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Not as good as the hypr
Pros: Decent story

Meh: Too much violence and cussing Animation leaves what to be desired

Cons: Most of the story makes no sense.

Most of the voice actors are not very good Most characters are two-dimensional

I was expecting a lot from this series after reading all the reviews, though after watching it, i feel like the hype is over it being different rather than it being good. That does not mean the show is bad, it just isn't anything special.

The animation is mediocre and the voice acting is mostly wooden, save a few characters. Most of the characters are two-dimensional as well. Cookie cut to create a situation for the protagonist to be different. There's also lots of cussing, for no good reason.

The story leaves out a lot of things. There's detail in the main story but the background things (secret identity, and anything related) is completely ignored, making you wonder how can people not realize who's living next door. Things are only obvious to the people the story requires it to be obvious too.

One thing it does have going for it is the variety. While the story is not very deep, it is released is small amounts in order to involve you. In a sense they are "wide" where they are not deep.

Overall, beyond the hype, if you don't watch this, you are not missing much, though it can be enjoyable just for being different.

Captain Marvel

Lots of action, not much else
I watched this movie just to watch the MCU, though i had no particular interest in this character nor know anything of the history. After watching it, i can say i do not like the character. But whether that is the character, the actress, or whatever, i do not know.

One of the main reasons to watch a movie is to feel for the protagonist. The main character here is hard to like. She is supposed to be confused but tough. The confusion seems forced at times, and the toughness just doesn't really work. I kind of felt she was trying to be someone she was not, as opposed to just letting her character shine.

A great deal of the time she acts based on her training. That is done well. Other times she uses her powers, yet she is inconsistent with what she knows about her powers at any given time. Reactions to being hit change based on the story rather than what should actually happen. Overall, if not for the light show, many of the action scenes are just plain boring.

The story is convoluted. That is the point, to help you deal with her confusion. Yet, it makes it really hard to get the story across nicely. While it isn't bad in this movie, it isn't particularly good either. Meh.

Fury and Coleson seemed to act within character, though a little of Fury was cheesy, i'd give him a 8-9/10. The acting, the lines, all good. Captain Marvel was given a bunch of one-liners, and while a few times they worked, the rest of the time they were just stupid. I'd give her a 5 or 6.

Overall, i consider this not so great a movie. If you want just another action flick or just to see all the MCU, it's not a waste of time. If you are looking for a good movie though, you might be better off going elsewhere.

Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace Against the Universe

  • Phinneas and Ferb
  • A couple of the gags
  • Songs
  • Characters
  • Plot
  • Most of the execution

I watched this movie because i love the show and the first movie was amazing. Compared to the first movie, this movie is terrible. Even the mediocre episodes are better than this. I would go as far as to say that's it's got almost none of the magic, and only a little of the usual humor.

All of the voices are there as are the main characters. The movie spends a lot of time making fun of what the characters are supposed to be doing rather than just doing it. For example, in one episode of the show, after the doof evil inc jingle, we see the people singing it in the next room. In the movie, they make fun of the music or sound effects as well, except they wonder about it and then give up. It's a cute gag gone stupid. There's another where they do other stupid things with social media and whatnot. The humor just falls flat.

A second major point of the story is the sentimentality. It really doesn't flow. And then when they bring it to its crescendo at the end of the movie, where it might have worked, but because the build up was so bad, it's comes off poorly.

They even tried to pull off a scene similar to the now-is-now scene from Spaceballs (where they watch the movie to find the rebels). Cute idea, but painful to watch.

Not everything is terrible though. Doof has a cute invention and a half-decent song. Norm has a cameo. The opening scene with Doof is worthwhile.

I don't think the creators lost their touch, inasmuch as tried too hard for meta humor. I'm surprised the movie made it past the test audience.

Overall, i would recommend not wasting your time on this movie. Even if you're a fan of the show, it's mostly a boring waste of time.

Yakusoku no Neverland

Decent, though a little overdone
  • Good animation.
  • Decent storyline
  • No filler
  • A lot of the characters are touching and presented well.
  • Starting from the second episode, it is a thriller.
  • Faces are strange
  • Some plot twists might have been better without them
  • Adults do not need (and thus likely wouldn't) to act that way.
  • The logic used is a bit over the top.
  • The outsmarting is a little annoying at times.
  • Kids are unrealistic.

Starting from the second episode, this anime kept me wanting to see the next one, so much so, that i watched it all in one sitting. A lot of the show is done well, such as the colors, music, voices, relationships, and setting. The setting itself is laid out in the first episode, and the plot starts with the second. It really does flow well.

The story ends up being about accepting fate or challenging it, and logic, wits, acting, and outsmarting. This is a double edged sword. For the plot to work, they must be children, and yet, the maneuvering and most of the emotional states are far beyond what a child could muster. I was thinking it'd be better with teenagers or older, but then the setup would have to be different. So, you have to suspend disbelief to enjoy the machinations. Obviously, for the whole premise to work you must suspend disbelief, but that's to accept fantasy. Here, you need the main actors to be children for this to work and at the very same time, they act like adults. The actions and reactions are in stark contradiction.

The adults are also a little unbelievable, but it's nothing out of the ordinary for this sort of story. Sometimes they don't seem to think things out well, even though other times they are well ahead of the kids. Meh.

The faces are drawn a little strange, but that could just be the animation style. Maybe a face was too pointy, and a smile looked strange. Nothing major, just a little weird.

The history of the world they live in is unknown, and that is part of the plot. Some characters point out the unknown, and that works out well. As much as i want to no more, the story (at least season one, which is all there is right now) demands you do not, which keeps the suspense fresh and interesting. There aren't too many surprises on this front, which is nice.

The plot has a plot twist here and there to fit in with the outsmarting, and outsmarting to protect you. It's not terrible, but i thought the show would be better without it and just focus on the main plot. It's already good as it exists and the twists are not required.

The final episode has its own twists, which is mostly done well. It's quite touching and a good final episode for the season. It provides some satisfaction while leaving room for more. Well done.

All in all, this is a decent anime, and i would probably like to see another season, just to see what they do with the characters and the world they live in. I just hope they tone down the smart/outsmart plot twists a tad. In any case, it deserves a solid 8.

Dokutâ Sutôn

Interesting idea, characters are annoying
(This is only a partial review. I dropped the series before finishing the second episode.)

Pros: -Interesting premise Cons: -Characters are ridiculous and annoying.

Characters are tropey, and supposedly (from the reviews here) that is what carries the show. Aside from being absurd, they are just plain annoying, to the point where i was waiting for it to change. When they added the third character and who was no better, i decided to drop the show.

Kanata no Astra

Interesting, if you can look past the silliness
  • Good graphics
  • Interesting premise
  • Overall, nice progression
  • A lot is predictable
  • Individual stories are disjointed
  • Reactions are sometimes absurd
  • Explanations are boring

This anime is an interesting mix. It starts as a whodunit but doesn't go much in that direction. It ends up being about trust, survival, and discovery. The overall plot is interesting even where it isn't perfect.

Each episode is either something to overcome, a reveal, or both. Most of these are pretty bad. The way they overcome problems is either convenient or ridiculous, and reveals are boring. The worst reveal is in the first third of the final episode, which reminded me of the Architect in the Matrix. The show would probably have been much better off without it somehow.

Most of the characters are tropey, though almost all have some growth. The growth is usually instantaneous, and yet it ends up working well in the story. The voice acting is decent, though i thought one or two of them were not perfect fits. Not bad, just not perfect.

The story also makes good use of Checkov's gun, and does not add any useless details. They come back in surprising (and ridiculously convenient) ways. I thought they did that well.

One of the characters is added as a plot device to give more backstory and is hardly used otherwise. The show would be much better off without it.

The final episode is long and boring.

For anyone who enjoys the four temperaments, elements, etc.. the show is nice. I was able to guess what the fourth planet was based on the three before it. Personality types are pretty extreme, but they do a half decent job (and make fun of it nicely).

What carries the show is the premise, the progression, and a few of the challenges. I think it deserves a 7 or an 8, i rated 8 because i enjoyed it for the most part, and other than the final episode, wasn't bored at all. Even with all my nitpicks, i would easily recommend it for anyone interested in scifi.


Surprisingly enjoyable mix of comedy and action
Pros: Good story Well placed comedy Character development Meh: Graphics So much death Con: A lot left unexplained.

For a series from the late 90s, this has sure held up well. The graphics do not compare to today's artistry, but that really does not get in the way. Instead, we have a story that starts off with humor and ends with some seriousness, yet keeping the same pleasantness from beginning to end.

A lot of the story isn't explained, and that does leave you wanting. Similarly, a lot of the incidents that force the story to progress make no sense if you actually think about them. Nonetheless, the progression is there, and that really is all that matters. Most fights make no sense either, but they are fun nonetheless, especially when they "explain" them.

The good guys and bad guys are clearly defined. The good guys are easily relatable. The bad guys are despicable. It's an easy watch.

The show does technically cover a deep idea or two, but unless you want to think about them, it's a simple story with comedy and action. I found it surprisingly enjoyable to watch. If you're looking for a good anime, i would recommend adding this to the list.


Nice plot, didn't care for the story.
I watched this anime because someone recommended it to me. I didn't really like it, but not because it wasn't good, instead, i just don't like silly teenage love stories. I was going to drop it after the second episode, but it was just barely good enough to see what they would do next, and i ended up watching the whole thing. That being said, i wish i could send a letter to my past self telling me not to waste the time.

Anyway, the graphics are mostly okay, the music is decent, and the mood is soft and sweet. The story itself is predictable, but the "we're close friends but not dating" aspect was just plain absurd. The plot extends past the first episode only because everyone involved is inept. I don't think there is any other way to explain it. Also, the whole opposite attracts thing doesn't seem to exist in this universe.

On the good side, the plot is definitely interesting and the dual storyline with their acceptance of what they believed to be the nature of things was interesting. All the feelings are conveyed well and the voices fit the characters. If i liked these sort of stories, i'd probably rate it 7 stars, maaaybe 8.

Overall, if you like teenage love stories where everybody cries all the time, this is a really good anime for you. If not, just read the plot and move on.

Bokura no

Interesting idea, poor execution.
I dropped the anime in middle of the 8th episode, so this is a partial review.

Pros: Interesting idea. Meh: Graphics, Music Cons: Inconsistency Reactions are not realistic Character background is sappy Character progression is ridiculous Basic questions are not asked or answered

The story is about kids who got into something without realizing what it was. When they begin to realize, for the most part, the story demands that they do not react normally or that they wait before they do. Cause/effect reactions are inconsistent and happen at a time convenient to the plot. Further, the amount of time things take to happen are tied to the sub-plot instead of "reality".

The drawing is not that great; most of the characters look ugly. The music is nothing of note. The only thing that kept me watching was waiting for a big reveal or at least answer some basic questions. By the sixth episode i was getting bored, by the eight, i dropped it. What a waste of time.

The idea is interesting though. Just poor execution.

Vinland Saga

Pretty good
Pros: Decent story Decent animation A few decent fight scenes Touching scenes Shows some of the sobering realities of war Musical score fits well A few characters are three-dimentional Meh: Some of the graphics are kind of cheap but not terrible. Some of the faces are drawn ugly Most fights are not really shown Cons: Some of the character have nigh-magic powers A lot of the story is cliche. Verdict: Decent anime if you can handle blood and gore:

When i first saw the anime i was wowed by the graphics, mostly because of the colors and movement. That much is indeed gorgeous. There is some noticeable "cheating," but rarely where it matters. The music fits along with it well, and the voice acting is pretty good as well.

There's more than one story line, and they are interwoven well. That is decent. The stories have few surprises, and the episodes move them along nicely.

Most of the characters are two-dimensional, with a very few having any real depth. There's no real character development other than a sudden (almost ridiculous) change of heart, which would have been much better had it happened over multiple episodes.

The story has lots of blood and gore, though a little of how terrible war is slips in here and there. That seemed treated well, so much so that you can feel for both sides.

Some of the characters have almost magical powers, such as always winning fights or whatever. I wish that were treated more realistically, but it doesn't really kill the story. Plans though are usual;ly spoken out and explained without getting boring. Nicely done.

All in all i liked the show and it easily deserves 8/10. Were it not for the cons, i would rate it 9 instead.

Sangatsu no Lion

Too slow for me
Anime looks like it has potential, but it was just too slow for me and i dropped it at around the fifth episode. I didn't like the drawing style either; everyone's mouth looked funny, and it was distracting. The crying, while not bad, didn't seem that great either. Overall, it was meh.

I don't mean to say the anime is bad. Even in just a few episodes i was able to see the characters have some depth, and the main character develops, with all his thoughts being vocalized. There is a certain sweetness to all the characters, even the cats. I can see there being a lot going for this series if the drawing style doesn't bother you and you don't mind really slow stories. It just wasn't for me.

Basilisk: Ouka Ninpouchou

Couldn't follow it
Tried watching this anime, dropped it in middle of the second episode. I couldn't follow it, too much was going on, and the scene switching was enough to make me dizzy.


Pros: Character depth Colors Human side of things Mood

Meh: Story

Cons: Plot holes Many important events to move the story happen off screen.

This anime is a strange one. The story itself is average and much if not most of it makes no sense. The plot holes are bigger than the plot, and i almost stopped watching it in middle because of that.

Nonetheless, the mood and music are nice, the story is slightly interesting, and not everything can be guessed with regard to what will happen next. The characters are drawn interestingly and with much color, so it's not boring to watch.

There is a human side to the story, and they take the time to develop many of the characters insofar as it is possible. That is the show's saving grace.

If you don't watch this anime, you won't be missing much. Conversely, if you do watch it, you probably won't regret it too much.


Pros: Story Suspense No filler episodes Character backgrounds Varied characters Consequences Character design conveys a lot

Meh: Overall design is not fancy

Cons: Tiny amount of gratuitous nudity and suggestive positions

Overall, this anime is excellent. The story is amazing, the episodes continuously push the story forward, and even background stories are driven by the main plot and to some extent are needed by it. There is a feeling of suspense is every single episode, not the the type that makes you sit on the edge of your seat being scared of what might happen next, rather, involvement with the characters and a feeling of impending doom pervades the story enough for it to be felt.

The story itself has a few twists, perhaps one ever ten episodes or so, but the twists do not turn the story on its head in any sense of the term. Instead, the twists are how the protagonist and supporting characters unravel the history and figure out what will happen next, with assumptions developing over time with new information, and you get to be part of that. The twists feel natural, to the point where it seems odd to call them twists, even though that is what they are.

The animation is interesting. From an aesthetic standpoint i found it wanting. From a communicative standpoint, i found it excellent. You can tell a lot about the characters just by the way they are drawn, from nationality to personality, and i find myself going back and forth on how to consider it. Regardless, the way they draw the eyes seem a little strange, and when they show emotion, they just shake them, which again communicated exactly what they wanted it to, but seemed a little unnatural.

The story itself is sad and sweet, and as the pieces fall into place the history makes more sense. I thought the end was fitting but rather anticlimactic. It's meant to bring the story to an end but felt unsatisfying to me even if it fits. Though it is nice how they finish telling the stories of many of the individuals so you can feel somewhat happy for them.

There is a lot of murder in the story; that is, in a sense, what it is about, so it is expected. There is a little nudity and suggestive material here and there, which serves no purpose other them to set the mood for a short scene. I was taken aback by it because it was completely unexpected, and decided then to not give this anime 10 stars.

Overall, i think the series deserves 9.5, 9 because it is excellent, but not 10 because of the character design, gratuitous suggestive material, and unsatisfying ending. In any case, it is of the best anime i have ever seen, and would definitely suggest a watch for any anime fan that enjoys a good story with proper development.

Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic

Surprisingly good.
Pros: Nice animation Complex storyline Outcomes are not obvious A lot of different players used well Decent character backgrounds

Meh: Many fights are won because of the script instead of skill. Usage of Arabian Night story names can be confusing at first.

Cons: Things are hard only the first time, then it's easy for everyone Some histories make no sense Innuendo thrown in for jokes, for the most part, detract from the story.

There are three seasons and each season has its own name. Season 1 is Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, Season 2 continues the story as Magi: The Kingdom of Magic, Season 3 is a prequel about Sinbad, telling the first half of his story. Personally, i rate the first season as 8/10, the second season as 9/10, and the third as 7/10. The first season tells a decent story of its own and then sets up for Season 2, so overall, 9/10.

The animation in the show is pretty standard, it's the story that makes it decent, and the intrigue and philosophical issues that make it shine. It's not deeply philosophical or anything like that, but in the course of the story it touches upon slavery, revenge, classed societies, blind allegiance, and redemption, and many other topics. Most of these are shown in histories and given as reasons for acting this way or that, and in most cases, they spend at least a moment showing both sides of the argument and how people react to them. I don't know if this was all intended to be looked at that way, though it is an impressive amount of ideas that i only noticed in retrospect.

The story itself incorporates a lot of ideas. Arabian Nights plays a role in the names and a little of the background, with Aladdin and Sinbad prominently mentioned. There's the magi who guide and choose kings with hints of the New Testament and the wizards from Lord of the Rings, and of course King Solomon and his wisdom from the Old Testament. In all these cases the names and perhaps one or two of the famous attributes are used in the story, but after that, nothing is really the same. The use of the good and bad parts of magic, and even how magic has affinities is similar to the Force in Start Wars.

After the background is set, a lot of the story revolves around the politics of various kingdoms, their ideologies, and how they do business. It can get hard to follow if you have a hard remembering too many things at once, but it's worth it when everything and everyone comes together. War is a fact of life in this anime, and cunning decisions are made quite well.

The background stories are given as required, and part of the story is discovery. The discoveries are given at the right time, so it's not like you wonder when will they tell us this already. It's done well.

There are a few points that are stupid though. Fights are won because the script says they are, and they just aren't interesting outside the graphics for the spells. There are bad guys that take forever to kill at first and after that someone can kill tens of them in one shot. It can get crazy at times as the story progresses, and you just have to accept it even though it makes no sense.

Another good part of the story is who the hero is. Since you follow one person, you root for him, but there are others with good or noble causes either at first or as the story progresses. That you do not know who is "good" and who is "evil" adds a nice complexity, and it is done quite well. It isn't like the "complicated" backgrounds used elsewhere as a cheap imitation of depth.

I don't think this series deserves 10/10 but it certainly has potential. The complexity and philosophical aspects that you come across in the story make it a good watch, and i would definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good story.

Kamisama hajimemashita

Stupid but cute
This is romantic comedy with a background sort of similar to Spice and Wolf. The story itself is stupid but nonetheless cute and has its moments. The most interesting part, perhaps, is to to see what the next episode will do.

There's hardly any character progression other than a childish he was stupid/bad until now and now he's a good guy. The main character has basically no progression other than moving through the story. The story itself nothing special.

Dropped after the first season.

Noein: Mô hitori no kimi he

Sub-par animation, random (at least at first).
This is not really a review, as i dropped the series partially into the second episode. Nonetheless, i thought i'd add a comment here about the quality.

The animation here is pretty cheap, the cgi, the lack of detail in many scenes, and the action sequences in strange colors, make for sub-par animation. It isn't terrible, and i kind of got used to it by the second episode, but it already made me not want to like it.

As other comments here explain, the story will make little to no sense in the first episode. Because i read the description and comments here i was able to make a little sense of it, especially with some explanation in the second episode itself. Still, it makes a lot of things seem random. Not in a let's figure out the mystery way, it's just weird stuff happening.

So, if you want things to make sense, or you require decent animation, unless you really want the story here, i would skip this. Obviously, ymmv.

Akatsuki no Yona

Nice story!
Pro: Background music supports the mood very well. Story is not predictable. Main characters are not always as they seem. "Complicated" characters done properly. Story progresses nicely.

Meh: Fight scenes are mostly glossed over.

Cons: None

I was amazed by the beauty of the show from the first episode. The animation is nothing special, but the colors are done well. The musical score is excellent in combination with the scenes and properly conveys the appropriate mood. The story was not what i had expected, and although there are no twists, per se, things do not turn out as expected. As the story progresses, more things come to light, and you begin to appreciate the motive.

The story is about a princess who must gather four legendary warriors. For those who appreciate Keirsey's temperaments, there are four warriors plus one leader, and five tribes, usually presented as four plus i guess the ruling class (unless i misunderstood). Although they do not go into too much detail, it's nice to know it is there.

The story stops after the first season, and some recommend reading the manga for the continuing story. I don't know that i will, but the story is so intriguing, i feel like i just might do that.

If you are looking for action, there is only some here. That is, it is not chick full of fight scenes, but there are a good few. This anime is more about character progression with a decent story as a background. I would highly recommend this anime if you are looking for something decent to watch.

Bungou Stray Dogs

Pros: People have powers but do not always use them. Some nice graphics Characters personalities defined right at the start.

Meh: Fights are won because the script says theyare.

Cons: Story is childish. Little makes sense other than this is how it is. Every time the story gets serious, they add ridiculous humor. Characters personalities are extreme, and mostly act like children.

Before i even start i must say i dropped the anime after six episodes because it was painful to watch. It seems like a standard anime that starts bad and gets better as it establishes the basics, except that it doesn't get better. I don't always like the humor in anime, but it does give each series its quirks. Here the humor just keeps on going until its painful.

The fight scenes make no sense. Fights are won simply because the script says they are. Fight scenes aren't shown much unless they want to show their abilities. Now, when the abilities do show, they are done nicely, which is this anime's saving grace. But when the majority of the episodes are just ridiculous and painful to watch.

Hajime no Ippo

Decent story if you like boxing, and maybe even if you don't
Pros: Decent story Nice backgrounds for characters Some character growth Animation is really nice Easy to relate to the characters

Meh: Fights are somewhat predictable.

I really liked this anime because it had a decent story with nice animations. I am not a sports fan, so the story just wasn't for me, and i ended up dropping the series after about 12 episodes. Nonetheless, i felt i had to remark on its quality. The characters are likeable, the fights are fast paced, and you almost being to feel for the characters being punched. The animations really do communicate well, and is worth watching an episode or two just for that.

If you are not a sports fan, it's less likely that you will enjoy the story. Then again, there is a lot to relate to. I only dropped it because boxing rubs me the wrong way, and even then, i just had to watch a good few episodes first. So, from me, i have mixed feelings about the anime. But if you're looking for a decent story, you might just find it here.

Ano hi mita hana no namae o bokutachi wa mada shiranai.

Pros: Decent story Characters have a little depth Ending is touching and a little unexpected

Meh: Way too much crying A number of things are predictable

Cons: Obvious plothole

This is a sweet anime that is apt to make you cry. The storytelling is very good and slow as it is, it keeps moving. The characters to have some depth, at least as much as you can cram into these 11 episodes, though it is a little unreal.

An obvious plothole is there were obvious ways to prove he was not hallucinating. Also, the amount of crying was a little annoying. Ignoring the backstories, the crying, and the plothole (which isn't hard to do), it's decent. I would recommend this anime if you enjoy tearjerkers.

A.I.C.O. Incarnation

Decent, fast moving anime, though not particularly special
Pros: Moves at a fast pace. Most things are explained.

Meh: Story is nothing special. Mildly thought provoking.

Cons: None, really.

This is a basic anime with a semi-clear goal early on, and a few twists along the way that aren't too crazy. There a couple thought provoking aspects to it but nothing major. The ending is a little perplexing,, as you wonder why they are doing that, and then they wrap it up nicely for you anyway.

Decent, fast moving anime to watch, nothing terribly special though.

B: The Beginning

Emjpyable to watch.
Pros: Nice graphics. Story fits. You can identify with the characters. Some character development.

Meh: Bad guy is obvious from first episode. Most of the characters are cliche.

Cons: Story is given as flashbacks, so you have no idea what is going on until 6 episodes in. Very little reasoning is given for most things.

Conclusion: Nothing special but surprisingly enjoyable to watch.

The more i think about this anime, the more i come up with reasons not to like it. The story is fragmented and incomplete, you just have to that people can do this or that or not at all, and i don;t wonder about the story in my head. All these elements usually make a bad anime in my book. I don't think the story is anything special, and they left so much out the entire thing can be turned on its head. Otoh, the graphics and production and quite good, and i cared to watch it all the way through. I couldn't bring myself to rate it lower than an 8 simply for production quality.

If you're looking for an anime to watch, this will likely do the trick. If you're looking for a good story, not sure if this will fit the bill, though that's going to be person taste. A lot of the notes compare this to Death Note. I really do not see the comparison at all.

Star Trek: Picard

Not Star Trek

Patrick Stewart. Beautiful graphics. Decent, short fight scenes. Held off on cameos for a few episodes.


Computer UI reflects what is shown in other movies today and not very trek-like. Some scenes are out of order. It's cool and all, but will likely date very quickly. Stewart far outshines almost all the other actors. Lots of backstory added to make each episode make sense. The story is mediocre and people's beliefs are cliche.. Trek is more of the setting rather than the content.


A lot of cussing. Everybody has a stupid sad backstory. The amount of coincidences in who knows whom is ridiculous. They added a Jedi, except he uses a real sword instead of a lightsaber. There is almost no tension when anyone does anything. People seems to have magical powers to do this or that.

The first episode is very nice, the second episode is stupid. The others are okay. The story itself is meh and cliche. It feels like a stretched out movie, kind of like Star Trek 9.

While i would not say it is a waste of time, it's not really Star Trek either.

Black Clover

Average, but it has its moments
Pros: Lots of episodes, variety

Meh: Graphics a little under par, story makes no sense

Cons: most fights make no sense, action packed scenes are done poorly

There's nothing spectacular about this anime. The graphics are slightly under par, the music is ok, the story is silly, and the more you think about it the less it makes sense. Nonetheless, it has its moments.

The first 20 episodes are kind of boring. They set the premise and tone though. After that its not boring, but not terribly interesting either, except for a few episodes here and there.

The graphics are a little cheap. Not bad, just not great. There a lot of scene reuse and leaving characters still for many frames. Action packed scenes are even worse, with less detail and a lot of just skipping the characters around. But they smooth it over well anyway.

There's also about one flashback in every 30 episodes, and another one or two stupidly designed (in total). Nonetheless, they are pushing out a new episode every week, and currently there are 92 episodes. What they do not have in quality they make up with quantity, and it's probably as good tradeoff here.

The premise is an interesting one, but most of the story and characters are trope after trope. The characters are slightly relatable but also annoying. Most of the characters are shallow, yet they do grow here and there. It's weird how so much is a little bad and also a little good. Whoever is directing all this seem to be making some decent choices.

I think the series deserves 6/10. But it has its moments where you might get excited and other times when you might laugh. It's not worth it to watch the show just for those though.

If you are looking for an anime to watch, this one can certainly fill the need once you get past the first 20 episodes. But if you don't watch it, you really haven't missed anything either.

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