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No sex scenes, no shooting, no car chases, no explosions this film is brilliant.
Matthias Schoenaerts is fantastic in this very very sad film. In fact the whole cast are great.

Thats all, just such a great film that ooses atmosphere.

and did I say it's so sad!!!

A must see.


No chainsaws!
Certainly not a film to be avoided, but be prepared to be disappointing. Just OK really, great effects but no chainsaws, any zombie film without chainsaws has to have some sort of gimmick to make up for that. Peninsula doesnt, not even a heavy use of base ball bats!!!.

Still its a zomie flick and thats got to be good.

Blood Quantum

Its got chainsaws!
As the title says there are chainsaws, so com on chainsaws and zombies what more do you need!

The Team

Keep your wits about you.
Very watchable European cop drama. Lars is just Lars very solid and dependable. I really like the Mary Bach Hansen but not so the Jackie one! Does Lars jump into the sack with Jackie or stay with his wife and newborn, have to watch and see! I shall take a break before trying the second series but from what I have read it basically is different!


Follow this if you can
To say that I havent a scooby whats going on would be an understatement. That said it is a show that I cant stop watching. Somehow compelling, I just want to watch more and understand less!. Really well done, I found the first one hard enough to follow so I am deffo in the dark with this one. I will not be going into any caves soon!!!! Watch it , its just great.

The Zoo

Zoo's go wild.
Who remember's Johnny Morris? I remember him when I was a kid and this is just like it. Very witty and dry. Great narrator who really gets into it. Probably wasted on kids unfortunately. Has hints of "people like us" about it, but with animals. Jurgan the gorilla is just the best.

Suburra - La serie

Bella Bella.....
Is this the new Spaghetti Noir, we have swapped the spectacular Scandinavian vistas for the architectural beauty of "modern" Rome. Tightly scripted and devious plot the watcher is left wanting more of the same. The locations in Rome are not as close to each other as they appear but this only maters if you have actually been to Rome. Background music is superb and fits in well. An overall gloomy feel with a hints of hope. None of the characters are appealing, but who to hate, well all really! A super piece of drama. I have just watch the second series and am afraid to say that its not a patch on the first one. Lots of long sad looks and emotion charged scenes!!!! The first series is still good....

Maltese - Il romanzo del commissario

Al Pacino isnt in this Mafia film?
The style and atmosphere of the mid seventies along with the hippies and mo's is just amazing. I feel like I've missed out somewhere! Yes long smoking shots and Fiat/Alfa porn. The town looks a reck but you have to hand it to the Italians, they do it in style!!! Well worth a see.


Paris, Paris, Paris.
Could be any city just happens to be Paris. Well scripted and acted. I am a fan of these interwoven stories and this is one of the best I have seen. How dare one reviewer insults potential watchers by saying they will not understand it, its not complected in any way!!!!! Give this one a go and you will be able to follow it and enjoy it. The bus driver is so good......


This is no train to Busan.
Zombies yes, stunning scenery and superb acting/story line which in itself is something that isn't often not what you associate with a film about the undead. Interesting little twist to add to the zombie knowledge. The buildings are just great along with the costumes. My only disappointment and its the only one is that there are no chainsaws, this may be remedied in the second series, who know!!!!!!!

Nit i dia

Spanish phyco killer
This is the best TV show I have watched this week. Has a sort of French feel about it what with all the broody and faulted characters. No rose ending for some but plenty of closure for others. Super performances all round. Well worth your time, see Spain isnt all the inquisition!


Dark and menacing.
Overall a refreshingly different type of cops and robbers set in the Russian capital. Beautifully filmed and acted. This has a pleasant and dark underlying feel. All the usual cop cliches, cops are the same the world over! Should keep you going until the end, is this the new scany noir?


Brr its cold.
Interesting and do able plot. Great acting and as always with scan noir fantastic scenery. Took me a while to get to grips with the way you seem to go from one episode into another and realise that it is the same story just being told from a different perspective. Yes see if you can only watch one at a time, bet you cant!!!


Its Rec in english
As my heading says, this film is just REC but in english. As good as the Original but in NY. See that one first.

Den som dræber - Fanget af mørket

Vikings and lego land it isnt.
I guess that as if part of your history is a bunch of savage killers(the vikings) then choosing a sicko killer must be easy! Another excilant scany noir poilice drama. Dont worry to much about the technical details just enjoy the photography and acting. Worth watching.

The Mandalorian

Two legged mule.
I agree with who ever said this was a Space spaghetti western. Out here isnt the man with no name but the man with no face!. Its quick , not to much plot to get in the way of the action and there is plenty of that. Some funny bits but all in all its goodies vers baddies, in space. Great stuff. The end of the first esp(did he find who we all think he has found?).

Babylon Berlin

The roaring twenties.
From what I am seen so far its all good. We have seen the commies I assume that we will come across the Brown shirts soon. So far the biggest mistake is the steam train that is used is wrong as the class 52's weren't built until during the Second World War, just a very small and pointless detail that I spotted. No harm done! The costumes etc... are all spot on.


More euro cops.
Yet another well paced and well played TV drama from the Belgium's. No shooting, explosions or fast car chases yet some how they still manage to get their man! The usual mix of misfit caricatures that all seem to mesh together nicely. I am just sorry that Hilde De Baerdemaeker doesn't get to show of her lovely smile more often, but I guess being a murder cop there isn't a lot to smile at!


Just watch it.
Apart from the cup cake scene with Dr Wendy this plods along nicely. Gets a little slow towards the end and probably could have been one esp shorter, but gets there in the end and kept me watching.

The Mule

Dirty Harry it ant.
Mr Eastwood has come a long way since his No name western days. His latest film where he plays an old man(cos he is) is a gem as have been all the previous ones. All much the same type of granddad figure that he does so well. No smart alack wise cracks or big guns but he is none the worse for this. Slow and steady, great stuff.

Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter

Band of Brothers, well sort off!
Forgetting all the political sides and historical inaccuracies(and there would appear to be quite a few) Generation War is an outstandingly made and shot(!) series. Not really B of B as its about five friends on the loosing side! How ever there is a fourth part out there were you realize that it is true, or at least the people were all real and you get to find out all about them and what actual happened. I now that this is a as it happened story but dont take it as a condensed history of WW11 the darkest part of modern history. Worth a watch...7.5 stars.

Kill Your Friends

The truth as we know it!!!
Mr Hoult is really rather good in this piss take of the music industry, or should that be satirical look at the music industry. The pomes or limies may be poor at playing cricket but when it comes to taking the piss there is no one better. Not especially sharp or incisive but brutal and honest and of coarse funny.

Das finstere Tal

Its a revenge film thats all you need to know!
Dark and gloomy everything a modern Gothic horror should be with a splash of 'Pale Rider'. Sam Riley is so good and I just love Tobias Moretti as the lead henchman ,as is the rest of the cast. Wonderfully filmed and shot. To say it is an European Western is to over simply it and an insult to actual Westerns! Admittedly there are horses and guns but so much more......


Tre Bonn
Half way into the series and I must say its all good so far.

I like the way that each episode is complete yet here is enough of the back story seeping through to keep you guessing!

Its strange watching a scani noir esc program based in my old home country.

I have watch this with subs but it may be possible to see it with a dubbed view, not sure just going on what others have said.

So far not a baget or citron in site!

13 Geboden

And you thought there was only 10 commandment!.
Yes Yes Yes scani noir from Belgium. Better than "7" cos Brad Pitt isnt in it. Has the obvious flaws that all TV/Film police dramas have but you can get over them. Well worth the time to watch. Just loved Vicky and her 'Trumpy'. Anther winner from our Continental friends even the cold seems to seep through the TV!!!

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