
IMDb member since April 2018
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Found Footage of Fear: Digital Terror

Found Footage Of Fear: Digital Terror review
Found Footage Of Fear: Digital Terror is not be all that scary, from a conventional standpoint at least. But, witnessing the slow decline of an angry man who feels he's being attacked solely because marginalized people are finally getting representation is frightening. Mainly because we all know or have heard about such radicalized individuals in real life and seen the havoc they have wrought. Viewers will see the horror of everyday life thanks to the strong writing and excellent performances. Though, it might be too close to home for some. Nice try guys but simply wasnt scary enough which contradicts your point.

A Christmas Carol

An all around good Christmas movie
An excellent performance from all around. I enjoyed this film. Particularly Shane Buckley. He was entertaining all the way. It's really not a bad attempt at a Christmas movie!

The Door

Blinded by the light
"The Door" is haunting, with imagery that will haunt your memory long after you've watched film and, yes, it will cause you to reflect on the fragments of memories in your own life that become pieced together only as time moves on.


Had a Blair Witch feel to it
This film is very much like a Greek version of The Blair Witch Project. So be prepared for hardly anything to be seen and loud noises from the shaky camerawork.


Script was awful. Weighed all the qualities down with it.
I would've enjoyed this movie if it wasn't for the script. Very unimaginative and unoriginal, unlikable characters (especially the clowns themselves) and nothing made sense. It was quite obvious that nobody disagreed with with any of Tomb's scriptwriting flaws and they decided to go along with it despite the stupid plot-holes and confusing storyline. Hopefully this is a learning curve for Tomb as she clearly needs more advice on how to write.

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