
IMDb member since May 2014
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    10 years


Snow Day

Only saw a trailer and already dont want to watch it.

Exact remake and trying with every character and bird to recreate an original. The 2000 movie was funny and original and good. This already seemed awful.

The acting is typical nickelodeon and the writing has no imagination. Why not make a sequel.of the original? Then you had a good start and something to build on.

Why cant they make these young actors act? They all do the same bad acting.

The writing these days is non imaginative.

The directing and producing is always awful with these kind of movies. They are all the same bad quality.

Be original and be better.


This movie did justice to the games! You cant have everything that is in the game, the gameplay is hours and you can put in a lot of story in a game. In a movie you can only do so much. You only have 1.5 to 2 hours before you lose the audience, because the movie gets to long. This is not the kind of movie you can split in 2 parts when debuting a game adapted movie. In my opinion they did great with the story telling and while building the characters. Having played and enjoyed the games for countless of hours, I believe they did the games and the lore and story and Nathan Drake (awesome cameo, that voice is recognizable to the true Uncharted fan) justice. A great movie we thouroughly enjoyed!

Love Is All You Need?

Biggest impactful movie of the year!
*MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS* Love is all you need? is the movie you need to see! Why? Because it focuses on a topic that is still very current. It focuses on bullying, in every way possible. Even the new cyberbullying is being addressed by way of cellphone texts.

This movie got really close to me. Not because I am gay or within the community of LGBT, although I am supportive of this community. But because I was bullied when I grew up. And now my first niece is transgender and in the process of becoming a guy. And although my brother doesn't say it with much words, but I know my niece/nephew is being bullied. But the support is greater and that is what matters.

The characters in the movie are being perfectly portrayed by excellent actors. Definitely Kyla Kenedy, who we know from Walking Dead, is amazing. A rising star. Her performance is terrifyingly good and left me in tears. Briana Evigan plays a football player in an all-girl team, which I thought was refreshing and perfectly fits the movie. Her performance was excellent and when her character gets humiliated by her former girlfriend, you feel her emotions, you just want to take her in your arms and say, it's going to be okay. Tyler Blackburn plays his character excellent and to find out what happens to his character is heartbreaking. B.C. Griffin plays the villain and he does this well. You really feel the hatred that a lot of people have towards the LGBT community. And this is what needs to change! The movie graphics felt like they were big studio production, but it was a small budget movie and this is thanks to the excellent writing and directing skills of Kim Rocco Shields. Her vision and her will to change the world is being felt thru the movie. The multiple story lines entwine perfectly towards the end of the movie and will leave you shocked.

The fact I am still talking and thinking and referring to this movie months after I have watched it, means it left a big impact. I want people to change their thinking about bullying towards anyone. The news proves it over and over, this subject it still current and needs to be addressed and dealt with and it needs to be deleted from this world. People who think this topic isn't current, have been living under a rock and should wake up. Bullying destroys lives and is never good. Love is all you need? addresses this fact and shows that even the bible believes that Love is what matters above everything else. A fact that Kim Rocco Shields perfectly used in this movie. Being LGBT and being religious can go hand in hand. Bullying does not.

The movie was excellent in every way possible. My wife and me absolutely loved it and are still talking about it to friends and family and anyone who wants to hear about it.

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