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A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

It should have been called A Stupid Girl's Guide To Murder
This TV Series should have been called A Stupid Girl Guide To Murder.

What a bad series full of holes, and what a stupid girl who made all the possible mistakes and was more lucky than smart.

They didn't even bother to show the viewers of the series how Pippa and Isla broke free from the closed attic that Sel had locked them in. They only showed that they were freed and that Sel was arrested. Even though stupid Pippa didn't let anyone know where she was going, but followed him like a fool alone. So how did they find and free her? And why did she go alone like an idiot again in the last episode to Becca's house and also drank from the glass and went with her to the forest... How idiotic can one girl be? And she calls herself "Sherlock"... Ye right.

Avatar: The Last Airbender

The best fantasy TV Series I've seen, and I've seen a lot
The best fantasy TV Series I've seen, and I've seen a lot. Every main character and even some of the secondary characters in the series are pleasant to watch, Every story is well done, Not too heavy, with humor and action in every episode. Not to mention the spectacular landscapes and imaginary cities, the various imaginary creatures and the special effects...

After so many disappointments from the fantasy and fantasy TV Series that have been made over the last few years, arrives this diamond of a fantasy TV Series, unlike other heavy, clumsy and mostly boring fantasy TV Series, made in the last years and during the last two decades, It is simply a pleasure to watch it and you don't want it to endA. Not to mention A second season, which is obviously the most requested, and soon please.

It is simply an almost perfect fantasy TV Series, because there is no such thing as perfect. But this series, for me at least, has as few disadvantages as possible and as many advantages as possible, and I recommend anyone who likes action and fantasy to watch it. You will have a lot of fun and want more...

May all the other creators of fantasy and fantasy TV Series learn from its creators, This is how it is done right, so that your viewers will enjoy watching it and not suffer from it and wish it would end already.

Well done!

Madame Web

One Big Disappointment
A movie that includes 4 superheroines and 1 super villain and throughout the entire movie there are almost no scenes of any of them as a superheroine. The only one who is still somehow presented as a superheroine is Dakota Johnson, and only at the end of the movie, and even that is lame.

So for everyone who expects to see a lot of scenes of superheroines fighting a super villain, I can spare you the expectation and say in advance that except maybe in one of the visions you won't see any, because maybe the filmmakers are planning a sequel.

Also, the plot itself is messy and in the sections of the visions most viewers will not understand at all what it is about, Because they will see sections of the film that repeat themselves without any logic, As well as the how heroine is dealings with them.

The only thing I liked about this overly long movie is the music and soundtrack which includes some really good songs.

Maybe if they shortened the length of the movie significantly and removed all the banal and unnecessary sections from it, it could perhaps be a pilot for a TV Series.

In short, One big disappointment from a superhero movie that I had high expectations from it.

Blue Beetle

One of the worst Superhero Movies I've seen
One of the worst Superhero Movies I've seen, With a superhero who not only doesn't deserve the superpowers he's been given, He also doesn't want to be a superhero at all. The script from start to finish

is terrible and tries to imitate other Superhero Movies, The family of the "Hero" is stupid, loud and completely irresponsible, And we could already see it in the part where they not only pressed him to open

the box but also played with the alien object and threw it to each other. The worst character in the movie besides Jaime himself, Who only God knows why he was chosen as the host by the Beetle, Is his

sister Milagro who has no sense of responsibility, Maturity or logic, And made all the possible mistakes. Not to mention the villain who is one of the worst villains I have ever seen, Although the pacifist

"Hero" who is afraid to hurt the villain, And constantly apologizes like a girl with cuckoos for fighting him, Is no less worse than him. And we haven't even talked about the dialogues and the unfunny jokes

throughout the film, Which I stopped dozens of times due to nervousness about the script .

In short, This is a bad movie and a waste of more than two hours of time. Believe me, There are much more interesting and important things you can do with this wasted time instead of watching this bad

movie, Which I have no idea how it got such a high rating relative to what it's really worth.


Spontaneous sucks big time
If we use the language of the movie, This movie sucks big time. I don't know why this movie is even called a comedy, Because nothing in it is funny. If anything, The opposite, It's sad, Disturbing and annoying.

When you watch a movie and you constantly want to fast forward it and all you're waiting for is for this movie to end already, You realize that the movie you're watching is bad and the time you're watching it is simply a waste of time.

Not to mention that this movie does not offer any solution to the problem it presents, Nor does it solve it. The only thing that happens in this movie is senior students that explode like balloons one after the other, While splashing a lot of blood everywhere and on other students, For no reason at all, And only them.

Add to all this the encouragement of drinking booze and doing drugs for high school students, And actually that's the bottom line of this whole bad movie, And the message hat it sends to young students these days is: Drink booze, Do drugs and make lot of sex, Like there's no tomorrow. And you'll understand how bad and annoying this movie is.

Christmas at the Palace

Awkward dialogues between Katie and the King
Who writes such scripts? The dialogues between Katie and King Alexander are simply awkward. Even her conversations with Christina are more serious and interesting than them.

And the part where Katie asks to go to the lady's room and then accidentally enters the king's room and stays to chat with him as if she didn't have to rush to the lady's room a moment ago is just stupid.

Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad movie, although there are a lot of Christmas movies in its style, But the awkward encounters and dialogues between Katie and King Alexander just lower the level of the movie, which is a shame.

The Bastard Son & the Devil Himself

A very violent and deceptive TV Series
What a violent and deceptive TV Series. During most of the series Nathan is a usless stupid boy with a short fuse who makes all possible mistakes and don't have powers at all. And infact turns out that the real villain is Soul, Annalise's father, followed by Jessica, Nathan's half sister, The psychopathic cruel witch, That Even as a little girl she was already cruel and evil. I don't understand why Annalise didn't use her powers to exterminate that psychotic witch and get rid of her and her threat once and for all. And why Gabriel have to take Nathan and Annalis to make all this unnecessary detour through the Ozanne territory and waste so much precious time, instead of taking them directly to Mercury through the cut he made in the bar.

Fit for a Prince

Not one of the best and original romantic comedies I've seen
A movie with over acting, Excessive enthusiasm of the main actress, Naivety at severe levels, Stupidity and a distinct lack of logic, Such as regarding the design and sewing of 4 new dresses instead of the dresses that were destroyed due to her stupidity and lack of concentration, In just one night, Which took her and her entire sewing team At least two weeks.

Also, The unbearable ease with which she can be tricked, Both by her exploitative boss, And by the rich spoiled girls, Made me pause the movie again and again out of nerves. As well as her silly questions to the prince.

And she doesn't seem like a stupid girl at all, But her stupid questions, Her over-enthusiasm and her stupid behavior do make her look stupid.

In short: This is not a movie that I would recommend watching. And there is absolutely no shortage of good and even excellent romantic comedies that you can watch and enjoy, And even learn from them how to write and present a good quality romantic comedy that is worth watching, Which is not the case with this movie.


There are people who risk their lives just out of boredom
Some people are so bored in life that they go and risk their lives for nonsense to feel alive, And some of them even die or get badly injured because of thos nonsense. This movie is exactly about such people. I would understand if the girls were forced to climb to the top of this rusty and unmaintained tower without a choice, But to climb it like that of their own free will, And if that's not enough, They also continue to tease the danger when they already reach the top of the tower. How stupid is that?

This Hunter is so stupid. Instead of taking her best girlfriend Becky on some vacation in an exotic location to cheer her up and get her out of her depression after her husbend fall from the mountain and killed, This stupid girl takes her girlfriend Becky to a rickety and dangerous rusty high radio tower in the middle of the desert, And not only does she make her climb to the top of the tower with her to get herself Likes, She also continues to do nonsense and endanger herself and Becky even after they have already climbed to the top of the tower. Anyone who does such things in reality should be taken urgently to a psychiatric diagnosis and even hospitalized in a mental institution.

La jefa

I didn't like Sofia
A terrible movie, And this Sofia is simply a catastrophe, A liar, Ungrateful, Paranoid, Crazy, Violent and doesn't know what she wants from her life. No one forced her to sign the agreement with her boss, she did it completely of her own free will, including all the terms of the contract. And everything that happened to her was mostly her fault.

In fact, this film had a lot of potential to be a good film, but its screenwriters missed the potential and made the film terrible, especially in the second part, because the first part gives the feeling that it is a good and interesting film, but the second part just ruins it, which is a shame.


I don't like Magne's character and this TV Series has a bad script that lacks any common sense
This Magne who is supposed to be no less than the human incarnation of the norse god of thunder Thor is simply a moron who made all the possible mistakes, Starting with leaving his friend Isolde alone and defenseless on the mountain, while his brother Laurits misled him and made fun of him, And because of that she was murdered, And ending in revealing all his secrets indiscriminately. He doesn't think at all before he acts or speaks, Spills secrets left and right, And he also has a stupid face expressions, As if he doesn't understand nothing of what is being said to him. In short: He's not a protagonist character that i can identify with and root for him.

And if i thought the first season was bad enough, It turns out that the second season is even worse. So those who are looking for a good series with logical characters behavior, This is not the series for them. Also, those who are looking for series with Superheroes, This is not a series for them. Not to mention those who are looking for excellent series with a high level of acting like "Vikings", "The Originals" or "Dark" this is really not the series for them, Because It's a stupid, Boring and annoying, Below-average TV Series with a bad script that lacks any common sense.

Orphan: First Kill

What a huge disappointment
Compared to the first film, which I loved very much, and it is one of my favorite horror thrillers of the 2000s, This second film, which is a prequel to the first film, Is simply terrible, And right from the very beginning, In the mental institution's scene in Estonia, you can see that there is no logic at all in the script that all the possible errors were made in it, As if the scriptwriters Were on crack, and the characters behave in the most stupid and illogical way. Not to mention that Leena is supposed to be their most dangerous and most secure patient, and this is how they secure her? That's just stupid. And it was watchable if at least the other main characters in this movie were normal, But no, The other main characters in this movie, And especially Esther's "Mother", Also sucks big time, And even more than Leena.

When the main characters in the movie who are supposed to be the heroes that the viewers are rooting for them, Sucks big time and are much worse than the murderous psychopathic villain of the movie, And you wish them to die, you know for sure that you'r watching a bad movie.

And finally, The icing on the cake: Whoever played the character of Esther in the original movie released in 2009, 13 years ago, is supposed to be a little girl in its prequel movie, while she really doesn't look like a little girl, and actually looks at least 10 years older than in the original movie that this movie is supposed to be its prequel and to take place before the events that happened in the original movie.

Top Gun: Maverick

The Best Action Movie Of The Year
The best action movie of the year, completely surpassing the first movie from the 80s. The flight scenes are simply spectacular and breathtaking. There is no doubt that they put a lot of thought and a lot of work into this excellent and intense film. Tom Cruise without any doubt was and remains one of the biggest stars of Hollywood and his smile even today, 30 years after the first movie he starred in, is worth a million dollars.

House of the Dragon: The Heirs of the Dragon
Episode 1, Season 1

It looks very good, Spectacular and promising
This first episode of the new TV Series HoD looks much better, Spectacular and promising than I expected, Especially after watching the last season and especially the last episode of the TV Series GoT, Which disappointed me badly, Because at the end of the series its writers literally murdered the main and most loved heroine of the series, Daenerys Targaryen, Not before they They turned her into a crazy, mass-murdering tyrant, and in doing so they destroyed my favorite TV Series of all time. So I really hope that this will not happens with the new prequel TV Series HoD, Because otherwise I'll be very disappointed and my rating for the new TV Series will drop drastically.

Locke & Key

I hate this arrogant, impulsive annoying kid Bode
This boy Bode is so stupid and impulsive that doesn't learn from his mistakes and always jumps in and acts without thinking and without considering the risks of his actions, From the beginning of the series and in all three of its seasons it was simply frustrating to watch him and his behavior. And how stupid it is to make an illustrated catalog of all the keys and not keep it in a locked and protected place. Actually if we think about it, Most of the bad things that happened in this series happened because of him and his stupidity. And the height of his stupidity was when he went back in time and without thinking told Dodge what would happen in the future and changed the past and brought Dodge to the future. How stupid can you be? Oh how I hate this arrogant, impulsive annoying kid who acts without thinking and ruins everything with his stupidity.

The Sandman: Sleep of the Just
Episode 1, Season 1

I watched the first episode and was very disappointed
What is this nonsense? Why does Dream keep silent for so many (100) years? Alex only asked him to promise not to hurt him and Paul, and the egocentric idiot remained silent. He probably doesn't care at all that he has been imprisoned for so many years and what is happening meanwhile in the world because of it. How can you identify with such a character? I would understand if he was mute, and even then he could speak in sign language. But no, Nothing. Just a whole episode wasted on the stupid silence of an annoying character that I don't really care what happens to him. And that was enough for me to understand how slow, eccentric and just a waste of time is this series, And I doubt if I will continue watching it...

Motherland: Fort Salem

I liked the two first seasons, But not the last season
I liked the two first seasons of the series, But In the the last third season they are delusional and behave in such a stupid way that it's very hard to watch them. Also the whole thing with Alder coming back from the dead and talking to them in riddles and half-sentences instead of telling them directly what she wants to say, is just ridiculous.

Keep Breathing

This is definitely a survival series, survival of the poor viewers
This is definitely a survival series, survival of the poor viewers who watched this garbage that has more flashbacks than a survival story. And I realized that there should also be a second season, which I absolutely do not intend to bother watching after I barely survived watching the first season which is all about her crazy mother who abandoned her as a child and after 20 years she decides to look for her and boards a small private plane of smugglers that crashes in the forest in the middle of nowhere, when she The only survivor who tries to survive alone in the forest against the forces of nature, while every few minutes she has a different flashback from her childhood and lives as an egocentric lawyer focused only on herself in the big city. The character herself is also antipathetic and annoying and it is very difficult to sympathize with her, so I really didn't care what happened to her.

La casa de papel: Se acabaron las máscaras
Episode 1, Season 2

The idea of the series is genious and original, But the execution is just awful and terrible in every way
The so-called police supervisor Raquel Murillo is stupid and annoying character whose her failed conduct of the investigation is really hard to watch. She's really a retarded with a diploma, who thinks with her vagina instead of her brain, if she has such an organ called brain, Who goes on a date with a complete stranger who is also a suspect in the crime she is investigating, Takes him with her to the crime scene in the middle of the investigation, And even arranges for him a ride alone with the investigator who takes the evidancess To the police lab in Madrid. How retarded and stupid can be a police investigator? Who the hell hires people like her for such a senior & important position?

And Tokyo is a dumbass girl with a short fuse and zero tolerance, And it's really no wonder she's making so many mistakes.

So I really don't understand how a stupid TV Series with such stupid & annoying characters received such a high rating and global hype.

I just don't understand what people find and like in this stupid script. Yes, the idea of the series is genious and original, But the execution, Oh the execution, is just awful and terrible in every way.

La casa de papel

I don't understand how a stupid TV Series with such annoying characters received such a high rating and global hype
I haven't watched the rest of Money Heist seasons yet but the first season is just an absolute nonsense. And it's enough to see how easily and quickly the so-called police inspector Raquel Murillo giving up on the Professor's sketch, That was the most important thing in cracking the robbery investigation, And no one didn't even talk about it anymore, Including with the police sketch artist, who composed the Professor's sketch according to the description of the witness. Not to mention how this stupid inspector Raquel talks in front of everyone in the pub about the robbery investigation, And no less with a stranger she only just met, While she asks all the cops to get out of the room when she talking about the investigation with Angel, Who she didn't even bother to check if he don't have a microphone on him after he entered The Royal Mint Of Spain. How stupid can a police inspector can be? And she's the one in charge of the investigation of the biggest robbery in history...

Control Z

A stupid and annoying TV Series that probably takes place in a country where there are no laws
A stupid and annoying TV Series that probably takes place in a country where there are no laws, And you can even kill someone without standing for trial. Not to mention that the main protagonist of this TV Series is a delusional girl who acts as if she is at most a female Sherlock Holmes, While she herself is a walking mess with daddy issues that taking psychiatric pills and cutting herself with sharp scissors whenever she's angry or sad, And hides from everyone else, Including Her mother, Who by the way for some reason calls her by her first name, Nora, And not Mom or Mother, That her so-called dead father is actually alive. And she's so "smart" that her school's mysterious hacker manages to deceive her right from the beginning and she falls into his trap. And the second season is even more delusional than the first season.

The Originals

For Me Season 4 Is The True Ending Of The Originals TV Series And Season 5 Never Happened
Why to end The Originals TV Series in such a horrible way, when season 4 ended it in the best way it could have ended? Has the greed of the creators of this TV Series caused them to create an unnecessary and awful fifth season, which not only ends badly for the main characters of the series, But also makes no sense? Because once Klaus and Elijah dies the Hollow is released again anyway. After all, It was explicitly stated by Vincent in season 4 that the Hollow cannot die and that it must be split into 4 original immortal vampires so that she can never return. And also that the Hollow could only be killed permanently by someone of the Labonair bloodline, And Klaus and Elijah Mikaelson isn't part of that bloodline. So why to kill the two original immortal vampires that contain two of the Hollow parts? Where is the screenwriters' logic here? Season 5 is so bad and unnecessary and ruining the series, And I recommend to anyone who starts watching this TV Series to just not watch season 5 and to remain with the ending of Season 4, Which for me at least is the true ending of The Originals TV Series.

I'm sorry, But with all my love for this Series, I can't give it a score of 10 or even 9 because of the awful and so unnecessary Season 5 that lowers its ratings and prevents it from being a perfect Series.


A Series with a genius script, except for one thing
A Series with a genius script, except for one thing: How is it that all the doors in all the houses are open and anyone can enter And get out them like nothing?


From season to season this series only gets worse
This is a hallucinatory Series that's becoming more and more hallucinatory from season to season. And the third season is the most hallucinatory season and with a bad script. And I thought the first two seasons were bad. But the third season is even worse.

The Outpost

A TV Series with a lot of wasted potential
A TV Series with a lot of wasted potential, And with an arrogant, annoying and reckless female heroine, who mostly good at getting beaten, stabbed and dying, time after time, while others need to save her life and heal her, And with a script full of holes and lots of dialogues that sound like they were taken from a cheap B-movie. And the part with the fanatic psychopat villain, that until they finaly had a chance to kill him, the so-called "Queen" stops Talon from killing him, with a stupid claim that he should first stand to trial. And not only that, but even after she sentences him to death, she postpones his execution to the next morning and puts only one stupid guard to guard him, that of course falls asleep while guarding him, and lets the traitorous Naya to enter his prison cell freely and to release the villain.

Watching the first season of this TV series was so frustrating that I did not continue to watch the following seasons, but if they are the same as the first season it seems to me that I did not lose anything and just spared myself more frustrations.

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