There is a meaning in this Wonder It seems that most viewers expected extensive plot development from this film which was not director's intention. This is an avant-garde film with allegories and room for interpretation. But it really wasn't that difficult to decipher through it, come on. The film opens up in France among sooo much beauty: castles, sea, arts, streets, human energy and a couple in love in these inspiring, magic surroundings. She is Ukranian-French. A dancer. Piano player. All of this is very romantic. They can't keep their hands off each other. Their attraction and chemistry are very strong - to the point that he take her back with him to Oklahoma. Then some time later - fast forward to Oklahoma, which shows a striking contrast to France, consisting of several notable differences: a) empty nothingness b) housing development of characterless, fenced in model homes c)ugly, toxic industrialization d)poor, uneducated, drug addicted underclass living in dilapidated housing among whom even a priest is losing his faith in God. None of the aforementioned are conducive to love and romance and thus the couple starts to lose their love and chemistry, resorting to discourse and fighting and ending up in resentment. Marina obviously experiences a culture shock, engages in irrational behavior and their relationship falls apart. Yes, Neil could've chosen Jane instead of Marina as his mate but there was something different about Marina which attracted him more to her than to Jane, who was more culturally compatible to him and that perhaps bored him.