
IMDb member since January 2006
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    18 years


End of the Spear

Great...if you're a bible thumper
This was just a horrible movie. There was just nothing good about it...the storyline jumps all over the place, the costumes were bad (their wigs looked like a cheap Halloween costume), the setting looked more like Wisconsin than Ecuador. Now...if you *knew* that this is a Christian movie before you go things might be different. I'm sure the bible thumpers found this movie great, just for the reason that the white people were 'saving' the indigenous tribe because they turned them into good wholesome Christians. They don't have to pay attention to how good the script is...or the costumes...or anything else...because, darn it, it's a Christian movie. That's the only way I can figure out that this movie has gotten any rating over a 4.

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