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Definitely not as creepy a boat movie as...
Voyage from 1993 with Rutger Hauer, Eric Roberts and Connie Nielsen, And the Sea Will Tell with Rachel Ward and Richard Crenna from 1991, both of which I prefer over Dead Calm as a few here have already mentioned here. I very much like Bruce Greenwood, which is why I sat through this movie in the first place but am certainly disappointed. I would definitely check out the first two movies as mentioned, especially And the Sea Will Tell (from the true crime story written by the lawyer, Vincent Bugliosi, who actually defended the woman in the story years ago. I remember it being a bit hit when it played on television years ago).

Them That Follow

For an understanding by the serious bible believer -
"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." Mark 16: 17-18 KJV

This will occur but does not belong to the church, the body of Christ today. Such powers will be needed during the tribulation.

Many times the doctrines that cause Christians the most confusion are easily resolved by Mid-Acts right division.

Tongues This interreligious practice continues to cause no small disgrace in the congregations who do not recognize that the supernatural multilingual ability was a power needed for the remnant of Israel in Acts II who were going to minister into the worldwide kingdom reign of Christ. By the way, this same reasoning applies to snake handling and poisonous water drinking. They are all listed in the same series in Mark 16 referring to the bizarre events that will occur during the tribulation. Acts 2 does not describe the church today.

Baptism Since there has been such a lack of agreement regarding this doctrine within Christianity many are now chalking it up as a meaningless tradition. It is time that we recognize that there are at least a dozen different baptisms in the Bible and yet Paul speaks of only one in operation for the Church today. Jesus was baptized twice and if had to pick one it would not be the one with water.

Prayer Sometimes it seems that no doctrine has caused more harm and yet is most needed as Prayer. The solution is simply to rightly divide Jesus' earthly ministry to his covenantal people from the ministry he gave to Paul for the church today. Being strangers of the covenants means that you cannot get whatever you ask. Neither does it mean that prayer is ineffective. Paul gives the proper instruction in 1 Thessalonians 5:17.

Faith and Works It is past time that we stop judging whether men are good enough to be saved and rid ourselves of the confusion about what should be the simplest teachings in the Bible. Faith salvation in the cross work of Christ is only found in the wisdom of God revealed first to Paul. Anywhere else you see justification, it accompanies the law system of the Jewish covenants. Don't believe me? Take out Paul's books and see how you fare.

God's Will Books have been written about how to determine God's will for your life. Most of them teach some sort of self-assessment, mysticism, or shear intuition. The motivation for spontaneous action is attributed to a 'leading of the Holy Ghost' and the consequences are blamed on God. When we realize that God is no longer setting up a holy nation or an earthly kingdom, we can begin to study what he actually says about his will today in Ephesians 1:3, 3:9, and 1 Timothy 2:4. Notice all have been revealed through the Apostle Paul.

Mid-Acts right division resolves these confusions while keeping the clear reading of every passage of scripture in its context. Learn more about Mid-Acts right division and get some answers to your questions.

Outer Range

It wasn't that bad
Confused though I was, I managed to enjoy the movie thanks to my free trial of Amazon prime. Of course, I had questions but did what I usually do, come here at IMDb and read all the spoilers and the reviews. Alas, no luck here this time. I then went to you tube and voila, I found a pretty helpful review there entitled "Outer Range Ending & The Hole Explained." Now I want to go back and maybe rewatch some of the episodes again. I have to say I'd be very surprised if a season 2 is ever made, and frankly, there probably is no need to. I sure didn't watch Outer Range hoping it would be Yellowstone. I can take or leave Yellowstone. Lol.

I do want to add the following as a bible believer. One thing that is always the same about Hollywood is its total lack of understanding of bible believing Christianity. (I no longer refer to myself as a "Christian" since it can mean anything these days). Hollywood has never and will never get it right and no surprise. Supposedly, Royal's wife is a "devout Christian." In the movie, the camera panned twice to a plaque on a wall in her home that demands Jesus "reveal" Himself. Poor woman. Jesus has most certainly already revealed Himself to anyone who can seriously read a King James bible, and any individual on the planet willing by faith to believe the written preserved word of God found in that bible can ever "find" Jesus. He has finished His work by the cross. Please see I Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV. Her church depicted in the movie was a ridiculous mishmash of the catholic communion and evangelical type "handling" of the sheriff and her girlfriend's "relationship."

Feeling Minnesota

I enjoy checking out movies I saw years ago...
Apparently, this one didn't get a lot of good reviews, but it was wild, raunchy and entertaining to see a young Keanu Reeves and Cameron Diaz with her baby fat. Also stars Tuesday Weld, Vincent Donofrio, Dan Ackroyd, Delroy Lindo and Courtney Love. The best part is seeing it free on hoopla, where you can find a lot of 80s and 90s movies you've seen before.

Mary Kills People

Mary is just a killer, plain and simple...
Her actions cannot be justified. She is certainly NOT a good character. This series cannot be justified. If you are too scared to kill yourself, why expect anyone else to do it for you? I got through about half the first episode and gave up...but we do live in a present evil world, Galatians 1:4 KJV. It's never alright to murder another human being, and to teach the opposite is also evil.


Don't bother...
And not to be confused with another film with the same title from 2014, which I thought I was going to be able to watch on my Roku. The 2014 movie stars Kate Bosworth and Wes Bentley. These are totally different movies. I tried about 5 minutes of this 2013 stinker, and as the other two reviewers state, it does not make a lot of sense, to put it mildly. Unknown actors and just aggravating. I gave up.


Anybody remember Dead Ringer with Bette Davis and Karl Maldin?
This series makes me want to find the black and white 1964 movie and rewatch it. The series is okay but as per usual, I like the old movie better. Like others said, it ran out of steam; no need to make a series out of it, actually. The original had a different storyline that was more compelling and stayed with me.


The truth about devils, ghosts and spirits...
Far too few Christians take devils, ghosts, and spirits serious enough. Either they are taken too lightly and made the subject of cartoons, fictions, and festive holidays, or they are surrounded in superstition and fear. There are many false ideas, superstitions, and pagan ideas about the spirit world, but the Bible is the only source that can be trusted on the matter. (It is inspired by God who is the sole trustworthy authority on spiritual things.)

Ghosts are real Every Christian ought to believe in ghosts. A ghost is a spirit or soul without a body, an immaterial person. Once you die, you will give up yours (Gen 25:8). God is a Spirit (John 4:24). The Holy Ghost is God (Matt 28:19; Acts 5:3). Jesus gave up the ghost when he died on the cross (Luke 23:46). "Know ye not, that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you..." - 1 Cor 6:19 If anyone thinks this is all unscientific or the stuff of myths, then consider the conversation among scientists about if there can be ghosts in machines, or how we can create and transfer what is immaterial about us into robots and computers. (The Bible is not anachronistic, it is far ahead of its time.)

The Devil exists. He's real, and so are the many devils and evil spirits that have followed him in his rebellion to God. (The Bible does not call them demons, which could be good or bad; devils are always bad.) What's more is that all the devils and evil spirits know God, Jesus, and even the apostle Paul (Acts 19:15; James 2:19). This is more Bible than most people know.

Jesus was tempted by the Devil (Matt 4:1). The Devil has set snares for men (1 Tim 3:7; 2 Tim 2:26; 2 Cor 11:14). Christians are instructed to stand against the wiles of the devil (Eph 6:11), and should not be ignorant of his devices (2 Cor 2:11). Consider the rise today in witchcraft, spiritism, and the pursuit of spiritual energy and power through spirits that are not the God of the Bible. All of this is forbidden by God as it leads to people being deceived, controlled, and ultimately the possessions of beings that do not bear truth, righteousness, peace, or joy. Only God can fulfill this spiritual need. Only truth can reveal devils, evil spirits, and their lies for what they are - ungodly. Only faith in God's word can enlighten your eyes.

Are you possessed? Upon belief in the gospel you are sealed with the holy Spirit of promise, and have been delivered from the power of darkness (Eph 1:13; Col 1:13). In the Bible, evil spirits and devils possess people and cause them to do strange and sometimes powerful things. This can be a fearful thing for those who are not saved or do not have knowledge of the true power of Christ. For those saved by the gospel of Christ, God has not given the spirit of fear (2 Tim 1:7). Why? Christians are made members of the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit once we trust the gospel (1 Cor 12:13). We become God's possession, and the Devil has no claim or power to take that possession away from the more powerful One in whom we trust (Eph 1:14; Eph 1:22; Col 2:10). That is God's great power through Christ. This is not to say Christians cannot be influenced by the Devil or evil spirits. Satan hindered Paul, and Satan has ministers (1 Thess 2:18; 2 Cor 11:15). But this is why Christians ought to learn the truth about evil spirits from God's word alone, not from stories, cartoons, pagan myths, or Catholic tradition.

Responding to evil spirits: The way our culture deals with evil spiritual phenomena is to ignore it, deny it, or play with it thinking it to be harmless. The widespread presence of evil and lies in our culture is a result in part of leaving that door wide open. Christians are instructed not to give place to the devil (Eph 4:27). The only beneficial source of spiritual power is from God.

The way religions deal with evil spiritual phenomena is with ignorance, superstition, objects, rituals, and incantations. It is no coincidence that bizarre spiritual activity is seen most among religious groups who claim to have access to spiritual power, but who have the gospel wrong. Unsaved people who do not know God accessing spiritual power is a recipe for devilish disaster. Perhaps the reason there is such a need for exorcists in the Catholic Church is that their parishioners are not protected by the gospel of salvation. That is a scary thing.

The way the Bible responds is with the power of God in the gospel of Jesus Christ (Rom 1:16). Every time a soul gets saved he is delivered from the power of darkness (Col 1:13). Every time a soul comes to a knowledge of the truth he is delivered from the snare of the devil (2 Tim 2:26). When Christians do not take the Bible seriously is when they do not take devils, ghosts, and spirits serious enough.

How are you supposed to respond to devils, ghosts, and spirits if you don't understand them? This leads to an increasing ignorance and fear when confronted with their reality. Christians are instructed to withstand them with the word of God (Eph 6:13-18). Christians are in a battle without the armour. That's a sure way to lose. Devils, ghosts, and spirits are real, but we need not fear them if we trust in the power of God through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Put off the spirit of ignorance and fear about unseen things. Put on power, love, and sound doctrine from Jesus Christ.

"My brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might." - Ephesians 6:10 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." - 2 Timothy 1:7.


What has happened in an increasingly God-denying society...
That was all I could think of while watching this movie. How much better for this woman to have gotten involved in a neighborhood church setting, where she'd have conversations and fellowship with others, probably a once-a-week lunch and other activities and situations wherein she could help other people. How much more uplifting and comforting these places can be as we age. They still exist and have kept many an older adult going when family is too busy, alas, to help out on a daily basis. I went to a church rummage sale yesterday and saw this kind of thing is still in action.


Stick with it...
I stuck with the movie, slow moving as it was, wanting to see what the load actually is. Others say "nothing" happens. When the driver is told at the end of his trip first trip to go inside the building, which he does and in the dark walks to the windows, where he observes other men have opened the truck and are hauling what look to be dead bodies into a big hole while dirt is being thrown into the hole. Then the lies down to go to sleep and wakened and given his money and directions for the next haul. He is told to be sure and wash the truck. He leaves then stops his truck and takes a hose, opens the back, unlocked now, and is overcome by the smell.


Not good...
Go find "Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down," 1989, in Spanish with subtitles. At least that one has an upbeat sweet ending. This one is such a downer.

10 Things We Should Do Before We Break Up

Am I the only one who was immediately put off that this divorcee with two kids and a previous abortion gets herself pregnant right off the bat with a total stranger with no real responsibilities (whom we find out a bit later was cheating on a girl friend)? Or that we have no idea throughout the whole movie exactly what either one of them does for a living (though she appears to be write books for kids, how original)? Or that they seem to have all the time in the world to fool with her kids? They don't show the kids' reaction to the pregnancy, but the kids do like him. He lets them all down, checks back in with the girlfriend, does not show up at the little girl's dance thing,. lies about where he's been. etc. Blah, blah, blah. He crashes, leaves, disappears. She has the kid on her own and she and the three kids "continue to thrive." End of movie, credits run.

The Device

What was up with the dumb sound effects?
Won't add much else to what's already been said other than the dumb sound effects throughout the movie just did not fit what was on screen. Supposed to make the movie spookier, I guess, but drove me nuts. Like somebody else said, at least an X-Files episode would have come to some conclusions and been entertaining. This was just low budget, silly and disappointing.

Fast Food Nation

A mild-mannered Hollywood movie that goes nowhere
The movie is 10 years old at this point and very dated. Better to watch a documentary about the meatpacking industry and/or entering the country illegally. This movie was all over the place. I frankly have not much sympathy for anyone entering the United States illegally and hope that with Trump elected and the building of the wall, it will stop. Better young Mexicans actually stay in Mexico and fight to make their native country better. And if I want to eat meat, I will realistically take my chances where I eat it in America. You can most certainly get sick eating organically raised meat or plants also, for pity sake.

This Film Is Not Yet Rated

The artsy-fartsy crowd whines again because they can't show everything in their dirty underwear to the whole world and make millions of dollars like the big guys in charge. That's the bottom line, the big bucks, and they want it too. So this crowd feels there need be no rules in place at all, I guess, and would not mind if all the kiddies could just walk in off the street and see graphic sex, because of course graphic sex is beautiful and won't hurt the kiddies because they already know all about it anyway. Please do not waste your money purchasing this movie; hit your local library like I did and see it that way. It's laughable.

The Postman

SO long and so dumb
I have to say up front I'm not a big fan of Kevin Costner to begin with so I only picked up the movie because I couldn't find what I was really wanting from the library the other day. I don't know what I expected but I decided to take it as a comedy. What a dopey movie, so darn unrealistic, as if that many people wouldn't figure some way of killing that overbearing general guy and his men, come on, what a bunch of wimps. I'll take Arnold Schwarzeneger (sp)? any day of the week in a Conan the Barbarian movie, at least those are entertaining. I finally gave up on it and turned it off. The only good thing I will say is it didn't cost me a dime since it came from the library. If you have to watch it, at least do like I did and hit your library. Better still, pick up a Conan movie.

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