Reviews (70)

  • Jak and daxter is brilliant platformer, it has great controls, visuals, music, acting, cutscenes, pacing, variety, locations and a solid if basic story. The game has a banjo koozie structure where you collect power cells, to progress further into the game and orbs which allow you buy more of them etc. The villains tho are kinda bland and not well developed and not being able to play as daxter is kinda weird to since its called jk and daxter. The vechles control really well and it's challenging but doesn't go to far for first time players, theres no loading throughtout the game to which is impressive and camera is pretty good to. Give this game try and it goes to show that looks can be deceving.
  • Luffy has always been awesome to me and is a far better character then people make him out to be for many reasons. People say he is stupid, doesn't change, is a manchild etc. I say no to all of those things because he is badass, funny, cheerful, caring to his friends and people in general, smart when the time calls for it, he is dumb yeah but in a adorable way I feel. He is very loyal and very likable here due to him not fighting sanji because he can see through people if they are lying and knows sanji was lying being a traitor. The fact that luffy could have easily killed sanji if he wanted to but he refused to do it shows how much he is selfless and was willing to take all of that damage. Any human in general would have not gone through this experience. He is very brave and smart on an emotional level to. If he was childish he would have run away but he didn't. The music is awesome, the visuals are nice, the storytelling is impressive, the drama, acting. Facial expressions, action and characters are amazing here to. Sanji is obviously guilty about what he did and was upset showing how much he also cares for luffy to. One of the best episodes of the anime and is beatuful throughout. Even the pacing here is forgivable.
  • Star wars is a famous franchise and one that is beloved by many, while I'm not the biggest fan of the series I can say that I loved the oringnal trilogy (yes even the return of the jedi) they had wonderful stories, great acting and writing, great music, action scenes, drama, and memorable characters. The prequels are not that good with the expection of revenge of the sith being good but not great. The sequal trilogy are bad and boring in my eyes. But nothing and i mean nothing can be as bad as this was. The francise even at its lowest had redeeming qualities that made them not completely awful but this special tho has nothing going for it. It offers nothing and has nothing good about it. Confusing plot? Check, Badly written script? Check, bad acting and pacing? Check, pointless scenes that don't do anything? Check. It doesn't have any scenes that anything to do with star wars and even the holidays in general. George lucas himself has gone out of his way to make sure no human sees it and for good reason to. It has no fun action scenes, a lackluster soundtrack, an ending that will make you more angry instead of happy and warm which is what the holidays is all about. 10 minutes into it and I already wanted to shut the thing of but I stuck with it to the end. I can't recommend this to anyone not even hardcore fans of the series. I am not a big fan of this franchise but I would recommend the games battlefront 2 on Ps2 and knights of the old repliublic as well as the oringnals. I guess I would only see it if you really want to see how bad it is. But otherwise avoid it like the plague.
  • One of the best anime ever and a must watch even for non anime fans. The story, characters. World building, action, comedy, drama, writing, acting in japanase, settings, tone, visuals especially now with the wano arc., it's crazy art style and character designs but in a good way. There's so much going on here then meets the eye and while it may have animation/pacing issues they never ruin the entire time you watch it. This and the pokemon anime will always be awesome to me as my favorite animes ever. Watch this before you die!
  • Metal gear solid 2 is an amazing game and one that should get more praise then it deserves. This game was the sole reason I wanted a Ps2 back when I was a kid and it was worth every second in my eyes. I loved the original for its epic storyline, memorable characters, great soundtrack, visuals and art style, fun and challenging gameplay and replay value/Easter eggs. Mgs2 was a game that blew me away in terms of its graphics. For 2001 they are awesome and still look preety nice today, the music is once again great, sound effects are good, voice acting is great, gameplay has been massively improved in terms of its variety, AI, content, and boss fights. The storyline is great tho a bit more confusing then the last game but makes sense when you piece it all together. The characters are great to since they are relatable, badass, funny, interesting, and have good relationships. Raiden does get a bit of hate but honestly I think he was a good character and got better as the game went on. He even becomes a badass after this game to. He made snake look better then he already was and the core gameplay is still awesome fun. The replay value is high due to the number of difficultys and boss survival mode. The main game with cutscenes is very long to say about 10-15 hours. Without cutscenes its still longer then first game. The substance version which came on HD collections and ps2/xbox is the best version to play since you get more content such as VR missions and snake tales which give you more gameplay with raiden as well as snake if you felt you didn't get to play as enough of snake. The controls and camera are better then the first games and so on. Mgs2 is awesome and the ending will tug at your heart. The only flaw I found was the game is very cutscene heavy then the first one. Not that it is a bad thing since the story is great but it can be a lot to take in on your first playthrough. As a metal gear fan I will say that the first four games are fantastic and are my favorite games in the series, some of my favorite games ever to. A must play!
  • This is an excellent cmc episode with a good moral about being good at something is not as important as feeling good at doing something to help others. Gabby is an adorable character and is awesome to boot. She is kind, caring, sweet, upbeat, postivie and helpful to others. Some compliant about her being a Mary sue. But I would say if anything she is a jack of all trades since she wanted to get a cutie mark but was failing throughout the episode and a Mary sue is a character who is always good at everything and also getting what they want. In the end gabby still doesn't get what she wanted and had to face the harsh reality. She even lied to the cmc and was also too hyper and didn't know when to calm down. She was too sensitive at times and lied to try to please others. So in some way she was trying a bit too hard to please others which can be seen as a character flaw. The animation is colourful and cute, the cmcs are really good here and are quite mature, twlight being a dork is always fun and the song while not the best is still nice to listen to. One of the best episodes of the season hands down.
  • This show is known to be a guilty pleasure by many people and is one that is flawed in its ideas and writing. But this episode is so bad and stupid that I love it due to how entertaining it is and how charming it is to. Its story is beyond silly with its acting and visuals, tails is so cute and funny in it to. The amount of fetish that goes into this episode is surprising to since its a kids show. But anyways there are things out there that are so bad it's good. This is one of them.
  • My little pony friendship is magic is far better show then people give it credit for. It mostly gets hated on because its a show for young girls. And why is that a bad thing? I don't know but apparently it just is. In my opinion this show is awesome and the good of it far out weighs the bad of it. The characters are adorable, likable, funny, relatable and feel real. The story lines are good for the most part. The animation is colourful and cute, the acting is solid, the music and songs are really good, the morals are good but some are kinda meh, it's just a great show. The show has 9 Seasons and while the first 5 are the strongest in the show. The last four do have there great episodes to. So all of the seasons I did like expect for 6 and 8 which are not bad but not great either. But even they have good and watchable episodes in them to. The themes of friendship in this show are great to since in real life friends tend to fight, argue, disagree, and have jerk like moments. But the friendship these characters make become stronger because of this. Making us feel like real life should be like this. I love this show from 2014 and I will love it till the day I die. Whether you are an adult or a kid you owe it to yourselves to try it at the very least. My ratings for the seasons are

    Season 1 9/10 Season 2 9/10 season 3 7/10 season 4 10/10 season 5 8/10 season 6 6/10 season 7 8/10 season 8 4/10 season 9 8/10

    My favorite episodes are these but these are also good ones to try out if you are new to the show

    Return of harmony pts1 2, pinkie pride, hurricane fluttershy, sisterhoove social, lesson zero, read it and weep, the perfect pear, royal problem, top bolt, gaulet of fire, stranger then fan fiction, fault in our cutie marks, discount harmony, sparkle seven, slice of life, the mane attraction, sleepless in ponyvile, magic dual, Twlights kingdom, flight to the finish, Amending fences, cutie map pts1 2, the summer set back, sounds of slience, caterlot wedding pts 1 2, saddle row review, hearts warm tail, surf and or turf, what lies beneath, dragons hy, party of one, best night ever.

    So yes if you haven't already give it a try and be open minded about it. If you don't like it thats fine since we have different tastes but try to respect others for liking what they like instead of wasting time being disrespectful to others.
  • The Simpsons has gone downhill for many many years. It's writing sucks, comedy sucks, storyline boring and so many out of character moments. But the first ten seasons tho will always hold a place in my heart for being not only being a lot funnier but far better written with heart, soul, drama, storys that were emotional and thought provoking etc. That's why the show is getting a 10 since its based on these seasons

    Season 1 to 10 10/10 Season 11 to 13 6/10 and the rest 1/10.

    Worth the watch but make sure you stop at 10. Since that's when the show fell apart.
  • Season 4 was great and worth the wait. The acting, writing, drama, comedy, action and everything In it was fun. This finale tho was awesome and is filled with great character development as well as a great twist at the end which I won't spoil since it was out of nowhere and made sense. Definitely worth the watch and I look forward to Season 5!
  • I loved this movie and the franchise to. The first movie is definitely the best tho. The animation is good. The characters are lovable, the story, the writing, drama, everything in it is awesome. Stitch is my favorite Disney character ever to. The sequals are fun but not as good as this one and the series is awesome to. I love this franchise and is one of if not Disney best franchise. It and the series deserves a much higher score then what it has on Imdb. Check out this series whether you are an adult or/ and child. You won't regret it.
  • Resident evil 3 is a great game that is a must play fan for fans of the series and horror/action game in general. The visuals are great, sound effects are solid, music is great, controls have been improved upon with a 180 turn and it being easier to navigate your character. The game has fun gameplay to with good puzzles and gunplay. The idea of gun powder was cool, boss fights are enjoyable and being able to make choices in the game adds to replay value to since the game is quite short. The characters are fun and amusing due to their cheesy acting and writing. But it's done in such a charming way that's it forgivable. You can now skip the cutscenes which was somerhing you couldn't do before. There's even a mericanies mode where you kill as many enemies and play as various soldiers each with their weapons and healing items. The game is rather short but with the different options, costumes, bonus weapons, different endings etc. It makes it stand out more. Nemesis himself is creepy and creative. He adds quite a bit more horror to game as you can't kill when you meet him in the game until the end. This is a fantastic game and I one I highly recommended. 2 and 4 are still my favorites but this one is definitely worth checking out.
  • Avgn is a great guy. I'm pretty sure he is and his reviews were always great to me because not only were funny but informative as well as making sense in what he was talking about. I have been watching his content since I was. Young teenager and now as an adult. It's been nearly 15 years since I started watching him to. His content started going down for years around say 2015 or so. But review is proof that he is running out of ideas and he is doing it to help his family which is fair. But regardless this review was hot garbage, the writing in it is so forced and he is trying way to hard to be funny, it was anoyying if anything and the review didn't much to it. Just a dull, flat, boring, waste of time. I still like going back to his early content say 2006 to 2013 ish. But I do think avgn needs to step his game up or if not needs to get a game over if he is going to continue with these episodes. Not worth the watch and very disappointing.
  • I loved Tomb raiders 1 and 2 so much, the gameplay, soundtracks, visuals at the time, storys, level design, challenge, variety, setting s, the mansions, the boss fights, everything!. Tomb raider 3 tho while decent felt like a step backwards for the series due to it having less tombs to raid, a story that was forgetable, level design that was flawed, pacing that was too long at points, and it being kinda boring in areas. Tho saying that the mansion was enjoyable and the presentation was solid. Tomb raider 4 tho is an improvement over 3 but as good as the first two. Tomb raider 4 has a much better story then 3s and is very good, there is more Tomb raiding then 3, the pacing and level design is better, and graphics were very good for the time, the music is good, atmosphere, levels, weapons, etc. The setting is all in ebypt but I didn't mind this since there is level variety here and for it to take place in ebypt is good since that's a great place to have a game called tomb raider in. While is the game is more enjoyable then 3 and is great there are a few problems. The second half is bit confusing and no laras mansion is a bit of a disappointment to. There are some sections to that could have been better. But overall the game is great and I would recommend it.
  • Night trap was considered a cult classic on the Sega cd/mega CD. It was a FMV game in which you explore different rooms in the Martins home to capture the augars which are these people dressed in weird black suits. You are a member of Scat and the objective of the game is to go to these rooms and capture them with traps that are funny/stupid. It's very short in that it only takes 25 mins to finish if you know what are you are doing. This game is hard if you playing the oringnal versions in that you don't have the screens moving In real time. The only way to master it is too play it numerous times to know when they show up as well changeing the color codes at the right times. Good news is that there is a checkpoint half way through and doesn't take long to get to it. Also the game is the same everytime you play it so it's not random. The music is cheesy yet entertaining, the theme is catchy and well Done, the acting and writing are terrible but in a b movie kind of way which makes it more enjoyable. The characters are funny if undeveloped, the FMV was good at the time, the game has multiple endings, and if you pick up the 20th anniversary version there are options like a survivor mode which is where you try to capture as many augars as you can. The game is repiptive and doesn't have much variety either. But there is something enjoyable about trapping the augers, the campy acting and storyline, over the top music, interesting idea and challenge. But don't expect to be the best thing the Sega CD has to offer. I would give it a try if you like these kind of games and that you are patient. It's also good for a laugh to.
  • Everything about this episode was absolutely brilliant. The music, the flawless animation, brilliant storyline, acting, writing, action and emotion. Toei please stay on top of it, you got something beyond amazing here. One piece is just pure awesomeness and wano so far is one of the best arcs in The series along with Arlong Park, Alabasta, water 7/eniees lobby, sabody, marineford, Whole cake and Dressora. Keep it up toei!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Zoro was one of my favorite characters but this was the episode that made him my favorite character in the series. Zoro was willing to die for luffy by suffering for him and taking a lot of his pain inside him. His determination, confidence, bravery, heroism, and loyalty shows how we as people need to go out of own way to help others and not ourselves. Everyone in luffys crew prove that and fact that zoro said nothing happened and nobody expect sanji knew ade this more impact ful. Probs to oda for being a great writer and is one of the reasons why oe piece is more then a basic story about finding treasure and being king of the pirates. It tackles a lot more then that. Amazing episode.
  • Animation Perfect, music great, fights enjoyable, voice acting and writing great, this was one of the best episodes in one piece yet.
  • It's an OK episode and it's one of spikes better ones. Not a huge fan of Spike but I don't hate him either. Tho saying thorax had very bizarre voice and personality but he was likable enough as a character. The song was cheesy and out of place but not bad either. The message has been done to death but it's a nice lesson even if is unoriginal. Animation was solid and colorful. So overall not bad.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    What can I so about this episode that hasn't already been said. It's outstanding. The ending music used fit well since it was the end of Rogers journey and was the start for luffys. The animation is great, the pacing is solid, the name of the island where the one piece treasure is a great name. The time skip may not as good as pre time skip. But it's still really good because of the last arcs including this one shows that the series is still strong after all these years. I think as of right now no story has ever come close to one piece Imo. If it ends on a great note, It will be my favorite story in any media period.
  • Pocket dragon adventures best episode and one of the most adorable. Binky is a great character and this episode shows why that is. She is so kind and goofy that it's hard not to love her. The animation in it is pleasent, the music is solid, acting is solid, writing is pretty good and it's cheesy ( good kind of cheesy). It's quite kiddish yes but look at it from a kids point of view this is actually pretty well done.
  • The karate kid is a fun heartfelt film with great characters that are relatable and entertaining. The storyline is fun, The soundtrack is really good, the acting is good, the writing while cheesy is solid, the morals are great and so on. Mr miyagi is one of the best characters in fiction and if you haven't seen it make sure you do so. Check out cobra kai to after you have seen the films to get more out of the story.
  • Lilo and stitch is a great series Imo (expect the anime that was bad) but everything else lilo and stitch related was good from the fantastic oringnal, to the watchable fun sequels, to this fantastic show. The show has so much heart and likeable quilities that it's impossible to dislike it. Very similar to Croc on ps1 where it has so much charm that's it hard to dislike. The show has only 65 episodes so it never dragged on. The show has interesting stories that are all good to watch. The animation is colorful and nice to look at, the music is solid and fits the show, the acting is good, the comedy is amusing, the morals are good here to. The characters are lovable, goofy, interesting and unique. Everything about this show is awesome and the franchise minus the anime is good. One of the better Disney franchises.
  • Final Fantasy Vi is awesome and is hands the best in the series and is my personal favorite with IV VII IX X coming in ta a close. The game does so many thing right with it's epic emotional story, excellent characters, stunning soundtrack, great graphics for a Snes game, really fun combat and gameplay. The best villain in the series and a good length for a well paced rpg. The ending will tag at you, the characters backstory are well explained and moving. Just simply put if you wanna try the series out I would start with this one as well as IV VII IX X. It's more then a video game to me. It's a masterpiece and a piece of art
  • Final Fantasy Vii is my Second favorite game in the series and does a great job at everything Imo. Some people call it overrated and overhyped, I myself was one of those people but after finishing it I have to disagree completely. The game has so many good things going for it and even some nit picks can be easily overlooked. The games battle system and limit breaks are fun to use. There's a lot of variety in the fights with the amount of spells and summons you have. It's fights are fast, the material system is highly customizable with easy ways to max it out. The mini games are a ton of fun, from snowboarding to bike riding to the battle areas etc. The Music is awesome, the sound effects are good, writing is good, storyline is really good with memorable moments, characters are realistic, relatable, goofy, charming, and well developed. Clouds journey about him becoming a better person and him getting rid of his mental health problem is all the more rewarding. The ending is satisfying and it's packed full of content. The only problem I can think of are the graphics not holding up but if you take into account it was in 1997 it won't be much of an issue. I think they are charming and nice but again by today's standard it won't look great. Final Fantasy Vii is a must play.
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