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Lucifer: Wingman
Episode 7, Season 1

Season 1 Episode 7
-Lucifer's desperate pursuit of his lost wings rolls on. -Chloe faces moral struggles involving work and her family (Palmetto case). -It's been 5 years since Lucifer left hell and we see where hr got his wings severed, while he seeks his brother's help who eventually accepts. -Lucifer and the former couple work together to recreate the case. -We see Amenadiel's enormous ego on display. -We learn about the effects of the wings over human and that if Lucifer had to die he would go back to hell. -The wings Lucifer was after were fake. -Chloe has an epiphany which helps her solve the case. -Lucifer discovers about Amenadiel's plan to get him back to hell and derails it. -A tiny detail is showed: Lucifer's soles are red. -Dan regains some of Chloe's respect. -Maze is holding a feather, hinting that she probably hides something. -Amenadiel brings back to life Malcolm, the cop whose plug got pulled to the situation.

Chernobyl: Please Remain Calm
Episode 2, Season 1

Dead deer
-Physicist Khomyuk is presented to us -Legasov explains the real situation to Gorbatchev and decides to act by pouring sand and Boron over the steaming core using helicopters. -Great sequence where people are rushed outside the town, giving the viewer a high sense of urgency. -The scene is introduced with a transition that begins with a close-up of a dead deer, setting the stage for what's to come, that is a helicopter entering the smoke column, as we neither hear or see from them up until they appear back from the other side just to plummet to the ground in complete silence. -Boris announces Legasov that the news broke out counties all around the world are taking precautions, while they live in denial, allowing their people to live outside freely, as if nothing ever happened, unbeknownst to what is floating above their heads. -Khomyuk enters the power plant to tell Legasov he mistakenly judged the situation, as the fuel is still inside the tanks, and that water will eventually meet the high temperature, eventually turning into steam and spread even faster. Sand and Boron would only act as a blanket, helping the temperatures increase rather than cool down so people would need to go down and close the water valves. The problem is they won't survive, it would be a necessary sacrifice. -3 men (Anarenko, Bezpalov, Baranov) volunteer after a bleak speech from Shcherbina and the episode ends with a fade-to-black transition of the them getting anxious and anxious while the radioactive beeping increases.

Lucifer: Favorite Son
Episode 6, Season 1

You keep trying new hats to hide your horns
Both the musical segments are really good ("Sinnerman" at the beginning and "The day is my enemy" near the end). We see Lucifer's influence over Trixie during a family sketch. Lucifer is bored of the police work, up until he finds out that the container missing is HIS container. Maze, out of jealousy, tries to arrange Dan & Chloe back together to get her out of Lucifer's way. Linda gets closer to Amenadiel, who reveals her a lot his brother's past. The episode's plot is there to have Chloe and Dan close to when they were still married, while connecting Lucifer to the season's plot, where he is stolen a very important thing which was once his (loved how they just showed his wings at the very end, giving them the most attention they could). Lucifer loses his temper a lot in this episode, especially when confronted by Linda who brings up his past and challenges his viewing of his father's actions towards him.

Chernobyl: 1:23:45
Episode 1, Season 1

Do you smell metal?
Ominous music, wrenching atmosphere as Legasov, the man put in charge of the situation, tapes a confession, then commits suicide. We go back in time to the moment where the core blows up, presented to us from a window far away in the night. The news is received with skepticism from people that aren't scientists, except Dyatlov who keeps saying it's all right. The scene where they look directly into the core is very impressive and we're shown what the effects of radiations look like on people. Beautiful sequence sees people on a bridge look the light generated by the explosion in the dark of the night while breathing the contaminated dust coming from the power plant, as children play in a park, unbeknownst to they're about to go through Acid rains start as we're shown the burning power plant from very close. A man in the meeting shows his concern about what is really goin on but the others participants shut him down, until an old man suggests to close the city to prevent the spread of misinformation We hear from Sitnikov, a scientist, who tells the heads the measurements say 200 roentgen, but they all don't believe him, then Dyatlov vomits and is taken to a hospital. We see the smoke leak during the day as more people die from contamination, while 2 scientists try to close the valves by hand. The episode ends with the death of a bird, falling down from the sky in the nearest city as the cloud of radioactive smoke reached all the way to it.

Lucifer: Pilot
Episode 1, Season 1

Slow start but grew in me as I continued watching
Lucifer starts up as a very cocky and annoying, typical american lead role, yet as the episode rolls on we learn more from him and how he morphs other people to his will by locking eyes (and we are shown how someone can prevent his control by avoiding eye contact). Chloe is a very though policewoman with a troubled past and a complicated familiar situation, having a 7 year old daughter and an ex husband in competition with as he's working in the police department as well. The plot that will follow us throughout the series is introduced to us by presenting Lucifer's brother who tells him he's needed back to Hell because his departure would mean that all the demons that were there would come out to haunt earth. The setting is in LA, where real world pop culture is common but we also have fictional celebrities, such as the girl who's killed in the episode and who our two main characters are trying to find out who the murder was, throughout a pretty intricate web of sex drama. Funny ending with the therapist, whom Lucifer promised a night in the paradise of sex in exchange for an important detail in the lead they were following, who gets her wish granted. Slow start but grew in me as I continued watching

Lucifer: Sweet Kicks
Episode 5, Season 1

Getting better and better
For the first time we hear about the infamous deal with the devil, which obviously implies repercussions that Lucifer doesn't feel responsible about. A clan war is the outline for this episode, where there are betrayals and love affairs. Our main character seems thrilled by the chance of feeling pain after the latest developments. Chloe plays hard to get with Lucifer. Linda is lured towards Amenadiel, who pretends to be a therapist himself to learn about Lucifer's confession. But the clear kingpin of the episode is undoubtedly Maze, since we see her true ninja abilities, but more importantly how she's feeling betrayed from Lucifer who is getting closer and closer to Chloe, exactly how she's doing with Amenadiel, and, as biggest lore reveal, we learn about her purpose and true look

Lucifer: Manly Whatnots
Episode 4, Season 1

You must really like him
This episode had all what I never knew I wanted from this series but know that I do it just needs to follow up on it. He questions himself and Chloe after all his failed attempts at her Chloe shows a more playful side while with Lucifer in the "Player speech" Lucifer's playful and lighthearted approach to life can lead to some slips which can blow Chloe's cover for instance Manadiel is back and shows all his strength again Maze, as we once again witness a subpar CGI Great biblical references with the apples covering a naked Lucifer and right after that we get a glimpse at the scorch marks left from the wings he once had Gripping episode plot this time, with a few unexpected and appreciated twist and turns. Chloe is about to fully believe Lucifer after all the questions and evidence she has, with a great surprise when she shoots his as we would have expected him to actually be invincible after all the build but he is, surprisingly, vulnerable. On a side note, I just love Chloe's little daughter, perfect acting and writing behind her character.

Lucifer: The Would-Be Prince of Darkness
Episode 3, Season 1

That's a river in Africa
This time around we only got specks of actual plot development, while on the other hand a lot of filler content. Chloe's family situation keeps getting trickier as her husband makes a step forward towards her and then seems to make 2 backwards. Chloe is also starting to believe what Lucifer is claiming to be, and she is analyzing both his physical and psychic powers. Lucifer's human side is getting bigger by the day, as he is starting to help innocent people due to them influencing his soft side. Linda, now Lucifer's lover, is a staple in the series giving insight into on the former angel and his late change in attitude We also get a bit more into who Maze really is, showing how ruthless and sadistic she can be

Bird Box

Started skeptical, regretted at the midway point and finished disappointed.
I admit that I watched this flick a little late, but after many praises I decided to give it a go. I really liked the atmosphere (thanks also to the soundtrack), the setting of the present part of the plot and especially enjoyed the great performance by Sandra Bullock, as well as the choice of monster without a shape, almost like a well done version of "The Happening". Now let's talk about the bits I didn't like, which are of course the ending, that left me with a sense half baked and rushed part, that really made me feel like I lost 2:04 hours without a real finish to the story a was drawn into.

Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes

Needed documentation of a Killer's life
Slow start but as it unfolds the tension grows along with the interest towards the image and the persona Ted manages to create, and speaking as someone who knew him only by name, this docu-series deliver in its attempt to let you know him and his story better. The best part of it all is how short & easy of a watch it is to sit through, with episodes ranging from 50 to 75 minutes for the big finale, that underdelivers with a Climax not fitting of the whole set up spanned in the 4 episodes. The effects (both visual & acoustic) are good but do not peak that often, as you would expect from a high level production coming from Netflix. All in all a good installment and another feather to the cap of good Netflix productions.

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