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My Bloody Valentine

Meh, the ending could of done better
I did watch this on Netflix and yes it's pretty bloody. I didn't watch the orignial but still, the plot twist is just terrible and no I'm not going to do a spoiler review but all could say is it ruined the plot at the end. The story is decent but it's the same as any other, characters are develope well and the concept is simular to the original but modern theme. I would love the movie more if the plot twist wasn't present and the story do a little more work.



Tom Hardy is actually better than Topher Grace
As a fan of Spider-Man 3, I think Tom Hardy is the better venom for alot of reason but I'll not dive into that right now but as I could say is Tom betrayed the character better. Anyways I'll get into the movie, I actually have a good time with the movie, it's fun and would watch again like this is the type of movie that I'll watch over and over again. The story is not that bad, average acting, great special effect, and fast pace. They're some comedy in the scene but it's just a little but when I was watch the movie, I notice they're only two simularities from Spider-Man 3 but except he didn't fake a picture, he try to ask some question that we're not suppose to be ask and he got fired and he was depressed because of that untill he found the symbiote. I recommend this movie and WE ARE VENOM!



Very good game!
I beat this game and I have to say, it is one of the best game of 2018! Good story, fun combat and interesting characters, it does share similarities with the Arkham games but it feels it was heavily inspired by the game! And yes this is WAYYYY better than The Amazing Spider-Man 2 which everyone knows. This game is good as Spider-Man 2 I wouldn't lie but speaking of Spider-Man 2, I beat this game with the Raimi suit and I have to say I LOVE the suit. Good game, I would play it again.



Destroyed the Rob Zombie films, THIS MOVIE IS MORE EXCITING!
Rob Zombie Halloween 2 leave a terrible taste in our mouth until we watched this movie. It's better than all the sequels but not better than the first one obviously but it's my opinion. The story is different but it's still good, characters are not annoying, plot make sense including writing and Jamie Lee Curtis is GREAT! Even the mask is good and not ripped like the 2009 disaster and it's actually scary! It's the second best and it's worth a watch. 10.2/10

Truth or Dare

Final Destination drinks alot and play Truth or Dare with Candyman
This is one of the most boring movie experience I've ever been too. Those 1hr and 43min could of been spent on homework then watching this movie. Yet it's so bad that it's actually funny. The whole movie is a promotion of Snapchat obivously. I'll cut to the chase, bland story, weak plot, slow pace, and scenes that doesn't relate to the story. Now if you don't mind me, I'm going to watch Clerks 2 (2006) to feel good. 1.3/10

The Strangers: Prey at Night

I want to give it a chance because it was fun
I don't know why I didn't enjoy it, I had fun. I went in with expectation, and with critic expectation but this film feel the same but with a family. The acting is good, and athmorspheric just like the last one but where's the fast pace? It's slow but I see why. I think this is for the people who hate the first one but I'm not that much of fan but it feels the same. Weak story, poor script, some ideas that could be exicuted well, and the movue should be longer to be more better in my opinion. It's not the worst of 2018 thank god but I hope the series don't go down hill. 5.4/10

The Strangers

It's good but not really groundbreaking after 10 years
I did like the movie but it feels like they try to be too much of Texas Chainsaw Massacre but with less gore. This movie is fast paced and athosphereic I have to admit including story, character, script, and writting. Is it the best? No. but is it great? Almost. Is it good? For the most part yeah. It's still good after 10 years. 8.3/10

Black Panther

Screw those bad reviews it was fun from start to finish
I watch this like a week ago with my friend and we enjoyed it. The story is interesting like it's not one of those movie that you watch and forgot about like a week later. The story is uniqe in it shape and form. Great acting too, full of emotion during each scene. I hate ot how people make stuff into a race thing like some people think this is soms race movement. First of all it's a movie, not a video you find on YouTube that talk about race. I just hate when one person have to ruined something it. Anyways good movie and I'm going to see it again :-) 10.2/10

Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing

This is a glitchy game but it's a special kind of glitchy game
This game is bad but it's so bad that it's good. I still think Superman 64 is worse but at least this game is not hard and have crap controls. The developement team is so lazy like is this tested? Better yet this could be the best truck racing game but too bad the developers miss that oppotunity. But still it could be fun because of how bad it is. 1.3/10

Hellraiser: Judgment

I like it and I see why others don't
This is for the fans of Hellraiser anyways and I happen to be a fan of Hellraiser. I'm finally free from revelations but my one main problem of the film is that it feels the same like others but I enjoy it. Good story, good characters, good plot, neat acting, and a good feel from start to finish. This is the first film I saw in 2018 so far which is a good thing. I suffer from Hellraiser revelations like worst budget film for any horror movie like Jeepers Creepers 3. I do like this film. 7.4/10

Five Nights at Freddy's 3

This is the third game and it's still terrible!
This has to be the worst FNAF ever created like it's basically the same. It wouldn't kill Scott Cawthon to add something different with the game instead of making the same damn thing! The FNAF sequels are worse than the Transformer sequels (yeah I said it!). What happen to fresh ideas? It wouls be better with new ideas instead. Anyways terrible game, I won't recommend 1.1/10

Five Nights at Freddy's

Overrated and terrible
It use to be fun at the time and now every since the fanbase was born, it got destroy by fan art and stupid stuff like that. And most people praise the game because of the storyline? What storyline? It's an indie game not a full pledge game. The fanbase is terrible like the Rick and Morty fanbase like they will attack you because of your opinion on this game! I'm not scared of them because they're little kids like 98% of them are. This is a terrible and very un scary game also quit it with the jumpscare already it's old now. Cringy fanbase, enough said! 1.5/10


I didn't expect to give it a 10 but it's certianly not that bad
This is for fans of Postal not critics! This is a fun movie in my opinion and enjoyable. Easy to follow story, actually like the game, fast pace, and just gory fun! I found it to be more action and thriller than comedy honestly like it's kinda funny but not all that funny, I think at the time it is but right now it's not. Overall I enjoyed the movie. 10.0/10

Journey 2: The Mysterious Island

Not the movie for me but it's attended for kids anyways
I watch this in my science class to research climate changes and yeah I have to admit it's funny here and there. The concept is silly like I said before it's attended for kids. The story is not on point, weak plot, annoying character, and poor CGI. I thought the movie is going to be serious but when the movie progress, it gets silly. Well that's all I'm going to say, I did have low expectation but too bad it didn't sastify me. 5.1/10


As a diehard fan of Trick R Treat, this movie is terrible
My question is that who cares if females direct this film? Their's always been a female directors everywhere. The first story is decent but the ending suck, the other three sucks. The second one is a by the number birthday horror movie, the third one is some hills have eyes concept but demons are in it, and the fourth one is two Rob Zombie Halloween films roll in one film with some creature I don't know. The fourth one make me want to say sorry to Rob Zombie for hating his two halloween films. Acting is decent, bad script, and a piss poor three story after the first one. Not the worse of 2017 but it sucks. 1.4/10

Wayne's World

I must admit I enjoy every minute of this movie! Good story, good acting, good comedy, good writting, and creative! As a kid that's born in the early 2000s it's fun and it could be passed through generation to generation, it depends what family they are. This is a classic. 10.0/10


I got FLATLINE after watching the movie
This movie is so damn boring! It's even worse than Jeeper Creepers 3. The acting is neat, story not on point, mediocre script, bad writting, and slow pace. It looks good but when you watch the movie, it's boring. Why not bake up some new ideas, not retrending a old movie to modern audience. This movie doesn't know if it want to be a remake or a sequel so they fail at both. Just don't watch the movie, you'll thank me later. 1.2/10

Trick 'r Treat

Where's the sequal?
I have to admit it's fun and a good watch on halloween. I like how this movie have four stories, not like ten stories that's like 3hrs long. This is my favorite anthology films of all time and I'm a die hard fan like the HalloweeN movies. first story: 9/10, second stroy: 8/10, third story 9/10, and fourth story: 10/10. Is it worth the watch? as a horror movie fan yeah. I almost forgot the acting is on point, smart script, and clever writing. Don't wait, watch it now! 10.7/10 (same score as the first HalloweeN)

The Emoji Movie

As a fan of Wreck It Ralph this movie is a rip off
I still think The Bye Bye Man (2017) is the worse, this is on my #2 spot. I have to admit I almost like it but when the movie progress, it get worse. Bad story, some decent voice acting, bad script, painfully unfunny joke, and bad writting. This is anothor Wreck It Ralph like this "the protagonist doesn't feel like themself until he screw up so the owner decide to delete it because it's acting wierd so he find the way to deal with this" THERE! I describe both movies in the same time! I wasted 1hr and 27min of my life! I'm done, I'm glad I didn't watch it in theaters. 1.1/10

Project X

Best of 2012, also one of my favorites of all time
My first time watching in 6th grade on TV, and I love this film. This movie put The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) to shame because their's more comedy, drama, and better script. I have to admit, I wish that party was real because it would of been the best day in my life. Story is realistic, good acting, found footage found that feel real, very funny and good fun! When I first watch it, I thought it was real until I seen an interview of the main cast. Anyways good movie, worth the buy! 10.4/10

Postal 2

What's to hate about this game? It's a really good game
I'm serious like you can do anything in this game. I have to admit it's addicting but not to much for a 14 or 15 year old game. I like the Postal Dude like when he got arrested "Hay that ain't my fault! Arrest the kid with the keyboad!", man his dialouge is very memeroble. Good game worth the buy. 10.5/10

Jeepers Creepers 3

I invented a new word. It's called Boresome
I don't know what to say about this movie like it's pretty boring. The story is bad, script is awful, writing is so bland, and slow. This is the second worst movie of 2017. This is a really funny joke where's the real Jeepers Creepers 3? It's so hollow like I have fun with the first one, I don't remember much the second one, and this one is not that fun saddly. The CGI, oh my god it look like Birdemic like why 2 million dollar budget? Make it 36 million and the film will be on track. The ending is just terrible, very anti climatic man. I guess this movie is good if you want to fall asleep anyways this is better than the Bye Bye Man (2017) but that doesn't end there. IT (2017) beat this film every level. This film use to have a 7.6 and I knew it'll decrease since I saw the score. I'm avoiding this boresome of a film. 1.3/10


It does lack the question we ask from the previous film but it's enjoyable
I didn't expect to like this movie because I thought it was a disapointment what most people are saying. Is it the best? No but is it good? yeah. Their's a big plot twist at the end but I don't want to spoil it. The story is good, the writting is acceptable, some of the acting could improve, and gory fun! This could of awnser on is Adam alive or not. Also could of have Dr. Gordan in the movie but he wasn't in it saddly. Also could of show if Hoffmen is dead or not. Not the best of 2017 but I accept it as what it is. This is my review on Jigsaw (2017), I wish I watch it in theaters but I have a budget problem so yeah. 7.0/10

The Wicker Man

What are you guys talking about? This movie is fine! (Satire)
I have to admit this movie so bad that it's good. I wish I gave it a 10 but I have to keep it real though. I think this movie is a shot for shot remake but the difference is that it's a women colt I think. The script is lazy, the writing is weak, the story is poorly told, and the acting is SOOOOOOOOO funny! Is it the worse remake of all time? No. Did they tried their best? Yes they did. This is my review on The Wicker Man (2006), one more thing. OH NO! NOT THE BEES! NOT THE BEES!!! AGHHHHHH!!! ALL OVER MY EYES!!! MY EYES!!! AGHHHH!!! AGHHHH!!! 1.7/10


This is why classic are always the best
So I finally watch it and I'm surpise that the movie feel short, still a good movie though. Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates=Outstanding preformance! I have to admit my favorite scene is the shower scene because of how the mood was set. The acting is great, excellent pace, good script, and a classic story. I love this film and I hope the seqeals are good. This is my review on Psycho (1960), it's always gonna be a classic.

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