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The Boy Behind the Door

Decent movie with common flaws
Overall I thought it was a suspenseful and engaging movie. I like the atmosphere, the minor twist regarding the bad guy reveal, and it has decent acting. There are some long, drawn out scenes and not a lot of dialogue.

The downside is that the writing is a bit silly, like horror movies usually are. The boy has many chances at getting away, but stays to rescue his friend. He has a chance at incapacitating the bad guy, but doesn't and gets hurt because of it. It is tropey at times.

The most annoying part is the unnecessary added political insert of a "MAGA" sticker on a bad guy's car. Clearly the writer/director is another sufferer from TDS. Thankfully it was a minor and short scene, so it didn't annoy me too much to the point of deducting the movie's score. It's just such a dumb, unnecessary and mean spirited statement of sorts that didn't need to be in there and added NOTHING to the story.

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