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Weekend in Taipei

Didnt expect much, but was pleasantly surprised! Riveting fight scenes and great characters.
I am a fan of this action movie genre, but there are so many below average action movies that I didnt expect much at firsthand, but after having watched it I can confirm that this movie is quite an enjoyable action flick.

The good: I NEED riveting action, chases and fights. And THAT is exactly what I got. Not the best, but good enough for me to have a fun time watching it.

More good: what's even more to like is that the characters are credible. The acting is solid (not earthshattering good, but solid) and it has got characters and a storyline I can believe in. THAT matters to me, because even in an action flick like this I WANT the characters to be credible.

Any bad? Dont expect action heaven, this is just another action movie but a really solid one. Recommended for the fans of this action genre.


Always a joy to watch Brad Pitt and George Clooney starring togehter again!
The good: George Clooney and Brad Pitt having great chemistry (as always) with their subtle, understated acting performances. Cool, charming and witty!

Mind you, it is no "Ocean's Eleven", but it is still THESE 2 stellar actors who make this movie worth watching for sure. Lovers of this kind of lighthearted gangster dark comedy genre will be pleased, BUT mind you this is the SUBTLE kind of humor, the INDIRECT kind of humor, that some wont recognize as humor at all...hence the criticism by some reviewers of being "slow" or "uneventful"...

More good: the story is quite fascinating, because it is really mysterious what is going on here. There are lots of double crossing schemes, hidden cameras, unknown mysterious crime bosses and plot turns that dont make sense at first. This story is one big puzzle that only reveals it's mystery at the very end.

Not a terrific gangster comedy, but nonetheless a joy to watch because of these wonderful leading actors. Without them I probably only would have rated it 6 stars...

Red Dragon

It cant beat "The Silence of the Lambs", but it is nonetheless a solid thriller/detective.
The good: we have got some TERRIFIC leading actors, household actor names you just seldom see starring together. What joy to watch Anthony Hopkins, Edward Norton and Ralph Fiennes perform at the top of their game!

More good: this movie has got a really good SLOW build up in suspense, which really spooks me out every time I have seen it!

The storyline is really well developped, although I must admit that it was a bit simplistic that all these brainy detectives all overlooked one simple fact. Ah well, I am nitpicking now...

Dont expect it to be as good as "The Silence of the Lambs" and you'll have a great thrill watching this!

Le cercle rouge

In all honesty: I got bored. There is only so much patience I have got and I ran out of patience after 90 minutes of boredom.
The actual simplistic NON eventful heist only starts at 1 hour and 29 minutes. For those who are impatient skip right through.

For those with A LOT of patience and for those who LOVE SLOWBURNING FRENCH DETECTIVES FROM THE SEVENTIES feel free to indulge yourselves into a supposedly French detective movie classic, but in all honesty: I got really bored...

The bad: I really can appreciate SLOWburning stories in which the mood, the atmosphere of the story is more important than what is actually happening. THIS is (trying to be) such a subtle movie, but unfortunately it has dated somewhat and fell completely flat.

It's NOT a timeless classic. I can imagine a lot of movie going folks being impressed by it in the early seventies but even in those days there were a lot of other detective/cop movies which were way more impressive.

In 2024 this movie is quite tiresome to watch after 90 minutes of NOT happening anything, besides 1 shooting and that shooting looked completely SILLY!

What's so dated about it then? Well what isnt? The sound is mono. Doesnt have to be a problem, but the sound (if there was any music to begin with) was totally bland. The photography was average at best. The storyline was nothing out ot the ordinary. The characters were cardboard. And there is NO thrilling ACTION at all.

Not any good then? The atmosphere, the slowburning vibe has something going for it, but certainly NOT enough to be able to call it a classic. Ridiculous!

The actors were the best there was to offer for those days, BUT even these great actors DID NOT impress me AT ALL. They looked like cardboard characters (there, I said it again!).

NOT even the actual heist is rather smart or well thought out, completely forgettable and simplistic.

Definitely NOT worthy of 8 stars. A meager 6 stars, at best! You have been warned..

Child Star

Kids wanna be famous, grownups wanna make money.
Famous childstars on average die 14 years earlier and they have a 4 times increased chance of dying by suicide. Those are the grim statistics behind this documentary which gives a detailed insight into the Disney childstar Demi Lovato... whom I have never heard of but apparently she was HUGELY popular.

We mostly get to see demi lovato talk to other childstars (Drew Barrymore and Christina Ricci for instance) and the recurring theme is that almost all of them suffered from their huge fame and started to use drugs and alchohol to cope with a life they had no real control over.

These childstars are being squeezed out for every penny they can make and the more popular they become the more a product they become up to a point that certain childstars became wall street products which could be sold and bought at the stock exchange! Currently the childstar content is valued at over 500 billion dollars.

Incredible to see how these kids are being treated. Money, money and more money is the culprit behind this behaviour towards these kids whose only dream is to become famous, but adults wanna make money of their fame. The way in which money overrules the healthy development of childstars' lives is what this documentary is all about.

This documentary starts out unassuming and without the bleak and grim statistics, but have some patience and please watch it till the end, because then you get to see the real damage done to this famous childstars...

Hellboy: The Crooked Man

Spooky as heck! NOT suited for the masses.
This movie crept under my skin, it made me really feel UNeasy and that's the way it's supppose to be with such a genre as this...

The good: from the very start of this movie I felt mesmirized by it's dark and twisted vibe that kept dragging me down in a world of witchess, spells and supernatural events that spooked the heck out of me.

I must applaud the direction, because this story is being styled and photographed and underscored with music in such an organic, yet freaky kind of way that I really felt uncomfortable. Very few movies achieve that kind of effect on me, but this one succeeded in doing just that. Terrific!

Any bad? NOT suited for the masses who might expect a superhero movie with lots of action. This story is all about psychological evil mindtwists and unexplainable freaky powers, but in contrary to many many other movies who try to be mysterious and spooky as well, this movie really made it all look credible, which is a basic necessity for me in order to really get into the story and it's characters.

Probably best suited for a niche arthouse movie audience, because this movie is as bleak and spooky and depressing as heck. Still worth a watch though, but dont expect to come out all cheery and excited, because this is one heavy mother of a movie.


This story initially made me curious, but this movie turned out to be a complete nothingburger!
Make everyone look the same kind of pretty. THAT storyline made me curious, BUT the end result was quite disappointing...

The bad: I dont even know WHAT SORT of movie this is suppose to be. It has got the low production quality of a cheap streaming / television movie though with below average actors, a bland sript and unimpressive direction.

NO thrill. NO originality. NO surprises. NO jokes. It's really a complete nothingburger. It could have been episode 37 of a tv series which has had it's best time years earlier. It's THAT BORING to watch.

Never pay for this. What a BORE of a movie. I guess the movie industry is still recovering from the Corona era and the Hollywood writer's strike, because this story is going absolutely nowhere...

My Old Ass

NOT an Aubrey Plaza movie, she only has a small supporting role.
I read the story and it made me curious. And with Aubrey Plaza starring I was all in on, expecting a great quirky comedy. But that was not what I got...

The bad: this is NOT an Aubrey Plaza movie. She is one of my favorite actresses, but unfortunately she only has got a small supporting role. The other leading actress is nothing out of the ordinary, just kinda bland and not someone who I would like to watch in a leading role at all.

More bad: I expected a weird and quirky comedy, which Aubrey Plaza is terrific at, BUT this is nothing more but a sugarcoated teenage romantic movie about puppy love.

Who is the target audience for this? I cant imagine anyone else but teenagers (girls firstmost) to be interested in such a fluffy love story.

NOT recommended for the Aubrey Plaza fans. Probably best suitable (NOT recommended either) for teenagers who are into watching a sentimental love story.

The Substance

Great leading actors starring in a disastrously bad written script with NO credibility NOR any real thrill
I was all in for another movie with one of my favorite actresses Margaret Qualley! And also starring the ever great Demi Moore! What could go wrong with such a star cast?

The bad: the script is gibbledigook nonsensical. Well even with a script that totally lacks credibility one should (in theory) still be able to make a good movie, but this movie tries SO hard to be mysterious and spooky, but it FAILS completely at achieving that. Big bummer!

I blame the writing firstmost. The direction second. It didnt help much that they constantly wanted to inject comic scenes in between, because all the "jokes" fell flat and they just werent suitable for this kind of story to begin with. It's very difficult to be spooky and funny simultaneously. They didnt even managed to make it thrilling, so why try to force "jokes" into this script on top of that?

Even more bad: and however good the 2 leading actresses are, the supporting actors were way below average, which was really annoying me.

This movie aims high, wants to be a really heavy mother of a thriller, but fails completely to achieve that. Definitely NOT recommended, not even for the Margaret Qualley fans, of which I am one...

The Perfect Storm

It was a flop back then and it is still a flop. Why? Because this is just another formulaic predictable boring action movie.

The bad: skip the first 45 minutes because there is NO action, ONLY TALK. And mind you, the characters are made of cardboard, they are completely UNinteresting and it's just one cliche after another (woman looking out of the window sad because she lost her sailor husband).

Lots of annoying pumped up glorious music when there is NO need for it. Lots of annoying sentimental scenes which would look good in a tv commercial because those scenes are THAT sugarcoated.

But what's really NOT to like is the fact that the action only starts after 45 minutes and the first action scene (Mark Wahlberg gets bitten on board of his ship by a shark) is completely laughable. The rest of the action is even less impressive, with fake sets that look terrible and a constantly frowning George Clooney who cant find the fish. He cant find the fish!

It was a flop and it still is a flop for good reasons. Not even the great actors could salvage this shipwreck of a movie....

American History X

Poverty breeds violence and violence breeds more violence...
I had seen it before (decades ago) and when I saw it again today I had some troubles getting into the story. Why? Because I felt it didnt reach the dramatic heights it should have reached with this kind of subject matter of racism...

The bad: this story of a violent racist skinhead (Edward Norton) suddenly turning into a decent exemplary citizen who starts to love the race he used to hate is rather unbelievable. This doesnt do the credibility of the story any good. But that is not the worst criticism I have...

More bad: what's really not to like for me personally is that they open with a killing and they close the movie with a killing and neither of those killings really touched or shocked me because the direction just isnt reaching the dramatic heights needed for this kind of dramatic storyline. That's a bummer!

This aint the masterpiece it could have been. I blame the direction. It is still worth watching though for several reasons, one being that it is excellent at portraying the many different thoughts of people who hate others for their race, nationality or religion.

Not the best at drama, but excellent at portraying racism in detail.

Adam Sandler: Love You

30 minutes would have been better (instead of the 75 minutes which got me bored)
The bad: it lasts too long, it just does, 30 minutes or even 45 minutes would have been perfect, but I got bored after a while, because after the 10th s)*t and s*x joke they started to sound the same.

There is no dramatic arch in this performance. Heck no, it's just random s*x and s(*t jokes. NONstop. NO story. NO message. That's okay but you better make sure those s*x jokes are really good then, but unfortunately they were more of the kind of jokes teenagers would make. Can be fun for once or twice, but not for 75 minutes on end.

This material must have been an actual debut performance because Adam Sandler was constantly laughing about his own jokes, up to a point that it became embarrassing becausing he was laughing harder about his own (s*x) jokes than the audience.

Not any good? What was really to like though was hearing Adam Sandler play the acoustic guiter, the bass guitar and the electric guitar. This guy can really play! I am not kiddin'. He can not sing though, he sounds awful, but that's only contributing to the comical effect of his short songs which are basically long (s*x) jokes.

For sure this is definitely not the greatest stand up performance, but not terrible either. Should have been cut shorter though, because I got BORED.


How many words do I need to use to describe this movie? Only 1 word: BORING.
Deep sigh... what we have got here are a bunch of great actors, a cash load of money and they came up with this?!

The bad: director Ang Lee is known for his exquisite dramas. Putting him behind the wheel was NOT a good idea, because now it aint either an action movie, nor a great drama. Bummer.

ENDLESS talking scenes, ENDLESS sentimental stuff, ENDLESS waiting for some action and when it arrives it looks SILLy.

What a flop. What an expensive waste of time and talent. Who decided it would be a good idea to put Ang Lee as director for such an American blockbuster movie? Whoever it was he lost a lot of money because this movie flopped at the box office and for good reason!

Beware: the sequel is rubbish as well, although a bit less painful and boring than this edition.

The Incredible Hulk

I had seen it before and I knew something was off with this movie, but I had forgotten what. NOW I know again...

The bad: there is little action and when there is action it looks merely okayish but is never really thrilling. THAT is a problem, because....

More bad: ...without solid action the dialogues and the characters have to be true to life and interesting, but they arent. I really dig Edward Norton, he is a terrific actor, but even he could not inject credibility to his character. All the characters are stereotype cardboard characters. NOT interesting.

It lasts too long. It aint thrilling. And the characters (despite the great actors) fail to impress me. Really underwhelming take at making a Hulk movie...

Blink Twice

The story aint credible. The casting is done wrong. And there is a total lack of real thrill.
So many great thriller and horror movies have been made in the past and this movie feels like a failed copycat, because it simply did not spook me out in the slightest. On the contrary I got bored...

The bad: for me personally the casting was a total misfire. Simply the wrong actors for the parts. The leading actress wasnt bad, but she didnt impress me either, rather lukewarm performance. Then there is the miscast of Channing Tatum who usually is the good guy, but now has to play a mentally disturbed vicious dude and it just does not come across as credible.

More bad: there is a certain mystery at the start about what will happen, but after 45 minutes the action starts and it is just rather silly and not really spooky at all.

Who cares that this is Zoe Kravits debut? It's not a terrible debut picture, but simply a misfire. Definitely not recommended.


Slowburning character driven portrait with excellent direction and build up of suspense.
Leave it to the South Koreans to make yet another solid crime drama. They are the absolute masters of crime IN THE WORLD. I am dead serious.

This movie hoiwever didnt reach the heights of some other classic Korean crime masterpieces, but it was still an enjoyable watch and recommended for the fans of this genre.

Any bad? There is a lack of intense drama, because the supporting actors arent formidable, but merely okay. The leading actress is really good, but not extraordinary good, which is another reason this drama didnt really excell like it could have with different casting. The leading actress was still good enough for me to really enjoy her cool, calm and collected presence though.

What we have here is a typical revenge gangster crime drama without much of the usual violence, because this time around we have got a female leading role and she handles things more with her brain then with bullets. And I loved that. It made this story more credible in comparison to many Western crime thrillers in which female leading roles suddenly have fighting capabilities of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Beatifully directed. Credible story. Great suspense. Doesnt reach the dramatic heights I had hoped for, but still worth a solid 7 stars.

The Killer

Leading actress is completely void of charisma. Her character is NOT credible (putting it politely). And lots of annoying slowmotion photography.
Director John Woo once (ONCE) made some terrific action movies. But those were the days. Nowadays he is churning out this below average formulaic souless stuff....

The bad: what's most annoying about this movie is firstmost the casting of the leading actress. She supposedly is a ruthless killer, but she looks laughable and she cant give any credibility to her character. She doesnt ooze any danger or intelligence or any charisma. She is just another girl, cast in the wrong role.

More bad: the doves. Oh no, the doves. What's a John Woo without doves?@#! Those frikking doves began to annoy me right from the start.

Even more bad: and there is the completely superfluous SLOW MOTION photography. Walking around in a room? SLOW MO. Opening a window? SLOW MO. Staring at a fish? SLOW MO. This slow motion technique was once skillfully mastered by John Woo, but now it has become a boring annoying gimmick.

NO thrill. NOT even the action scenes are anything near thrilling. What's an action movie without thrilling action scenes? You tell me!

Crescent City

Not a B-movie, but close to it, which is a shame with such wonderfully gifted actors.
I started watching this for the presence of the ever great actor Terrence Howard and Alec Baldwin. Terrence Howard still oozes cool, but Alec Baldwin is phoning his performance in.

This is not a B-movie, but it is cop movie without cojones, without soul. It's just going through the motions of a below average predictable, boring cop story we have already seen a kazillion times before.

NOT thrilling. NOT suspenseful. NOT original. It's a total nothing burger, that is incredibly tedious to watch.

These actors deserve a better script and a much better direction and production. Definitely to be avoided.

The Clean Up Crew

Gangsta comedy wannabe. Not even Antonio Banderas could make it worth watching...
I started watching it because of the (allt time great) actor Antonio Banderas, but even his performance isnt enough to make this worth my while...

The bad: Antonio Banderas' character is pretty silly, but at least his performance has got some charm to it. BUT the other (unknown) Irish actors are plain bland and acting way below average. Mind you, better like watching subtitles otherwise you wouldnt understand half of the Irish accents.

NOT funny. NOT thrilling. NOT original. It's a gangsta comedy WANNABE. The Irish arent any good at making movies. The Brits are. But this is an Irish production and it painfully shows. NOT recommended, not even for the Antonio Banderas fans, of which I am one!

Lethal Weapon 4

Not as bad as the 3rd sequel, but still nowhere near as good as the first and the second edition
Definitely better than the 3rd sequel, but still nowhere near as good as the first and the second edition. Sorry for repeating the title again, but this is the most important conclusion.

The good: this LAST sequel has got mor energy (over the top kind of energy), which I applauded! There is MORE action, it is LOUDER, BIGGER and there are MORE jokes than in the 3rd sequel.

This LAST and FINAL edition was a reasonable farewell to the Lethal Weapon series.

The bad: it is still nowhere near as dark and gritty as the first original and it is still not as fun as the 2nd edition. They did their best to make one last effort to squeeze out some material and it was okay-ish.

What's not to like is the superfluous addition of Chris Rock who just did not fit this storyline with his silly character. Jet Li on the other hand was a cool, calm and collected vicious guy, BUT we got to see too little of him.

Not terrible, but certainly nothing extraordinary either. It'll (barely) do for the fans of this franchise.

Doom Scroll: Andrew Tate and the Dark Side of the Internet

How tech companies' greed empowers controversy: "Being able to flip a switch and affect 400 million people".
I expected a bashing and ridiculing of Andrew Tate and his followers and it is partly about how terrible Andrew Tate's ideas are, but fortunately we get to see and hear fans of Tate as well so as not to make this movie a totally one sided story. Although it is probably best suited for the Tate haters out there and not so much suited for the fans of Tate. Just saying...

This movie covers 2 subjects: one being masculinity, the other being the power of tech companies.

What interested me the most were the interviews which laid bare the power of social media companies (Instagram for example) and how their engineers can literally flip a switch and affect what 400 million people worldwide get to see (or NOT get to see).

One particular Instagram software engineer (who made Instagram big at the start), said he only worked in a team of a mere 15 engineers, while Instagram was being used by hundreds of millions of people at that time. He talked about his power of being able to influence the news of hundreds of millions of people every day and told about how predictable people were in their behaviour and how easily they could be influenced and hooked by showing specific content.

Will people in the world get to see Andrew Tate that very day yes or no? It's decision was made by computer programmers. 15 of them actually in the case of Instagram. And they wrote software that promoted the vision of Tate with explosive results.

WHY did they promote Andrew Tate's vision and persona? Because it kept people hooked to wanna see more on their tech platform, so the advertisers will wanna advertise on their social media platform more and the tech companies will make MORE MONEY because of it!

Controversy (whichever controversy) is good for advertising power! And therefore good for tech companies profits! And Andrew Tate rose to great popularity because of that particular GREED of tech companies some years back UNTIL it suddenly was stopped. With a flip of a switch!

The other part of this documentary is about why young men were (and still are) attracted to Andrew Tate's ideas and persona. We get so hear several journalists and activists give a social analysis of young men failing to find role models in todays society (often boys from broken marriages without a father). And we get to see a cultural analysis of todays focus on empowering women's rights and their progress, but forgetting about creating and discussing similar norms and values for young men.

Interesting analysis of the power of tech companies and the way we communicate with each other nowaday.

The Union

What a flop! I am a big Mark Wahlberg fan, but why did he agree to star in this uneventful, lame script?
Mark Wahlberg is a butch, tough and a cool, calm and collected guy. At least he can be! But not this time around. He literally needs a nanny now to learn how to fight bad guys in this "spy" movie! What the what#@!?

The bad: Mark Wahlberg needing an old nanny (Halle Berry) to learn how to fight in order to become a spy? Who is the target audience that is willing to pay for this? The American Nanny Organisation?

BEWARE: NOT a Mark Wahlberg action movie (AT ALL). Because it has got ZERO riveting action and it has got ZERO suspense or thrill. Honestly. It is as tame and uneventful as watching grass grow.

What is it then? It is a RELATIONSHIP movie, dressed up as a "spy/action" movie. What a TERRIBLE idea. And this is a SERIOUS relationship movie mind you, it is NOT a romantic comedy or any sort of comedy (which Mark Wahlberg can be really good at as well).

Disastrous writing. Lame direction. Completely uneventful. WHO would wanna watch this? I fear many Mark Wahlberg fans are gonna be really disappointed watching this! I was!@$

Alien: Romulus

NO thrill. Cheap copycat! The original Alien from the seventies had TERRIFIC acting performances, this edition has got ZERO!
They have RUINED this movie by casting a bunch of kid actors without any charisma.

The original Alien from the seventies (and the sequels) ALL had TERRIFIC acting performances by wonderful, household, charismatic actors. This movie has NONE of that. What an insult to the Alien franchise!

BEWARE everybody, this looks and sounds like any other Alien movie, they have copied the sets exactly as they were before, but they FAILED to inject supsense, shock and thrill.

The kid actors have taken over and I guess kids are the target audience for this movie any way, but I wouldnt even dare recommend this boring movie to them!

NO thrill. NO soul. NO good acting. Lousy direction. It looks like a cheap copycat of a great classic scifi picutre. What a waste of money. Better watch the brilliant original "Alien" (1979), it will scare the bejeemas out of you! What a terrific classic!

Talchul: Project Silence

No real thrill or suspense, so why bother watching?
The South Koreans are masters at making riveting and vicious crime dramas and action thrillers. I have been binge watching them for months now, BUT this is not one of those great Korean movies, this is actually below average...

The bad: the special effects look silly. The attacking dogs are meant to be frightening looking, but they actually look laughable, because of cheap CGI. The WHOLE plot of this movie, the WHOLE core of this movies' existence goes down the drain, because these wild dogs look so incredibly SILLY and fake.

NO thrill. NO riveting action. NO good drama or acting. NO jokes. This is quite bad for Korean movie standards. Not a total flop for sure, but way below what they are capable of producing in South Korea. Such a pity!

Lethal Weapon 3

Lethal Weapon 1 was awesome. Lethal Weapon 2 was still good and funny. But Lethal Weapon 3?
There is only so much you can milk out of a franchise and this third edition was already one too many...

The bad: this 3rd edition is going through the motions. Gone are the vicious and suicidal tendencies from the first edition and gone are the great oneliner jokes from the second edition.

Mel Gibson is phoning his performance in. Danny Glover's jokes are as old as a worn hat. Newly added supporting actors dont add anything.

This 3rd edition should not have been made. It's a dissapointment. It's not a total flop though, it has got it's moments, but I GOT BORED watching it and THAT is the LAST thing I want to feel when watching an action comedy.

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