar scene doesn't make any sense in the beginning. If it was so precious, why would it be left in the back seat with a child?? There wasn't even any reference to the guitar in the memory montage. It could have been hyped up a lot more. Like Kit learning to play their favourite song, some depth and emotional connection.

    The relationship with the Alphonse and Kit doesn't make sense. Nor does the suggested idea of suicide at the lake, which if anything would have maybe caused a sprain at best.

    The attempted comedy relief with Alphonse and Rusty was lazy.

    So much more could have been done with such a budget. The score was decent, although sound editing was quite rough and out of sync at times.

    The end falling scene was not good at all.

    Again, the actual story concept is a good idea and could be remade and be quite awesome. Being that this is Goldie Dhillon's first directors debut, I would have given it 4 stars. There is potential there, but needs major extreme improvement.
  • 23 September 2021
    Definitely well beyond my expectations. Had just the right amount of everything! BRAVO!!!
  • The remake that never needed to be made. Jakes a great actor, but the movie just wasn't awesome. Not worth watching to be honest.
  • 31 August 2021
    Firstly the music was great. The lighting and colour hue was wonderful. Great camera work. There were actually quite a few cool things that grabbed my attention, but it just didn't get there for me.

    The long pause scenes, a little too long, but make sense. I appreciate slow burn films, but this just didn't fully deliver.

    While I didn't overly like the movie, and I really wanted to because I did quite appreciate the elements, style and camera work. I really liked it visually. The writing was decent, but felt too predictable at times.

    There's some definite potential with the writing of Peter Malone Elliott and Alexander Sharp. Definitely keep a watch out for Alexander Sharp because I feel he has got some extraordinary talent he has yet to unleash and share. I think he's on to a great start to be honest.
  • 30 August 2021
    Not at all as good as the previous films. The actors did good with what they had to work with. It was just tacky and lame at times. Not even worth a one time watch.
  • It's original, David Lynch-esque with a great cast!!! Totally unpredictable. Gorgeously filmed, superb writing and for that I would give 9/10.

    There were some really boring parts, where I totally lost interest, and was thinking 'oh no, such an amazing start, but now it's lost'. Which in contrast, reflecting on the series actually seems quite relevant to the storyline. I'm not sure if that was intentional or not??? It was nearly the breaking point that would have stopped my binge of the series. 7/10

    Being an ex-makeup artist, the first episode make-up really stood out, was uneven, but really came together afterwards and throughout. In the first episode, the characters looked like they were wearing thick pancake theatre foundation. That put me off in the beginning. 8/10. Again, as a reflection, it would actually fit with the storyline. Perhaps also intentional?

    Many of the scenes sets were just brilliant. I really want to do a re-watch and catch all the things I missed.

    Definitely worth a watch. I am definitely going to probably watch it again, and again! I am feeling the need to revisit the works of David Lynch.

    When I started writing this, I gave it a 7, but now, the more I think about it, it's definitely a 9.5/10. I think the second watch it could get a 10 - just because of the originality and how impeccable 'overall' it was executed.

    BRAVO to all who helped create this film and the awesome performances from the actors!!!
  • Watchable. It's an ok film that just doesn't seem to deliver. Just when it feels like it is going to go somewhere, it doesn't and falls flat. There was a lot of potential to build up the characters to pull you in.
  • Really well written and enjoyable. Well casted with great characters. Definitely keeps you guess right until the end. Definitely worth a watch or a binge watch for sure.
  • 9 June 2021
    I thought it might get better, but it just got worse.
  • Ever see a film that is so terrible in every which way you can imagine? Look no further because this is definitely one of them. It's so bad and annoying. Most of all the most unmemorable. Did I fall asleep? Nope, it was just lame. I am not sure how I even watched it to the end. Sometimes, movies can start off not so great but end up being decent. Well, definitely not this film.

    Do people actually make money making really bad movies? If so, I want in LOL.
  • That was really well done. Amazing what can be done on a low budget.

    Ezra Dewey did a fantastic job!!!
  • I wasn't fully sold on the series in episode one, but it definitely held my interest to continue watching which has been an unstoppable binge fest. The twists are so well done.

    Just when you think the deplorable characters couldn't get any worse, my goodness. All actors did fantastic with their roles. The writing, directing and camera work also excellent. It is also really quite dark and twisted. I am surprised there isn't a trigger warning at the beginning, because this really touches on real life in so many varying ways. Really excellent writing to put all that together!!

    I need season 2 right now!
  • Exceptional all around. Big fan of Alan Tudyk. The casting is so perfect. Love Corey Reynolds and Elizabeth Bowen's characters! They all flow so great together. Just awesomeness!!!!!

    THANK YOU!!!
  • This is not good at all. Not understanding how it even made it passed the pilot to be honest. Not even mediocre at best.

    Overused, overdone opening scene, divorce drama, super bad acting, although I do like Brian Krause - but he doesn't have a strong supporting cast, nor good writers or directors. I'm sure he carries it through the season as best as he can.

    Who did the casting for the other actors? Continuity? Makeup? Maybe it's everyone's first job? Maybe it was difficult and stressful to film during COVID?

    There was definite potential in the story - but it doesn't get there at all
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