
IMDb member since September 2015
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The Simpsons: Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?
Episode 24, Season 3

Good episode
Really cool episode lot of funny moments in it and i really did appreciate seen homers long lost brother again all together 8 out of ten for me a lot of funny moments including seen Herb a one time successful businessman and multimillionaire living under a bridge with other one time successful businessmen and inventors. Also the vibrating chair gag was pretty funny all the way through and the bird drinking the water toy. The hands across America and who shot JR references where pretty funny takes you back to a time not so long ago. Early 90's Simpsons in my opinion are the best new age Simpsons not so good but that is just my opinion and i know a lot of people still like the newer ones but i don't think they hold water compared to what the Simpsons was once upon a time

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