
IMDb member since September 2013
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    IMDb Member
    11 years



Best mini series I have ever seen!
I have seen a lot of mini series, I love British TV - but I will have to say this is probably the best I have seen. Riveting. unpredictable and intense without over dramatization. At first it took me to a little slow but as i got to know the characters and the story that was progressing, I was hooked. The ending - I didn't see coming. But is was done so well. Relatable to so many people without being over the top. I found every character had such an important role that the ending almost came as a surprise. If you want a show that is realistic without being over the top - but at the same time relateable - this is it!!! I only hope season two is as good. The characters were amazing. The story line was believable. i could not stop watching it. If the other seasons are written with thew same demeanor and the same quality _ i will be sure to watch them all.

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