
IMDb member since September 2014
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Charming the Hearts of Men

Take a hard swerve
This is missing an open goal. Movies on racism in the south aren't a hard begining. But this movie takes that basic premise and slowly goes backwards with a slow boring story. Thankfully the civil rights movement didn't follow the same trajectory . A terrible waste of time and talent.


Not great
A great script maybe but the movie I felt was incredibly boring . I thought it was a long hard slog to watch till the end. It started flat and went on until the end the same way. This was a lousy movie because of how it was made. The same subject matter could have been a good movie .


No , sorry but No
I couldn't get past halfway, 70 mins approx. It's complete and utter nonsense. And not even fun nonsense just pure stupidity. Watch it if you want to see an ambulance driving bank robbers around with an actress who in no way looks like an emergency medic and her only skill seems to be to shine a torch into people's eyes and shout stay with me stay with me , can't see where the high reviews come from , maybe from the last 70 mins I just couldn't continue watching.

Cry Macho

So close yet so
Half way through this movie with no great expectations . While Eastwood gives glimpses of his excellence, the child actor is truly lacking authenticity. It's like a calforian kid giving a lousy impression of a young Mexican child. Hey Mister in my country we say acting classes are for, how you say . People who need them .


About at the point of giving up on these superhero movies. I think they are being made for fanboys and nerds. A lot of people like superhero movies but movies made like this one appeal to a small minority them.

Old Henry

A good watch
A bit of a slow start but has a solid middle and end. No frills or silly additions. Just a well made Western. .............. extra dots to get to 150.


Very engaging
It's strange having struggled to get to the end of so many recently released movies that this movie which predominantly is four people sitting in a room talking held my attention the way through.

The Lost Daughter

Not for everyone
I didn't watch the whole movie , I gave up 10 minutes before the end as just got fed up and didn't care what way it ended. For some people it probably is an engaging movie . It's seems so many movies lately don't feel any need to entertain but are indulgent dramas that you sit through waiting for them to get better. Even action movies have become very lacking in quality. The best things to watch seem to be tv series.

Red Rocket

Don't waste your time
Don't waste your time hoping this movie improves as you watch it. It's mediocrity is only surpassed by its pointless ending , driving the nail of boredom home without remorse .

The Suicide Squad

40 mins in and the whole tongue in cheek storyline is wearing thin. This whole genre is tiring and this movie is the biggest example of its waste of time.

Being the Ricardos

As someone who watched the show as a child , I enjoyed this movie. But at the end it was a missed opportunity to not show a little clip of old original footage and also more writing on screen about how their live progressed other than saying they divorced.


I found it good rather than brilliant. It's beautifully shot and well acted. More of an afternoon at home movie than a Saturday night watch. As an aside why does a review have to be 150 words. Some reviews go on so long , they feel longer than a movie and seldom are read to the end.

The Unforgivable

A good watch
Sometimes reviews influence how you come to a movie but don't let them stop you watching this movie as I nearly did. Admittedly it took a while to gain emotional traction and S Bullock is very sullen looking. But it was a solid movie and a good watch.


An enjoyable yarn . Couldn't give full buy in as the character with AI was portrayed as a machine with human personality. And that's not AI . They are machines and software programs. Any personality they have is what we project onto them . Just like Wilson in cast away is just a ball , the same wasn't the case in this movie . We are to believe the robot hanks makes is a sentient being. A bridge to far.


It's ok
It's a movie that is not in a rush . The whole thing is a bit flimsy . The most annoying point for me was the character of the daughter , who was so obnoxious You'd be relieved she's in prison not trying to get her out.

The Power of the Dog

There was a good 15 minute stretch where it was compelling. But otherwise it was a dramatic indulgence that had no narrative or destination. Its an intellectual equivalent of spiderman. Save your time and don't watch.

The Beatles: Get Back

Interesting but long
Really interesting to watch their process and interactions but it very much needs to be edited down from 7 hrs to 2 hrs . It's far far too long and tedious for anyone but obsessive fans.

Sardar Udham

Not bad
A bit slow in parts . It's no surprise the cruelty of the British army. They still consider the perpetrators as hero's. And even now are trying to give them amnesty from criminal trials for murdering innocent civilians in Ireland.

A Killer Uncaged

V watchable
I wonder are negative reviews a failure to distinguish between not liking the main character and not liking the documentary.

I felt he was definitely not sincere at all . And his use of religion as a vehicle to enhance distorting the truth was very transparent.

Not sure the justice system is logical in how it handles reintroducing criminals into society.

The Billion Dollar Code

A bit depressing in the end
It wouldn't be a revelation to me if Google was a bad actor. But your hoping and expecting in this movie they get called for it . So it was a bit of an anti climax when Google won. Maybe it's a good movie because it shows something that is a reflection of real life where sometimes the good guy loses. Would have liked to see in the end credits where are now etc. Google amazon apple Facebook. , maybe not good for us but they are good at what they do .


As a piece of entertainment its OK. But as sympathetic as you feel towards a person who is always against the odds. The constant poor choices and decisions the main character makes leaves you thinking they are getting the appropriate results from their terrible judgement. Like I got hit by a car , feel sorry for me but I Walked out into moving traffic.. maybe that's the charm of the peice it's not scripted to logic.

Black Widow

Outside of the action sequences which were just ok. , the dialogue and storyline were boring. The comic / entertainment aspect between sisters and parents was flat and didn't work . Its one thing to try to be good and fail and another to be just terrible which is what this movie is .

Black Widow

Outside of the action sequences which were just ok. , the dialogue and storyline were boring. The comic / entertainment aspect between sisters and parents was flat and didn't work . Its one thing to try to be good and fail and another to be just terrible which is what this movie is .

The Guilty

Not good
This movie is a bit of a mess. Some movies you save for the weekend with a few beers and a take out. This movie isn't one of them.

The Father

Its ok
I can't decide if its a clever movie that's about dementia or just a clever movie that uses Alzeimers as it's medium. Anyone who has experienced Alzeimers knows these movies are just popcorn representations of what's involved .

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