
IMDb member since June 2013
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Don't Let the Devil In

Poorly Made, Written and Acted
In my opinion, this movie was one of the most poorly made and written I had ever seen. It moved through the plot so slowly and and the dialog was very choppy. It seemed as if the entire cast was hired from the town it was filmed in. Most every character couldn't act and wasn't able to speak without awkward pauses. The filming was jerky in spots, which may have been intentional, but it didn't make any significant impact and made the film seem cheap (which it seemed to anyway). The audio was terrible. In spots it sounded if it was recorded in a toilet. It had a hollow sound and at times had sound that didn't seem to go with the scene. Scenes would jump and make no sense whatsoever. Some may say this was gave the film an artistic feel, but to me it just made it a poorly made B film (can a worse rating be given?)

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