
IMDb member since June 2018
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Captain Tom: Where Did the Money Go?

Stolen Valour.
This is a very basic documentary that essentially dealt with the families allegedly dishonest dealings with the charity funds. What it failed to do was to expose the man himself, this is important as their actions are directly related to him.

Was Captain Tom a war hero?! Definitely not, he never served in a war zone, he never had combat experience. His whole army career was based in the U. K. or motorcycle training in India and the Far East. He was not a hero in any sense of the term.

Did this documentary explain how he signed a £1m book deal? A deal that only he (and his family) benefited from. Did they explain his free trip to Jamaica between lockdowns , fully paid by BA. No they didn't.

The family are clearly criminals, but this tawdry documentary failed to mention his own dubious morals.

The Sixth Commandment

A respectfully dramatise account of an evil act.
So many accounts of real life crimes like this are handled badly, exploiting the victims and giving the perpetrators a voice, credibility and a certain level of celebrity. Lucky this BBC production treads a careful line between sensationalism and a stale documentary style.

The script has a level of pace that makes it easily watchable and is well constructed, there is just enough detail to make it, for want of a better word, enjoyable. This story is far from enjoyable, it's dark and exposes how evil some people are.

The casting is spot on, the actors bar none are superb but Timothy Spall's acting is exceptional superb, nuanced and emotional and played perfectly. The rest of the cast almost match his portrayal of their character and there are no weak links in the delivery of this story.

It's a must see series but not an easy watch, perhaps the sadness it provokes makes it so good.

Operation Mincemeat

A great opportunity lost.
This is a such a rich and surreal true story that the writer had so much material to choose from and sadly didn't. The previous film that covered this incredible story, The man that never was (1956), did such a better job because it focused on the story, the plot to plant misinformation into the highest echelons of The Third Reich.

Instead we got a wildly fictional soap opera style romance between two of the characters that there is no evidence actually existed. I was hoping more information regarding how the plot was performed and the historical facts, not amateur dramatics.

The truly disappointing fact is the the writer Ben Macintyre is a well regarded journalist and historian. His book about Operation Mincemeat is excellently written and for me his involvement in this film has sold himself out and has done a misjustice to those who took part in the real operation itself. I just hope people don't watch this film and believe it. Shame on you Ben you are capable of so much more than this.

Billy Connolly Does...

End with dignity.
The problem is that I like Billy Connolly's work, I would consider myself a fan of his stand up when he was in his prime but unfortunately this has long since past.

There seems to be a smack of desperation in these shows, the lack of original material and all the edginess that we loved him for has dulled over time into something rather lame, predictable and unfortunately unfunny.

There's a time in someone's career when you have to admit that it's over, sorry Billy you need to know it's your time to retire and be remembered for your good work and not these forgettable ramblings. You don't need the money so retire gracefully with your dignity intact.

I know this won't impress the die hard fans but it's the truth.

Gangster No 1: The Freddie Foreman Story

Unwatchable rubbish.
I was hoping for something with a bit more depth, something that looks at his life objectively and independently, a warts and all account of his deprived violent life. However all we got was the ramblings of a mentally unwell man. There is no doubt that he was a dangerous individual but all this is his own view of his own 'gangster' lifestyle with the added comments from his sycophantic and psychopathic friends. This is nothing but a spent force desperately trying to chest beat his way back into the lime light.

His pathetic attempt to justify his life were comical, insincere and sickening. Painting himself as a victim at times is pitiful and ultimately makes himself look like a fool, a pathetic old man who is pure evil.

What really makes this unwatchable is the lack of production values, the camerawork was vomit inducing, shaking, panning erratically and zooming in and out just shows a lack of skill. It's beyond amateur. The only thing that matches the visual atrocity is the audio, not sure what they recoded this on but it was cheap, the audio is pathetic and difficult to suffer.

I am guessing 99% of this films budget was spent down 'the boozer' as it wasn't spent on this vacuous effort.

Avoid at all costs.

Stewart Lee: Snowflake

Completely dire and lame.
I have no idea why he has such a good reputation as this clearly shows he hasn't got a single funny bone. His comedic ability is nonexistent, taking cheap shots at other comedians (some of which I don't particularly like) is just desperate. I didn't laugh once, not even slightly.

He is at best he is smug and self centred, the hallmark of desperate man. I have no idea what the audience found funny in this awful attempt at humour, the bar must have opened early.

Using the same lame jokes repeatedly for five to ten minutes at a time was nothing but a cringeworthy attempt to fill the time as he couldn't write a decent joke.

Miss this at all costs.


Jesus, Mary and Joseph and the wee donkey......
The acting in Trumpton is less wooden than this show and it demonstrates why Adrian Dumbar might be good enough as a support actor but never a lead man, sorry but it's the truth.

The plots are hardly original, lack pace and no suspense, a far cry from Line of Duty. It is strangely watchable on a Sunday evening when you are looking for nothing demanding although Antiques Roadshow has more plot twists than this and is significantly more exciting.

The biggest fear from the episodes I have seen is that he clearly intends to sing at the end of each episode in a fashion only Jane McDonald would appreciate. I know he sings in a band but please drop this bit, it's going to become laughable.

Watchable but not a classic, I give it one series maybe two if they are lucky.


This flatlined as soon as it started, bad acting, no meaningful plot, shallow characters, contrived and one dimensional dialogue and overly filled with mediocre special effects.

A brilliant example how a big budget and nothing else creates boredom.


I wanted to enjoy this, I really did but although it was watchable it lacked the spark I was hoping for. I was young during the punk era so although I was aware of it I was no part of it. What this lacked was the vibe, the feeling of punk. It touched on it but I found it to be lacking and one dimensional.

As with all these nostalgic series based on one person's perspective you know you are only going to see ones person of the truth at best, for that reason I cannot calculate how accurate, if at all, this was. I was disappointed that some parts of their story appeared but lacked detail. A good example of this was Sid Vicious's encounter with Bob Harris, this was a lost opportunity to explain the dynamics between punk and mainstream music at the time.

The acting was pretty much hit and miss in places. The portrayal of both Johnny Rotten and Malcolm McLaren were probably the most dubious. I accept both these people are/were larger than life characters in reality but their treatment was off the mark to the point of being comedic, Thomas Brodie-Sangster parody of McLaren almost went into Kenneth Williams at times. Johnny Rottens real intellect never showed through during this series, love him or hate him the real one does articulate extremely well rather than just sneering constantly.

The series ended for me like a damp squib, I was expecting more, in fact I wasn't expecting a second series which I assume will be as half their story hasn't been told.

Overall I was disappointed.

Spider-Man: No Way Home

Whatever happened to originality?
As good as CGI is you still have to have an original story, this nonsense doesn't.

I admit that I am not a fan of middle aged men pretending to be hero's in Lyra suits, in fact the whole superhero concept is alien to me but I can remember when movies used to be original, have a story, engaging acting and some sort of reality but this has nothing.

Jeremy Kyle Show: Death on Daytime

Bias and unbalanced reporting
As much as I disliked the daytime show or indeed Jeremy Kyle himself it has to be said that this documentary didn't even attempt to be remotely impartial. It set out to heavily criticise the show which may be deserved but there was little of no counter argument accept for a few statements for ITV at the end.

For me this was a sloppy attempt to gain audience figures, it added nothing to the debate on how these shows affect those who work and appear on them. The irony for me is that they had people on the show complaining about how they were taken in by Kyle but to a lesser degree this show was also doing the same and trading in on their misery.

The Responder

Surprisingly good
First of all I must admit I'm not a huge fan of Martin Freeman, hence the surprise. He does a really good job to the point I forget who the actor is, that's impressive.

The pace of the show isn't fast but that's all the best, it moves on at a decent speed but doesn't try to be actioned packed. The script is good and well acted by all concerned. Other reviews complain about the bad language, they need to consider that this is based on the drug business in Liverpool and not a Swiss finishing school.

It's really worth watching.

Detective McLean

Bad on every level.
I really should have known what to expect by the opening credits, they can be at best described as 1980's Australian soap opera quality, basically no quality.

So what was good? Absolutely nothing. Script, acting, cinematography and even the background music was laughable. Out of this cavalcade of pure amateurism the stand out feature was the acting, I must point out that it stood out for all the wrong reasons, it was hopeless to the point I was embarrassed for them.

I managed 10 minutes of this tripe, most of which was my disbelief that someone actually commissioned it.


As thrilling as watching paint dry.
Billed as a crime thriller this has to be classified as false advertising.

It's a slow and tedious movie, although Matt Damon does a good job, lacks any pace. I could not engage with the characters and quite frankly couldn't care less if the lived or died.

Although he carried this dead duck of a film even the most die hard Matt Damon fans will have to admit it's probably his worst movie of all time, no small feat when you consider Downsizing.

Four Lives

Done with respect.
The problem I have with most serial killer dramas is that they glorify the offender, thankfully they gave this one the right level of exposure. Merchant did a great job getting away from his comic routes and played his version of Port perfectly, as a sad pathetic man with no morals.

The rest of the cast complimented Merchant and did a brilliant job telling the story with respect, showing the lives of the four young men rather than their tragic deaths. I felt at times it went a bit superficial and could have added more depth to them personally but in the limited time available it did well.

Overall not an easy watch due to the true story but moreover the hopeless performance of the original police enquiry leaves you dumbfounded. If true this was appalling. A must see.

Call the Midwife

Sentimental claptrap.
If you are looking for vomit inducing, overly sentiment, Sunday night entertainment (I use the word cautiously) then this is for you. It paints a picture of the deprived areas of London post war inappropriately and inaccurately which not only is historically wrong but does a complete disservice to those who lived there.

If you want to see an hours worth of viewing with saccharine soaked nuns riding around on bikes being self indulgent and overly nice then this would be a 5 star show for you. It's a bit like Mary Poppins meets the sound of Music on acid. Nuns were, are and never will be this nice, they are in reality probably the most judgemental, hypocritical and vengeful creatures on the planet;

The 'social issues' this programme allegedly tackles are nothing but one episode sound bites of the real issues and are done in a superficial and often condescending ways. If they want to address key issues of the time then run it across the series and not just one episode.

This must be one of the worst uses of the BBC licence fee ever, well second only to Strictly.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

More bugs than a clap doctors waiting room.
Seriously unplayable due to bugs and constant updates, updates usually are not a concern but 89gb is a bit ridiculous.

Never getting another COD game again.... Ever.

You Don't Know Me

Slow burner
It amuses me that some reviews say this is boring, tripe and a waste of time. Perhaps this says more about the attention spans of these reviewers than it does about the writing, direction and acting. It has to said that it's not as fast paced as some series but in many respects it benefits from this.

Samuel Adewunmi And the rest of the actors to a great job, Adewunmi being a real standout performance.

Give it a chance and you will enjoy it.

Mrs. Brown's Boys: Mammy's Boo Who?
Episode 9, Season 4

Perfect example of low grade comedy and worse acting.
One thing that live broadcasts do well is to show who can and who can't act.

Let's be honest this is and never has been clever comedy, in fact it's borderline pathetic and can only be likened to seaside postcard humour but even by the past episodes this one was lame. Even though the story was lame but quite frankly the acting was painful to watch, you can tell from recoded episodes that some of the cast have no or little acting talent, the by product of being incestuous casting, but this episode exposed their true abilities.

I would recommend you to watch this, just to see how cringeworthy a single programme can be.

The Larkins

Gave up after 5 minutes.
I was never a fan of the original adaptation so it was always going to be a hard sell but with Bradley Walsh doing a very poor impersonation or David Jason's version of spa Larkin tipped me over the edge.

It's never a good idea to try and do another version of a much loved (not by me) series and this demonstrates why.

Final Destination 2

What the actual ....
I can but assume the writers of this were on some sort of elephant strength mind bending Hallucinogenic compound.

Why the acting in this never won an Oscar remains a mystery.

The Tomorrow War

Average at best
OK if you read some reviews it says this film is dire, others say it's great but in reality it's neither. If you want a take you brains out science fiction film with lots of shooting then this is for you, if you want a good science fiction film that makes a serious point then it's not going to hit the point.

It's worth a look but you won't miss much if you skip it.

Call the Midwife

Sentimental claptrap.
If you are looking for vomit inducing, overly sentiment, Sunday night entertainment (I use the word cautiously) then this is for you. It paints a picture of the deprived areas of London post war inappropriately and inaccurately which not only is historically wrong but does a complete disservice to those who lived there.

If you want to see an hours worth of viewing with saccharine soaked nuns riding around on bikes being self indulgent and overly nice then this would be a 5 star show for you. It's a bit like Mary Poppins meets the sound of Music on acid. Nuns were, are and never will be this nice, they are in reality probably the most judgemental, hypocritical and vengeful creatures on the planet;

The 'social issues' this programme allegedly tackles are nothing but one episode sound bites of the real issues and are done in a superficial and often condescending ways. If they want to address key issues of the time then run it across the series and not just one episode.

This must be one of the worst uses of the BBC licence fee ever, well second only to Strictly.

Coming 2 America

The problem with the majority of sequels is that they are simply not as good as the original, this certainly is true to this film.

All the charm of the original has been lost which I think is partly due to the lacklustre script but also the direction. John Landis is one of the best directors of this type of film and although he seems to have taken a backseat role in this outing his usual influence is not seen on the direction which is a great disappointment.

Apart from the contrived storyline which you can simply skip over the rest seems to have been overplayed to the point of parody. Wesley Snipes hams it more than any other film he's ever been in, that's allot of ham. His character is nothing but a grotesque stereotype that detracts from everything else. If his part in this film was done differently I think it would have been for the better.

It's not a film you will go back to watch again but it's ok till kill a couple of hours and has the occasional good point.


The longest 2 hours of your life.
This film can be summed up in one word - tedious.

I would like to list all it's redeeming features and the only thing I can think of is that it wasn't longer.

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