
IMDb member since April 2005
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The Union

Trying to be a low end James Bond
Seriously bad. Ten minutes into the movie and you think it smells. Thirty minutes in and you know it stinks. Not sure how much they paid for it, but it really wasn't worth it. The sets were horrible. The acting was forgettable (not the Mark Wahlberg is a good actor), but JK Simmons or Jackie Earle Hailey or Adewale Akinnuoye-Aqbaje are great, why are they in this?! It has to be for the money! The plot, the entire thing is like a kid trying to write James Bond, and not very well.

Honestly, you would think with this much talent that it would be better. But, with the dross that Netflix puts out it's not really that surprising. If you need to kill time and have brain cells you don't need, watch it. But, you probably have better things to do, like now the lawn.

My Life Is Murder

This is a mix of Murder She Wrote, Death in Paradise etc. All of which were/are cheesy. The writing is mediocre and the stories aren't all that complex.

It's a cute series. But, not overly complex. Acting is mediocre as well. I mean let's be real. All the most recent cop shows are not overly complex. Unless, of course, you're talking Line Of Duty or similar shows. This show is light fair to pass time. Not overly complex stories. Scenery is ok. Nice views of Auckland. One of the things that really makes it fun to watch. But, if you are looking for overly complex fair. This isn't it. It's cute and fun to watch. That's it.

STHLM Blackout

A lot of it made no sense. The writing is crap. And frankly the characters aren't all that likeable. I've seen the actors in other roles. But, here they are bland versions of themselves.

If this is what passes for good tv I'll pass. It is trite. Poorly written. Jumps back and forth, frankly it's a pain to keep up. I watched the entire series, hoping something real would happen. Nothing really did.

Bored cops. Scarred ex-journalist. There was an older British show called 'The Wrong Man's', which was far better written and the characters were just better developed.

There are many things that simply just don't add up. Watch it if you're bored. But, don't expect much.

Silent Witness: Grievance Culture - Part 1
Episode 3, Season 27

Best episode to date
I love the series and like all series, it's had ups and downs.

This 2 episode arc was one of the absolute best. It tackled the idea of social media, stereotypes, and who exactly is 'in charge' in a social media setting. Is it the crowd? Or the dissenting voice? Or, more to the point, the voice of reason, dissenting or not. All these things are touched upon, as people in social media are free of repercussions because they are hidden. They rarely see the fall out of their actions, or inactions.

They can make accusations without repercussions. Ironically, that was never the intent of the internet. But, it is the intent of social media. Divide, foment hate and monetise it.

These 2 episodes deal with that well.

Mister Mayfair

It's a series of low budget movies
I started watching it because Armand Assante is in the series. He also produces it. Wow!

It's not a good wow. It's badly written (I'm being very polite here). Badly acted. They try to make it into a more thrilling thing versus what it actually is. It's predictable.

That is the problem. It's like a train wreck. You simply can't look away. Overall, the series probably deserves a lower rating versus the 4 I've given it. The entire thing is like a bad spy movie. Scratch that, it *is a bad spy movie*.

Watch it if you really want to. But, honestly, don't expect anything. As I said above: badly written, badly acted, badly shot.

You've been warned.

Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial

overall very good
It is a very well done documentary that shows the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party. A very good job of covering the aftermath of the devastation that they caused across Europe and gives some insight into what could have happened if they went unchecked.

To me, the most glaring omissions in all of these documentaries is not the why of the Nazi rise to power, but where they got all the funding and support. I guess, because no one wants to talk about the American money that funded them. Henry Ford, the Dulles brothers etc. There was a great deal of support amongst American money to bring them to power. This is well documented but not discussed in these things because it puts America into a bad light. It also is quite telling as to why America was not interested in really getting into the war, until it absolutely had to. Not that it was pivotal, that was the Russians.

Harry Wild

I put this on in the background just because, I expected it to be just as cheesy as Death in Paradise, or Beyond Paradise, which let's face it, are OK, they are mediocre at best. This is a little better, and reminds me of reruns of Murder She Wrote. The only thing I will say, is the acting in this is much better, I mean it does have Jane Seymour in it... it is well written and the dialogue, more often than not, is realistic, swearing etc. Just like any normal people do.

The individual episodes are nothing special, but, as I said, overall it's not a bad show and kind of sucks you in to watch it. You don't know why... you just do. It's not a bad series and worth a look.

Doctor Who: Dot and Bubble
Episode 5, Season 1

Best Episode thus far in the new sereis
This episode was a complete surprise. The entire episode was a huge critique of the flattening of our culture thanks to social media, technology and algorithms. It was able to cleverly show how everyone in this modern society is looking losing touch with reality, only looking for like minded people and has a hard time thinking for themselves. All of this is due to a reliance on the algorithms that are in all our devices, how they (seemingly) control our actions and our interactions with the world around us. It shows how those same algorithms and our technology can turn against us as quickly as it can help us. But, I think the most telling thing of all was how all these people, despite the fact that the doctor helped them escape, refused his help in the end, because he was not one of them, or like them. All in all I would put this up against a Black Mirror episode any day. Well done, once again.a great example of what Steven Moffat can do.

Shahr zii aleasal

A mess
The premise is promising, if cliched. He needs to get married because his (wealthy) father demands it. She wants to get married to get revenge on her ex who married her best friend when he was dating her.

So, the guy needs to get married. He's more or less open about the why. She, on the other hand is lying to him on the why. Throughout the movie. Basically, he is a nice guy trying to do the right thing. She is manipulative, secretive and looking for revenge in her ex. Always dragging her new husband to where she thinks her ex is. Ultimately they find him and the truth comes out. Her husband dumps her. But, they realise they have real feelings. And her back together. And she has the nerve to tell him that she is tired of his lying, when she's the one that's been lying practically the entire movie.

The script is horrible. The concept a cliche. Don't waste your time.


Now I remember.
I watched this show when it first came out. I loved it, but after a while I became disenchanted with it. I couldn't put my finger on it. Until I realised that what bothered me was that Sean is a real narcissist. If something doesn't revolve around him he makes it about himself. Everything he does is for self promotion. Yes, he helps people, and there is some level of growth. But, in the end his narcissistic behaviour is not endearing. It's disturbing. How so many miss that in the comments is beyond me. Once I realised that about the main character, I couldn't unsee it in all of his behaviours.

I've tried to watch it again. But the same thoughts came back.


A bunch of religious nuts
This movie is basically just a bunch of southern US religious nuts talking about how the reptilians have been ruling the earth, and it says so in the bible (the talking snake thing). According to them the vatican is also complicit in it this plot, as are other various leaders.

All of them are scared, pretty much defines many americans, that run around with guns, the christian extremists that are afraid of the LGBTQ++ community, women etc. Add to that the idea that evolved reptiles rule the planet and you pretty much have everything covered by these people. I can't think of anything else that they are afraid off, but I'm sure they will find something more.


has moments
Hes some good moments but not enough to make it worth recommending. Overall the story is not new. Basically, just a ripoff of many other similar movies, where the employees are screwed over by the evil boss and they try to get back what they are owed... like I said, it's not a new story. The movie itself is not originally acted or shot. The three main leads are good. Not great. I lot of reviews here are glowing about the movie, but I found it to be nothing special. It's not even that funny. It's not even that empowering, unless you've never seen the 100's of similar movies. Watch it if you must or want, but don't expect much.

The Beautiful Game

it's no Cool Runnings, but very good
I am generally not a fan of sports movies, or team sports in general. But, I thought I would give this a go because I am a big fan of Bill Nighy.

The movie itself is a bit all over the place, and doesn't seem to find itself until the team gets to Italy. Until that moment, it's really hard to understand what is going on (at least I felt that way) with the individual players. We only know, that for whatever reason, they are all homeless. Once the action starts in Rome, we begin to understand the underlying issues for all the player. That is where it gets interesting. It's also based on real people and, obviously, the Homeless World Cup. I had never heard of it before, but now that I have I love the idea of how it helps people.

It certainly is worth a watch.

Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies & Cyber Attacks

biased and poorly done
Let's discuss a few things about this: they fail to mention that pretty much all dating apps do the same thing - provide a venue for dating and affairs. Ashley Madison was simply open about it. All dating apps have more women than men on them, and AM is not any different. Why, if that is the case, did they focus on mainly men? Why did they focus on the idea of extramarital affairs etc. When the real issue was the hack and the reason behind it.

Basically, it is a highly biased and poorly put together 'documentary' that they want to use to portray the evil of AM, while failing to really do any real research into the overall online dating world. Frankly, the entire hack was clearly someone wanted to take down AM, they were, and still are, quite successful (I have no affiliation with AM). They should have looked at the hack and the social engineering component in more detail. They have discussed how, it may have had a positive impact on relationships (as was said in one interview - there is a difference between sex and love)... overall it was clear from the onset there was an agenda.

Private Eyes

Another cliched show
I started watching it because I was bored. I thought it was badly written, mediocre acting, but great views of Toronto and unashamedly refers to street's and areas of Toronto.

I liked Cindy Sampson in Supernatural. I was never really a fan of Jason Priestley, but he is very likeable in this show. To say the least the show has grown on me. Now I'm on season 3. I don't know whether to be concerned about my show watching or just enjoy it for fun show it is. I also started liking the two actors that play Maz and Zoe. Ultimately just a fun show to watch. Just don't expect any great writing or acting.


It's not bad... not great
I do not expect great shows or movies to come out of Netflix any more. This is a great example of the mediocre crap that comes form them. Will Forte as the annoying American that has never been anywhere, likewise his equally naive assistant, and the Irish/British reporter that is cynical and jaded... played well by Siobhan Cullen.

Basically it follows them around trying to figure out an old mystery in a small Irish town. It is written almost as a podcast, where you can see things coming from quite a distance... one of the only things I learnt was that Samhain is pronounced sah-win or sow-in, properly. That was one of the few things I took away. Otherwise, it is just another mediocre Netflix show.


Before "The Last of Us"
This game came out before "The Last of Us", and that game is just a more brutal adaptation of this game. Both series, as a result are quite good. After watching both, I can honestly say that I prefer this version. Its dark humour, its dystopian I love it. The choice of music is excellent and adds to the dystopian feel of the show. I can't wait to see what they do with the second series in the show. The ending certainly opens up a bunch of possibilities.

This show is really about a version of Edgar Allan Poe's "the Story of Dr. Tar and Professor Feather", or as they say in the show "what happens when the ranchers have more power than the sheriff". In the end, we still don't find out, really. We just see that they are just two sides of the same coin.

Monkey Man

A bit of a mess at times.
Overall a great story and great action. Not really seeing the John Wick thing. Maybe more of a die hard connection. Either way it's a good story, good characters. I do like Dev Patel and the things he does. He is a well rounded and talented actor, producer, writer. He has definitely moved beyond where he started.

Honestly, this movie could be set in any big city and still work. That he set it in a location he knows best is fantastic. He has insight into the locale. That is what makes the movie work. The struggle that everyone feels to get out from under their respective circumstances. The things that a person has to do to leave things behind. The sacrifice (wanted, unwanted and needed).

Definitely worth a watch.


It's just bad
I understand rebooting a show. You can't compare the original. Different eras. Different sensibilities etc. That isn't the issue, at least for me. The issues are 1) acting - it's mediocre at best 2) writing - predictable and just poor 3) the premise - poorly thought out and just not done well (see 2 and 1, above). Overall unless you are just not that bright and want everything spoon fed (or you're 10 years old), this show will hurt your brain. It has very little to redeem it and I tried. I tried watching it. In fact I gave it 5 episodes. Hoping it would get better. It didn't. Nothing happened.

It's not worth the brain cells.

Blue Lights

great series
Let's get this out of the way: it's a slow, sometimes painfully so. The action can get a bit intense, but it is infrequent. I think that the show is trying to show the drudgery of everyday life as a cop in Northern Ireland. I'm not Irish. Clearly. I do like good police shows as long as they are not as formulaic as the North American ones tend to be. This is not. Is it dull at times? Yes. Is it well acted and scripted? Yes. Does it seem to reflect what goes on in Northern Ireland? I don't know. I think it does. It's unfortunate that they killed off Richard Dormer's character in the first series. I like him as an actor, and I think he would have been great going forward. But, that is not my decision. Regardless, great show. Worth watching... FYI, the second series is much better, and apparently there are 2 more planned.

Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver

The first of these was horrible and I gave it a 3. This movie, which I was hoping would be better, is not. It deserves worse... but I'm being kind.

Basically is just a crappy remake the Seven Samurai, or Magnificent Seven, if you prefer the American versions. The story is weak. The writing is horrible. I can't actually believe that this was purchased by a studio for anything. Since usually the movie is worse than the book, I can't even begin to think of goes bad the book is.

Overall, the actors are good and I expected better from them. But, there is only so much you can do with a crappy script.

Road House

Overall better than expected
The only downside to the movie was Conor McGregor. His acting is not great. But, I'm not sure if that is just the way he moves or the director just couldn't get him to act.

Jake Gyllenhaal was great. He did a really good job at playing the lead. He was likeable, and tough. Everyone else in the movie was good, just not Conor McGregor. It kind of turned me off.

Overall the movie was a good updated version. It was different enough that you can appreciate both for different reasons. Honestly, I kind of like the update.

Yes, times are different and most remakes suck. This one didn't suck. It is not a perfect movie, just a great deal of fun.

3 Body Problem

Great series
Love the series. But, honestly, I've never seen a bunch of more selfish individuals that are essentially just wimps. The interesting thing is that there is one truly amazing character amongst the main character's and he is initially presented as the weakest. But, he turns out to be the strongest of them all. The others are just wildly annoying and painful to watch.

I had heard of the books. I knew of the 3 Body problem from maths. The series, as I said, is really well done and's I love it. But they really could have made the main characters more likeable. Benedict Wong and Liam Cunningham are great as always.

The Madame Blanc Mysteries

good background noise
This is a mediocre show, but it's not bad. Basically Death in Paradise meets Murder She Wrote... both equally mediocre shows.

Overall it is enjoyable, with some annoying characters, and typical brits, mostly overweight. The acting is better than I expected. But, overall, it is just a so so show with not much mystery. Most of the 'mysteries' are easy to solve, even not watching and having it in the background as noise I can figure it out relatively easily. Some of the actors are better than others, some are overacting like crazy... I blame that on direction... but as I said... it's not a bad background show.

Madame Web

not great, but not bad
Ok, the movie is a bit of a mess. It isn't all that great... The writing is predictable, but overall, it's not as bad as some of the reviews would have you think. I can't help thinking that the writers just didn't get the concept. The 4 main characters were good, and you were able to see where they were coming from and where they were going. It was a messy ride though.

To be fair, I was never a fan of the Madame Web character, if in the graphic novels/comics. But, I thought I would give it a go, since I never want to believe really bad reviews, as I always think that (especially where there are female leads) the reviewers have issues with female heroes. As I said, is it great? No. Is it worth a look? Yes. Just understand that it is a good concept, but it could have been better.

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